HomePage is a property acquisition search application, of which, allows the user to view housing market data, in real time. This is a full-stack application using MongoDB, Express. js, React. js, and Node. js (MERN) that allows a user to create an account in order to search for properties that are for sale.
Millions of shoppers are looking for their first, next, forever, and even their temporary homes on any given day. Home Page is an app devised to offer customers with an on-demand availability of the housing market.
Head to this link to watch a demonstration of the app- Demo
For this project, our group use a concept of CSS-in-JS, which abstracts CSS to the component level, using JavaScript to describe styles in a >declarative and maintainable way. We went with the styled components which uses the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style our app.
In the command line you will want to npm install
Next, you will npm run develop
in order to have the front end working simultaneously with the back end.
Head to our website: Homepage
Clone our repo, run 'npm install' in the command line, run the Schema in MySQL workbench, then run 'node server.js' in the command line. Open your browser to the appropriate local host.
Thank you to Penn LPS Coding Bootcamp, instructors, peers
The application you're enjoying is covered under the MIT license