Clone the repo and make an empty directory named app
in root folder, which will hold the project files.
The nginx > service > extra_hosts has a domain name mapped to the app.
This needs to be added in host machine's host file
echo ' laravel-docker.test' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
docker-compose build
// build prerequisites containers
docker-compose run --rm _composer create-project laravel/laravel app
// run container, executes and then destroy
docker-compose up -d nginx
// run containers in daemon mode
docker-compose down
// stop containers
docker exec -it php chown -R www-data storage
// set laravel permissions
docker exec -it php chown -R www-data bootstrap/cache
// set laravel permissions
docker-compose run --rm composer install
// run container, executes and then destroy
docker exec -it php sh
// ssh into container
docker exec -it php kill -USR2 1
// reload ini config