Releases: ARGOeu/argo-messaging
Releases · ARGOeu/argo-messaging
Version 1.6.0
- Bumping gorilla handlers and context to latest versions
- AM-338 ams: Use the official mongodb client
- AM-38 Introduce MongoDB integration tests in AMS
- AM-326 ams:Introduce trace id identifier in logs
Version 1.5.0
- AM-311 Upgrade to go1.19
- Update docusaurus dependencies
- AM-306 Static analysis assessment fixes
- Update Postman CI/CD collection to use x-api-key header
- Update
- Create CITATION.cff
- Create
- Create
- AM-292 Process for adding a new mattermost integration
Version 1.4.0
New features/Enchantments
- AM-284 API Call: Per project_admin usage report
- AM-287 cascade delete of metrics for absent resources
Version 1.3.0
New features/Enchantments
- AM-254: ams: Enable create_sub to handle mattermost webhooks
- AM-258 ams: Enable sub_mod_push to handle mattermost webhooks
- AM-255 ams: Update push functionality to handle mattermost webhooks
- AM-260 ams: Extra subscription field that indicates base64 encode/decode of payload
New features/Enchantments
- AM-172 Display hostname and distro information on ams api version call
- AM-186 Registration: Add comment field in the :decline action
- AM-187 Topic: attach schema to a topic
- AM-188 Topic: dettach schema to a topic
- AM-103: Upgrade TLS version to 1.2
- AM-154 Allow x-api-key header in CORS settings
- AM-141 Extend the version api call to include the service's version
- AM-162 Fix issue with some fields displaying timestamps in local time instead of utc
Version 1.1.0
- Update documentation
- Process for removing unused kafka topics
- Process for handling rebalancing of topics partitions' replicas
- Fixes over various log messages
- AMS /user/profile call doesn't work correctly with x-api-key header
Version 1.0.8
New features/Enchantments
- DEVOPS-395 Add checksec through jenkinsfile
- ARGO-2927 - Users:listall & project:members option for detailed view
- ARGO-2767 Implement authorization header
- ARGO-2704 AMS Security - Document
- ARGO-2749 Ams token-creation change hash of random generated byte array to sha256
- ARGO-2707 Create a new metrics API Call
- ARGO-2706 Add extra subscription field created_on
- ARGO-2705 Add extra topic field created_on
- ARGO-2701 ModifyPushCFG api call should also update the authorization header
- ARGO-2686 ams: support header authentication on remote for push messages
- ARGO-2649 Extend the health API Call to include push server connectivity errors
- ARGO-2918 Escalation of Privileges via Docker daemon socket mounted in container
- ARGO-2930 Sub and Topic ACL should be initialized as empty array
- ARGO-2920 Remove Authentication token from request URL
- ARGO-2964 Full hardened go binary
- DEVOPS-346: Remove downstream swagger job triggering
- ARGO-2901 Remove API version and commit from api call
- ARGO-2899 Vulnerable GO version
- ARGO-2898 Administrative authentication tokens leaked in application logs
- ARGO-2762 Projects:members user count bug
- ARGO-2453 Update README in messaging
- ARGO-2688 Argo-messaging break handler tests code file into several files
- ARGO-2687 move handlers file to package and break it in several files
- ARGO-2673 Wrong offset report in stale subscriptions
- ARGO-2659 FIx day counting in Daily Message Average API Call
Version 1.0.7
** New features **
- ARGO-2497 AMS Tests for its automatic deployment
- ARGO-2390 Migrate argo-messaging to use modules
- Migrate argo-messaging to golang 1.14
- ARGO-2383 Update the UserUpdate API Call to include the newly added fields
- ARGO-2382 Update the UserCreate API Call to include the newly added fields
- ARGO-2381 New API Call - List all registrations
- ARGO-2380 New API Call - List one registration
- ARGO-2375 New API Call - Decline a user's registration
- ARGO-2374 New API Call - Accept a user's registration
- ARGO-2373 New API Call - User register
- ARGO-2363 Extend ams user model with new fields
- ARGO-2364 Allow project admin to add users to its project
- ARGO-2330 Allow project admin to remove users from its project
- ARGO-2329 Allow project admin to change roles for its project's users
- ARGO-2326 New API Call - Project member(user) create
- ARGO-2307 AMS schemas: add support for avro validation
** Fixes **
- Update
- ARGO-2342 Check validity of service roles when creating an ams user
- ARGO-2325 Bug creating/updating user with empty project name
- DEVOPS-65 Add Jenkinsfile
- DEVOPS-210 Add trigger of argodoc
Version: 1.0.6-1
New features/Enchantments
- ARGO-1947 AMS subscriptions should be allowed to have slow start as their retry policy
- ARGO-2045 New API Call - Create schema
- ARGO-2046 New API Call - Retrieve schema
- ARGO-2047 New API Call - Update schema
- ARGO-2050 Topic:create should allow to link schema
- ARGO-2060 Schema should follow the topic/subscription reference/name
- ARGO-2048 New API Call - Delete schema
- Update doc index
- MKdocs page initialization
- ARGO-2068 New API Call - Retrieve all schemas under a project
- ARGO-2090 Add version info in argo-messaging binary
- ARGO-2086 Idea for argo-messaging: add validate action to schema resource
- ARGO-2146 Migrate AMS scripts to python3
- ARGO-1984 Prohibit duplicate project references in user profiles
Version: 1.0.5-1
New features/Enchantments
- ARGO-492 Add configuration parameter in the push configuration for max_messages per push action
- ARGO-1921 New API Call - Average daily messages
- ARGO-1892 Remove update subscription status functionality from the ams push server
- ARGO-1880 List user members of a project
- ARGO-1670 Perform the RPC Subscription Status on api call Get subscription
- ARGO-1870 Add AMS metric: consumption rate on subscription
- ARGO-1834 Add AMS metric: publishing rate on topic
- ARGO-1828 API Call - Get offset from timestamp
- ARGO-629 When a topic is deleted in the api, ensure topic is also deleted in broker
- ARGO-1820 Update the messaging service to use the latest sarama version compatible with kafka 2
- ARGO-1854 Change the way we utilize the sarama.ClusterAdmin in order to avoid EOF/broken tcp pipe errors