All URIs are relative to, except if the operation defines another base path.
Method | HTTP request | Description |
createImage() | POST /v2/create-image | Create an Image |
createPdf() | POST /v2/create-pdf | Create a PDF |
createPdfFromHtml() | POST /v2/create-pdf-from-html | Create a PDF from HTML |
createPdfFromUrl() | POST /v2/create-pdf-from-url | Create a PDF from URL |
deleteObject() | GET /v2/delete-object | Delete an Object |
listObjects() | GET /v2/list-objects | List Generated Objects |
createImage($template_id, $body, $output_image_type, $expiration, $cloud_storage, $postaction_s3_filekey, $postaction_s3_bucket, $meta): \OpenAPI\Client\Model\ResponseSuccessImageFile
Create an Image
This endpoint creates a JPEG file(along with PNG) with JSON data and your template
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-KEY', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-KEY', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\APIIntegrationApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$template_id = 00377b2b1e0ee394; // string | Your template id, it can be obtained in the web console
$body = array('key' => new \stdClass); // object
$output_image_type = 1; // string | - Output image type(JPEG or PNG format), default to `all`. Options are `all`, `jpegOnly`,`pngOnly`.
$expiration = 5; // int | - Expiration of the generated PDF in minutes(default to `0`, store permanently) - Use `0` to store on cdn permanently - Or use the range between `1` minute and `10080` minutes(7 days) to specify the expiration of the generated PDF
$cloud_storage = 1; // int | - Upload the generated PDFs/images to our storage CDN, default to `1`. If you have configured `Post Action` to upload the PDFs/Images to your own S3, please set it to `0`.
$postaction_s3_filekey = 'postaction_s3_filekey_example'; // string | - This is to specify the file name for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. - Please do not specify the file extension - Please make sure the file name is unique - You might use slash (/) as the folder delimiter
$postaction_s3_bucket = 'postaction_s3_bucket_example'; // string | - This is to overwrite the AWS Bucket for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`.
$meta = inv-iwj343jospig; // string | - Specify an external reference ID for your own reference. It appears in the `list-objects` API.
try {
$result = $apiInstance->createImage($template_id, $body, $output_image_type, $expiration, $cloud_storage, $postaction_s3_filekey, $postaction_s3_bucket, $meta);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIIntegrationApi->createImage: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
template_id | string | Your template id, it can be obtained in the web console | |
body | object | ||
output_image_type | string | - Output image type(JPEG or PNG format), default to `all`. Options are `all`, `jpegOnly`,`pngOnly`. | [optional] |
expiration | int | - Expiration of the generated PDF in minutes(default to `0`, store permanently) - Use `0` to store on cdn permanently - Or use the range between `1` minute and `10080` minutes(7 days) to specify the expiration of the generated PDF | [optional] |
cloud_storage | int | - Upload the generated PDFs/images to our storage CDN, default to `1`. If you have configured `Post Action` to upload the PDFs/Images to your own S3, please set it to `0`. | [optional] |
postaction_s3_filekey | string | - This is to specify the file name for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. - Please do not specify the file extension - Please make sure the file name is unique - You might use slash (/) as the folder delimiter | [optional] |
postaction_s3_bucket | string | - This is to overwrite the AWS Bucket for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. | [optional] |
meta | string | - Specify an external reference ID for your own reference. It appears in the `list-objects` API. | [optional] |
- Content-Type:
- Accept:
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
createPdf($template_id, $body, $export_type, $expiration, $output_html, $output_format, $filename, $image_resample_res, $is_cmyk, $cloud_storage, $pdf_standard, $postaction_s3_filekey, $postaction_s3_bucket, $meta, $async, $webhook_url): \OpenAPI\Client\Model\ResponseSuccessPDFFile
Create a PDF
This endpoint creates a PDF file with JSON data and your template. We support synchoronus and asynchronous PDF generation.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-KEY', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-KEY', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\APIIntegrationApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$template_id = 00377b2b1e0ee394; // string | Your template id, it can be obtained in the web console
$body = array('key' => new \stdClass); // object
$export_type = json; // string | - Either `file` or `json`(Default). - The option `json` returns a JSON object, and the output PDF is stored on a CDN. Use this with the parameter `expiration` - The option `file` returns binary data of the generated PDF(Secure and completely private) and the response HTTP header Content-Disposition is set to attachment.
$expiration = 5; // int | - Expiration of the generated PDF in minutes(default to `0`, store permanently) - Use `0` to store on cdn permanently - Or use the range between `1` minute and `10080` minutes(7 days) to specify the expiration of the generated PDF
$output_html = 0; // string | - Either `1` or `0`(Default). - To enable output of html content, set the value to `1` and it will return in the JSON response as html_url field (as a URL)
$output_format = pdf; // string | - Either `pdf`(Default) or `html`. - It's generating PDF by default. However, you can specify output_format=html to generate only HTML(It will return in the JSON response as download_url field as a URL).
$filename = invoice_89326.pdf; // string | - Default to UUID (e.g 0c93bd9e-9ebb-4634-a70f-de9131848416.pdf). Use this to specify custom file name, it should end with `.pdf`
$image_resample_res = 150; // string | - We embed the original images by default, meaning large PDF file sizes. Specifying the option 'image_resample_res' helps reduce the PDF file size by downsampling the images of the current PDF to a resolution(in DPI). Common values are 72, 96, 150, 300 and 600.
$is_cmyk = 0; // string | - Use CMYK color profile, 1=true, 0=false. Default to '0'
$cloud_storage = 1; // int | - Upload the generated PDFs/images to our storage CDN, default to `1`. If you have configured `Post Action` to upload the PDFs/Images to your own S3, please set it to `0`.
$pdf_standard = 'pdf_standard_example'; // string | Default to PDF1.4. Options are PDFA1B, PDFA2 and PDFA3 (This is an experimental feature)
$postaction_s3_filekey = 'postaction_s3_filekey_example'; // string | - This is to specify the file name for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. - Please do not specify the file extension - Please make sure the file name is unique - You might use slash (/) as the folder delimiter
$postaction_s3_bucket = 'postaction_s3_bucket_example'; // string | - This is to overwrite the AWS Bucket for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`.
$meta = inv-iwj343jospig; // string | - Specify an external reference ID for your own reference. It appears in the `list-objects` API.
$async = 0; // string | - Either `1` or `0`(Default). `0` is synchronous call(default), `1` is asynchronous call - To generate PDF asynchronously, set the value to `1` and the API call returns immediately. Once the PDF document is generated, we will make a HTTP/HTTPS GET to your URL(webhook_url) and will retry for 3 times before giving up. - If `async` is set to `1`, then `webhook_url` is mandatory
$webhook_url =; // string | - It is the URL of your webhook URL, it starts with http:// or https:// and has to be urlencoded. - If `async` is set to `1`, then you have to specify the `webhook_url`. #### Format of Webhook callback Once the PDF is generated, we will initiate a HTTP/HTTPS GET call to the following URL: https://`[]`?&primary_url=`[primary_url]`&transaction_ref=`[transaction_ref]`&status=`[status]`&message=`[message]` - `[]`: The web services to handle the callback, which is the `webhook_url` - `[primary_url]`: The URL to the PDF document - `[transaction_ref]`: The transaction reference number - `[status]` : Status of the transaction, either `success` or `error` - `[message]` : Status message ***The following is a sample webhook call back to your server***
try {
$result = $apiInstance->createPdf($template_id, $body, $export_type, $expiration, $output_html, $output_format, $filename, $image_resample_res, $is_cmyk, $cloud_storage, $pdf_standard, $postaction_s3_filekey, $postaction_s3_bucket, $meta, $async, $webhook_url);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIIntegrationApi->createPdf: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
template_id | string | Your template id, it can be obtained in the web console | |
body | object | ||
export_type | string | - Either `file` or `json`(Default). - The option `json` returns a JSON object, and the output PDF is stored on a CDN. Use this with the parameter `expiration` - The option `file` returns binary data of the generated PDF(Secure and completely private) and the response HTTP header Content-Disposition is set to attachment. | [optional] |
expiration | int | - Expiration of the generated PDF in minutes(default to `0`, store permanently) - Use `0` to store on cdn permanently - Or use the range between `1` minute and `10080` minutes(7 days) to specify the expiration of the generated PDF | [optional] |
output_html | string | - Either `1` or `0`(Default). - To enable output of html content, set the value to `1` and it will return in the JSON response as html_url field (as a URL) | [optional] |
output_format | string | - Either `pdf`(Default) or `html`. - It's generating PDF by default. However, you can specify output_format=html to generate only HTML(It will return in the JSON response as download_url field as a URL). | [optional] |
filename | string | - Default to UUID (e.g 0c93bd9e-9ebb-4634-a70f-de9131848416.pdf). Use this to specify custom file name, it should end with `.pdf` | [optional] |
image_resample_res | string | - We embed the original images by default, meaning large PDF file sizes. Specifying the option 'image_resample_res' helps reduce the PDF file size by downsampling the images of the current PDF to a resolution(in DPI). Common values are 72, 96, 150, 300 and 600. | [optional] |
is_cmyk | string | - Use CMYK color profile, 1=true, 0=false. Default to '0' | [optional] |
cloud_storage | int | - Upload the generated PDFs/images to our storage CDN, default to `1`. If you have configured `Post Action` to upload the PDFs/Images to your own S3, please set it to `0`. | [optional] |
pdf_standard | string | Default to PDF1.4. Options are PDFA1B, PDFA2 and PDFA3 (This is an experimental feature) | [optional] |
postaction_s3_filekey | string | - This is to specify the file name for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. - Please do not specify the file extension - Please make sure the file name is unique - You might use slash (/) as the folder delimiter | [optional] |
postaction_s3_bucket | string | - This is to overwrite the AWS Bucket for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. | [optional] |
meta | string | - Specify an external reference ID for your own reference. It appears in the `list-objects` API. | [optional] |
async | string | - Either `1` or `0`(Default). `0` is synchronous call(default), `1` is asynchronous call - To generate PDF asynchronously, set the value to `1` and the API call returns immediately. Once the PDF document is generated, we will make a HTTP/HTTPS GET to your URL(webhook_url) and will retry for 3 times before giving up. - If `async` is set to `1`, then `webhook_url` is mandatory | [optional] |
webhook_url | string | - It is the URL of your webhook URL, it starts with http:// or https:// and has to be urlencoded. - If `async` is set to `1`, then you have to specify the `webhook_url`. #### Format of Webhook callback Once the PDF is generated, we will initiate a HTTP/HTTPS GET call to the following URL: https://`[]`?&primary_url=`[primary_url]`&transaction_ref=`[transaction_ref]`&status=`[status]`&message=`[message]` - `[]`: The web services to handle the callback, which is the `webhook_url` - `[primary_url]`: The URL to the PDF document - `[transaction_ref]`: The transaction reference number - `[status]` : Status of the transaction, either `success` or `error` - `[message]` : Status message The following is a sample webhook call back to your server | [optional] |
- Content-Type:
- Accept:
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
createPdfFromHtml($create_pdf_from_html_request, $export_type, $expiration, $output_format, $filename, $image_resample_res, $is_cmyk, $cloud_storage, $pdf_standard, $postaction_s3_filekey, $postaction_s3_bucket, $meta, $async, $webhook_url): \OpenAPI\Client\Model\ResponseSuccessPDFFile
Create a PDF from HTML
- This endpoint creates a PDF file from HTML with JSON data
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-KEY', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-KEY', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\APIIntegrationApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$create_pdf_from_html_request = new \OpenAPI\Client\Model\CreatePdfFromHtmlRequest(); // \OpenAPI\Client\Model\CreatePdfFromHtmlRequest
$export_type = json; // string | - Either `file` or `json`(Default). - The option `json` returns a JSON object, and the output PDF is stored on a CDN. Use this with the parameter `expiration` - The option `file` returns binary data of the generated PDF(Secure and completely private) and the response HTTP header Content-Disposition is set to attachment.
$expiration = 5; // int | - Expiration of the generated PDF in minutes(default to `0`, store permanently) - Use `0` to store on cdn permanently - Or use the range between `1` minute and `10080` minutes(7 days) to specify the expiration of the generated PDF
$output_format = pdf; // string | - Either `pdf`(Default) or `html`. - It's generating PDF by default. However, you can specify output_format=html to generate only HTML(It will return in the JSON response as download_url field as a URL).
$filename = invoice_89326.pdf; // string | - Default to UUID (e.g 0c93bd9e-9ebb-4634-a70f-de9131848416.pdf). Use this to specify custom file name, it should end with `.pdf`
$image_resample_res = 150; // string | - We embed the original images by default, meaning large PDF file sizes. Specifying the option 'image_resample_res' helps reduce the PDF file size by downsampling the images of the current PDF to a resolution(in DPI). Common values are 72, 96, 150, 300 and 600.
$is_cmyk = 0; // string | - Use CMYK color profile, 1=true, 0=false. Default to '0'
$cloud_storage = 1; // int | - Upload the generated PDFs/images to our storage CDN, default to `1`. If you have configured `Post Action` to upload the PDFs/Images to your own S3, please set it to `0`.
$pdf_standard = 'pdf_standard_example'; // string | Default to PDF1.4. Options are PDFA1B, PDFA2 and PDFA3 (This is an experimental feature)
$postaction_s3_filekey = 'postaction_s3_filekey_example'; // string | - This is to specify the file name for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. - Please do not specify the file extension - Please make sure the file name is unique - You might use slash (/) as the folder delimiter
$postaction_s3_bucket = 'postaction_s3_bucket_example'; // string | - This is to overwrite the AWS Bucket for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`.
$meta = inv-iwj343jospig; // string | - Specify an external reference ID for your own reference. It appears in the `list-objects` API.
$async = 0; // string | - Either `1` or `0`(Default). `0` is synchronous call(default), `1` is asynchronous call - To generate PDF asynchronously, set the value to `1` and the API call returns immediately. Once the PDF document is generated, we will make a HTTP/HTTPS GET to your URL(webhook_url) and will retry for 3 times before giving up. - If `async` is set to `1`, then `webhook_url` is mandatory
$webhook_url =; // string | - It is the URL of your webhook URL, it starts with http:// or https:// and has to be urlencoded. - If `async` is set to `1`, then you have to specify the `webhook_url`. #### Format of Webhook callback Once the PDF is generated, we will initiate a HTTP/HTTPS GET call to the following URL: https://`[]`?&primary_url=`[primary_url]`&transaction_ref=`[transaction_ref]`&status=`[status]`&message=`[message]` - `[]`: The web services to handle the callback, which is the `webhook_url` - `[primary_url]`: The URL to the PDF document - `[transaction_ref]`: The transaction reference number - `[status]` : Status of the transaction, either `success` or `error` - `[message]` : Status message ***The following is a sample webhook call back to your server***
try {
$result = $apiInstance->createPdfFromHtml($create_pdf_from_html_request, $export_type, $expiration, $output_format, $filename, $image_resample_res, $is_cmyk, $cloud_storage, $pdf_standard, $postaction_s3_filekey, $postaction_s3_bucket, $meta, $async, $webhook_url);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIIntegrationApi->createPdfFromHtml: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
create_pdf_from_html_request | \OpenAPI\Client\Model\CreatePdfFromHtmlRequest | ||
export_type | string | - Either `file` or `json`(Default). - The option `json` returns a JSON object, and the output PDF is stored on a CDN. Use this with the parameter `expiration` - The option `file` returns binary data of the generated PDF(Secure and completely private) and the response HTTP header Content-Disposition is set to attachment. | [optional] |
expiration | int | - Expiration of the generated PDF in minutes(default to `0`, store permanently) - Use `0` to store on cdn permanently - Or use the range between `1` minute and `10080` minutes(7 days) to specify the expiration of the generated PDF | [optional] |
output_format | string | - Either `pdf`(Default) or `html`. - It's generating PDF by default. However, you can specify output_format=html to generate only HTML(It will return in the JSON response as download_url field as a URL). | [optional] |
filename | string | - Default to UUID (e.g 0c93bd9e-9ebb-4634-a70f-de9131848416.pdf). Use this to specify custom file name, it should end with `.pdf` | [optional] |
image_resample_res | string | - We embed the original images by default, meaning large PDF file sizes. Specifying the option 'image_resample_res' helps reduce the PDF file size by downsampling the images of the current PDF to a resolution(in DPI). Common values are 72, 96, 150, 300 and 600. | [optional] |
is_cmyk | string | - Use CMYK color profile, 1=true, 0=false. Default to '0' | [optional] |
cloud_storage | int | - Upload the generated PDFs/images to our storage CDN, default to `1`. If you have configured `Post Action` to upload the PDFs/Images to your own S3, please set it to `0`. | [optional] |
pdf_standard | string | Default to PDF1.4. Options are PDFA1B, PDFA2 and PDFA3 (This is an experimental feature) | [optional] |
postaction_s3_filekey | string | - This is to specify the file name for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. - Please do not specify the file extension - Please make sure the file name is unique - You might use slash (/) as the folder delimiter | [optional] |
postaction_s3_bucket | string | - This is to overwrite the AWS Bucket for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. | [optional] |
meta | string | - Specify an external reference ID for your own reference. It appears in the `list-objects` API. | [optional] |
async | string | - Either `1` or `0`(Default). `0` is synchronous call(default), `1` is asynchronous call - To generate PDF asynchronously, set the value to `1` and the API call returns immediately. Once the PDF document is generated, we will make a HTTP/HTTPS GET to your URL(webhook_url) and will retry for 3 times before giving up. - If `async` is set to `1`, then `webhook_url` is mandatory | [optional] |
webhook_url | string | - It is the URL of your webhook URL, it starts with http:// or https:// and has to be urlencoded. - If `async` is set to `1`, then you have to specify the `webhook_url`. #### Format of Webhook callback Once the PDF is generated, we will initiate a HTTP/HTTPS GET call to the following URL: https://`[]`?&primary_url=`[primary_url]`&transaction_ref=`[transaction_ref]`&status=`[status]`&message=`[message]` - `[]`: The web services to handle the callback, which is the `webhook_url` - `[primary_url]`: The URL to the PDF document - `[transaction_ref]`: The transaction reference number - `[status]` : Status of the transaction, either `success` or `error` - `[message]` : Status message The following is a sample webhook call back to your server | [optional] |
- Content-Type:
- Accept:
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createPdfFromUrl($create_pdf_from_url_request, $export_type, $expiration, $output_format, $filename, $image_resample_res, $is_cmyk, $cloud_storage, $pdf_standard, $postaction_s3_filekey, $postaction_s3_bucket, $meta, $async, $webhook_url): \OpenAPI\Client\Model\ResponseSuccessPDFFile
Create a PDF from URL
- This endpoint creates a PDF file from a URL
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-KEY', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-KEY', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\APIIntegrationApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$create_pdf_from_url_request = new \OpenAPI\Client\Model\CreatePdfFromUrlRequest(); // \OpenAPI\Client\Model\CreatePdfFromUrlRequest
$export_type = json; // string | - Either `file` or `json`(Default). - The option `json` returns a JSON object, and the output PDF is stored on a CDN. Use this with the parameter `expiration` - The option `file` returns binary data of the generated PDF(Secure and completely private) and the response HTTP header Content-Disposition is set to attachment.
$expiration = 5; // int | - Expiration of the generated PDF in minutes(default to `0`, store permanently) - Use `0` to store on cdn permanently - Or use the range between `1` minute and `10080` minutes(7 days) to specify the expiration of the generated PDF
$output_format = pdf; // string | - Either `pdf`(Default) or `html`. - It's generating PDF by default. However, you can specify output_format=html to generate only HTML(It will return in the JSON response as download_url field as a URL).
$filename = invoice_89326.pdf; // string | - Default to UUID (e.g 0c93bd9e-9ebb-4634-a70f-de9131848416.pdf). Use this to specify custom file name, it should end with `.pdf`
$image_resample_res = 150; // string | - We embed the original images by default, meaning large PDF file sizes. Specifying the option 'image_resample_res' helps reduce the PDF file size by downsampling the images of the current PDF to a resolution(in DPI). Common values are 72, 96, 150, 300 and 600.
$is_cmyk = 0; // string | - Use CMYK color profile, 1=true, 0=false. Default to '0'
$cloud_storage = 1; // int | - Upload the generated PDFs/images to our storage CDN, default to `1`. If you have configured `Post Action` to upload the PDFs/Images to your own S3, please set it to `0`.
$pdf_standard = 'pdf_standard_example'; // string | Default to PDF1.4. Options are PDFA1B, PDFA2 and PDFA3 (This is an experimental feature)
$postaction_s3_filekey = 'postaction_s3_filekey_example'; // string | - This is to specify the file name for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. - Please do not specify the file extension - Please make sure the file name is unique - You might use slash (/) as the folder delimiter
$postaction_s3_bucket = 'postaction_s3_bucket_example'; // string | - This is to overwrite the AWS Bucket for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`.
$meta = inv-iwj343jospig; // string | - Specify an external reference ID for your own reference. It appears in the `list-objects` API.
$async = 0; // string | - Either `1` or `0`(Default). `0` is synchronous call(default), `1` is asynchronous call - To generate PDF asynchronously, set the value to `1` and the API call returns immediately. Once the PDF document is generated, we will make a HTTP/HTTPS GET to your URL(webhook_url) and will retry for 3 times before giving up. - If `async` is set to `1`, then `webhook_url` is mandatory
$webhook_url =; // string | - It is the URL of your webhook URL, it starts with http:// or https:// and has to be urlencoded. - If `async` is set to `1`, then you have to specify the `webhook_url`. #### Format of Webhook callback Once the PDF is generated, we will initiate a HTTP/HTTPS GET call to the following URL: https://`[]`?&primary_url=`[primary_url]`&transaction_ref=`[transaction_ref]`&status=`[status]`&message=`[message]` - `[]`: The web services to handle the callback, which is the `webhook_url` - `[primary_url]`: The URL to the PDF document - `[transaction_ref]`: The transaction reference number - `[status]` : Status of the transaction, either `success` or `error` - `[message]` : Status message ***The following is a sample webhook call back to your server***
try {
$result = $apiInstance->createPdfFromUrl($create_pdf_from_url_request, $export_type, $expiration, $output_format, $filename, $image_resample_res, $is_cmyk, $cloud_storage, $pdf_standard, $postaction_s3_filekey, $postaction_s3_bucket, $meta, $async, $webhook_url);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIIntegrationApi->createPdfFromUrl: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
create_pdf_from_url_request | \OpenAPI\Client\Model\CreatePdfFromUrlRequest | ||
export_type | string | - Either `file` or `json`(Default). - The option `json` returns a JSON object, and the output PDF is stored on a CDN. Use this with the parameter `expiration` - The option `file` returns binary data of the generated PDF(Secure and completely private) and the response HTTP header Content-Disposition is set to attachment. | [optional] |
expiration | int | - Expiration of the generated PDF in minutes(default to `0`, store permanently) - Use `0` to store on cdn permanently - Or use the range between `1` minute and `10080` minutes(7 days) to specify the expiration of the generated PDF | [optional] |
output_format | string | - Either `pdf`(Default) or `html`. - It's generating PDF by default. However, you can specify output_format=html to generate only HTML(It will return in the JSON response as download_url field as a URL). | [optional] |
filename | string | - Default to UUID (e.g 0c93bd9e-9ebb-4634-a70f-de9131848416.pdf). Use this to specify custom file name, it should end with `.pdf` | [optional] |
image_resample_res | string | - We embed the original images by default, meaning large PDF file sizes. Specifying the option 'image_resample_res' helps reduce the PDF file size by downsampling the images of the current PDF to a resolution(in DPI). Common values are 72, 96, 150, 300 and 600. | [optional] |
is_cmyk | string | - Use CMYK color profile, 1=true, 0=false. Default to '0' | [optional] |
cloud_storage | int | - Upload the generated PDFs/images to our storage CDN, default to `1`. If you have configured `Post Action` to upload the PDFs/Images to your own S3, please set it to `0`. | [optional] |
pdf_standard | string | Default to PDF1.4. Options are PDFA1B, PDFA2 and PDFA3 (This is an experimental feature) | [optional] |
postaction_s3_filekey | string | - This is to specify the file name for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. - Please do not specify the file extension - Please make sure the file name is unique - You might use slash (/) as the folder delimiter | [optional] |
postaction_s3_bucket | string | - This is to overwrite the AWS Bucket for `Post Action(S3 Storage)`. | [optional] |
meta | string | - Specify an external reference ID for your own reference. It appears in the `list-objects` API. | [optional] |
async | string | - Either `1` or `0`(Default). `0` is synchronous call(default), `1` is asynchronous call - To generate PDF asynchronously, set the value to `1` and the API call returns immediately. Once the PDF document is generated, we will make a HTTP/HTTPS GET to your URL(webhook_url) and will retry for 3 times before giving up. - If `async` is set to `1`, then `webhook_url` is mandatory | [optional] |
webhook_url | string | - It is the URL of your webhook URL, it starts with http:// or https:// and has to be urlencoded. - If `async` is set to `1`, then you have to specify the `webhook_url`. #### Format of Webhook callback Once the PDF is generated, we will initiate a HTTP/HTTPS GET call to the following URL: https://`[]`?&primary_url=`[primary_url]`&transaction_ref=`[transaction_ref]`&status=`[status]`&message=`[message]` - `[]`: The web services to handle the callback, which is the `webhook_url` - `[primary_url]`: The URL to the PDF document - `[transaction_ref]`: The transaction reference number - `[status]` : Status of the transaction, either `success` or `error` - `[message]` : Status message The following is a sample webhook call back to your server | [optional] |
- Content-Type:
- Accept:
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deleteObject($transaction_ref): \OpenAPI\Client\Model\ResponseSuccessDeleteObject
Delete an Object
Delete a PDF or an image from CDN and mark the transaction as deleted
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-KEY', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-KEY', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\APIIntegrationApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$transaction_ref = 1618d386-2343-3d234-b9c7-99c82bb9f104; // string | Object transaction reference
try {
$result = $apiInstance->deleteObject($transaction_ref);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIIntegrationApi->deleteObject: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
transaction_ref | string | Object transaction reference |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept:
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listObjects($limit, $offset, $template_id, $transaction_type): \OpenAPI\Client\Model\ResponseSuccessListObjects
List Generated Objects
Retrieves all the generated PDFs and images
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-KEY', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-KEY', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\APIIntegrationApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$limit = 300; // string | Retrieve only the number of records specified. Default to 300
$offset = 0; // string | Offset is used to skip the number of records from the results. Default to 0
$template_id = 00377b2b1e0ee394; // string | Filtered by template id
$transaction_type = MERGE; // string | Filtered by transaction type, options are `PDF`, `JPEG` or `MERGE`
try {
$result = $apiInstance->listObjects($limit, $offset, $template_id, $transaction_type);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIIntegrationApi->listObjects: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
limit | string | Retrieve only the number of records specified. Default to 300 | [optional] |
offset | string | Offset is used to skip the number of records from the results. Default to 0 | [optional] |
template_id | string | Filtered by template id | [optional] |
transaction_type | string | Filtered by transaction type, options are `PDF`, `JPEG` or `MERGE` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept:
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