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jacquesd edited this page Nov 22, 2012 · 2 revisions

Second Meeting

Material for first milestone

  1. Jacques is going to talk about the architecure
  2. Marga is going to talk about the work load splitting and the next milestones


  1. how to make the format portable
    1. how is an author going to create questions
    2. how are the data of each question stored
    3. how is the markup of each question stored
  2. Take a look at the ANKI format
  3. Come up with a solid db implementation
  4. Jacques should create a demo with the following features (branch feat-question-integration):
    1. Multiple answer question (view and data)
    2. Question with textual input (view and data)
    3. impress.js slides
    4. two different implementations of storing the data for the question
    5. list with pros and cons
  5. Margarita should create a demo with the following features (branch feat-user-auth-test):
    1. Express.js with static server to display files (you will find a static server as a node plugin)
    2. Create basic user authentication (Use plugins)
    3. Experiement with the RESTful urls and views. For example a url for the list of presentations, a url for an interactive presentation and so on, with dummy data.
  6. Max is gonna prepare some screenshots for the presentation to display the user scenario to the class

Friday: meet at 1:00pm at Open Space

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