Implementation of a MPC-based Secure MeanShift Algorithm using Crypten.
crypten, scikit-learn, matplotlib
conda create -n crypten python=3.6
pip install crypten
pip install scikit-learn
pip install matplotlib
Disclaimer: Tested on several different Machines.
conda activate crypten
Generate random centers in a [0, 1], [0, 1] plane, for 4 centers.
Generate random clustered point, using gaussian distribution around each centers, 250 points for each center (marked by different color).
Use scikit-learn to get the ground-truth centroid (marked by X).
Randomly sample a small set of points as dusts, this step is essential to cut down the polynomial runtime. This would iccur error in the final centroids. According to paper xxx, this approximation is accurate enough with less than 1% error [1].
Calculate the distance between point and dusts. Both are in the form of secret share.
[1] Cheon, Jung Hee, Duhyeong Kim, and Jai Hyun Park. "Towards a practical cluster analysis over encrypted data." International Conference on Selected Areas in Cryptography. Springer, Cham, 2019.