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Merge pull request #38 from prkkumar/exchange_bc
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new Laplacian for exchange BC
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ajnonaka authored Feb 23, 2022
2 parents d7a2ce7 + 7b86303 commit 2c9c1cd
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Showing 10 changed files with 473 additions and 40 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
while read line; do
i=$(( i + 1 ))
case $i in $LINE_NO) echo "$line"; break;; esac
done <"$FILE"

### how to run this script:
### $ bash squashTime.bash FILE LINE_NO
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
for timestep in $(seq 0 500 5000000 ); do
newnumber='000000000'${timestep} # get number, pack with zeros
newnumber=${newnumber:(-9)} # the last seven characters
./WritePlotfileToASCII3d.gnu.ex infile=diags/plt${newnumber} | tee raw_data/${newnumber}.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
for timestep in $(seq 0 500 5000000); do
newnumber='000000000'${timestep} # get number, pack with zeros
newnumber=${newnumber:(-9)} # the last seven characters
bash getLine.bash raw_data/${newnumber}.txt 128 | tee -a Mx_xface_center_128.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# set up to duplicate perpendicular standing spin wave for exchange boundary condition demo
# max step
max_step = 5000000

# number of grid points
amr.n_cell = n_cellx n_celly n_cellz

# Maximum allowable size of each subdomain
amr.max_grid_size = grid_number
amr.blocking_factor = 8

amr.max_level = 0

# Geometry
geometry.coord_sys = 0 # 0: Cartesian
geometry.prob_lo = -width/2 -length/2 -thickness
geometry.prob_hi = width/2 length/2 thickness

# Boundary condition
boundary.field_lo = periodic periodic pec
boundary.field_hi = periodic periodic pec
warpx.serialize_ics = 1

# Verbosity
warpx.verbose = 1
warpx.use_filter = 0
warpx.cfl = 1000.0 # We can use a large cfl number here because the Maxwell equations are not included.
warpx.mag_time_scheme_order = 2 # default 1
warpx.mag_M_normalization = 1
warpx.mag_LLG_coupling = 0
warpx.mag_LLG_exchange_coupling = 1
warpx.mag_LLG_anisotropy_coupling = 0

# Algorithms
algo.current_deposition = esirkepov
algo.em_solver_medium = macroscopic # vacuum/macroscopic

my_constants.thickness = 345.0e-9
my_constants.width = 6900.0e-9
my_constants.length = 6900.0e-9
my_constants.n_cellx = 8
my_constants.n_celly = 8
my_constants.n_cellz = 256
my_constants.grid_number = 256

my_constants.epsilon_r = 13.0
my_constants.pi = 3.14159265359
my_constants.mu0 = 1.25663706212e-6
my_constants.epsilon0 = 8.84e-12
my_constants.Ms_ga = 1750.

my_constants.flag_none = 0
my_constants.flag_hs = 1
my_constants.flag_ss = 2

algo.macroscopic_sigma_method = laxwendroff # laxwendroff or backwardeuler
macroscopic.sigma_function(x,y,z) = "0.0"
macroscopic.epsilon_function(x,y,z) = "epsilon0 * epsilon_r"
macroscopic.mu_function(x,y,z) = "mu0"

#unit conversion: 1 Gauss = (1000/4pi) A/m
macroscopic.mag_Ms_init_style = "parse_mag_Ms_function" # parse or "constant"
macroscopic.mag_Ms_function(x,y,z) = "(z < thickness/2 + 1e-12) * (z > -thickness/2 - 1e-12) * Ms_ga*1000/4/pi" # in unit A/m

macroscopic.mag_alpha_init_style = "parse_mag_alpha_function" # parse or "constant"
macroscopic.mag_alpha_function(x,y,z) = "(z < thickness/2 + 1e-12) * (z > -thickness/2 - 1e-12) * 0.005" # alpha is unitless, typical values range from 1e-3 ~ 1e-5

macroscopic.mag_gamma_init_style = "parse_mag_gamma_function" # parse or "constant"
macroscopic.mag_gamma_function(x,y,z) = " -1.759e11 " # gyromagnetic ratio is constant for electrons in all materials

macroscopic.mag_exchange_init_style = "parse_mag_exchange_function" # parse or "constant"
macroscopic.mag_exchange_function(x,y,z) = "(z < thickness/2 + 1e-12) * (z > -thickness/2 - 1e-12) * 3.1e-12" # YIG

#macroscopic.mag_anisotropy_init_style = "parse_mag_anisotropy_function" # parse or "constant"
#macroscopic.mag_anisotropy_function(x,y,z) = "0.0" # Ku = mu0 * Ms * H_anis / 2.0, all fields in SI units, H_anis = 20 Oe

macroscopic.mag_max_iter = 100 # maximum number of M iteration in each time step
macroscopic.mag_tol = 1.e-6 # M magnitude relative error tolerance compared to previous iteration
macroscopic.mag_normalized_error = 0.1 # if M magnitude relatively changes more than this value, raise a red flag
#macroscopic.mag_LLG_anisotropy_axis = 0.0 1.0 0.0

############ FIELDS #############
my_constants.Hy_bias_oe = 300 # in Oe
my_constants.Hx_rf_oe = 3 # in Oe
my_constants.c = 299792458.
my_constants.frequency = 2.5e9 # frequency of input microwave H
my_constants.TP = 1/frequency
my_constants.flag_none = 0
my_constants.flag_hs = 1
my_constants.flag_ss = 2

#warpx.E_excitation_on_grid_style = "parse_E_excitation_grid_function"
#warpx.Ex_excitation_grid_function(x,y,z,t) = "0.0"
#warpx.Ey_excitation_grid_function(x,y,z,t) = "0.0"
#warpx.Ez_excitation_grid_function(x,y,z,t) = "0.0"
#warpx.Ex_excitation_flag_function(x,y,z) = "flag_none"
# warpx.Ey_excitation_flag_function(x,y,z) = "flag_ss * (z > -domain_size/2.0 + thickness - domain_size/grid_number/2.0) * (z <= -domain_size/2.0 + thickness + domain_size/grid_number/2.0)"
#warpx.Ey_excitation_flag_function(x,y,z) = "flag_none"
#warpx.Ez_excitation_flag_function(x,y,z) = "flag_none"

#unit conversion: 1 Gauss = 1 Oersted = (1000/4pi) A/m
#calculation of H_bias: H_bias (oe) = frequency / 2.8e6

warpx.H_bias_excitation_on_grid_style = parse_h_bias_excitation_grid_function
#warpx.Hx_bias_excitation_grid_function(x,y,z,t) = "Hx_rf_oe * 1000/4/pi * (exp(-(t-3*TP)**2/(2*TP**2))*cos(2*pi*frequency*t))"
warpx.Hx_bias_excitation_grid_function(x,y,z,t) = "Hx_rf_oe * 1000/4/pi * (exp(-(t-3*TP)**2/(2*TP**2))*cos(2*pi*frequency*t)) * cos(z/thickness * pi)"

#warpx.Hx_bias_excitation_grid_function(x,y,z,t) = "0.0"
warpx.Hy_bias_excitation_grid_function(x,y,z,t) = "Hy_bias_oe * 1000/4/pi"
warpx.Hz_bias_excitation_grid_function(x,y,z,t) = "0.0"

warpx.Hx_bias_excitation_flag_function(x,y,z) = "flag_hs"
warpx.Hy_bias_excitation_flag_function(x,y,z) = "flag_hs"
warpx.Hz_bias_excitation_flag_function(x,y,z) = "flag_none"

warpx.M_ext_grid_init_style = parse_M_ext_grid_function
warpx.Mx_external_grid_function(x,y,z)= "0.0"
warpx.My_external_grid_function(x,y,z)= " (z < thickness/2 + 1e-12) * (z > -thickness/2 - 1e-12) * Ms_ga*1000/4/pi "
warpx.Mz_external_grid_function(x,y,z)= "0.0"

# Diagnostics
diagnostics.diags_names = plt
plt.intervals = 500
plt.diag_type = Full
plt.fields_to_plot = Mx_xface Mx_yface Mx_zface My_xface My_yface My_zface Mz_xface Mz_yface Mz_zface
plt.file_min_digits = 9
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions Examples/Tests/Macroscopic_Maxwell/inputs_3d_LLG_exchangeBC
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
max_step = 6000
amr.n_cell = 64 64 64 # number of cells spanning the domain in each coordinate direction at level 0
amr.max_grid_size = 32 # maximum size of each AMReX box, used to decompose the domain
amr.blocking_factor = 16
geometry.coord_sys = 0

geometry.prob_lo = -10e-9 -10e-9 -10.0e-9
geometry.prob_hi = 10e-9 10e-9 10.0e-9
boundary.field_lo = periodic periodic periodic
boundary.field_hi = periodic periodic periodic
amr.max_level = 0

############ NUMERICS ###########
warpx.verbose = 1
warpx.use_filter = 0
warpx.cfl = 1000
warpx.mag_time_scheme_order = 2 # default 1
warpx.mag_M_normalization = 1 # 1 is saturated
warpx.mag_LLG_coupling = 0
warpx.mag_LLG_exchange_coupling = 1

algo.em_solver_medium = macroscopic # vacuum/macroscopic
algo.macroscopic_sigma_method = laxwendroff # laxwendroff or backwardeuler

macroscopic.sigma_function(x,y,z) = "0.0"
macroscopic.epsilon_function(x,y,z) = "8.8541878128e-12"
macroscopic.mu_function(x,y,z) = "1.25663706212e-06"

my_constants.mag_lo_x = -5.e-9
my_constants.mag_hi_x = 5.e-9
my_constants.mag_lo_y = -5.e-9
my_constants.mag_hi_y = 5.e-9
my_constants.mag_lo_z = -5.e-9
my_constants.mag_hi_z = 5.e-9

#unit conversion: 1 Gauss = (1000/4pi) A/m
macroscopic.mag_Ms_init_style = "parse_mag_Ms_function" # parse or "constant"
macroscopic.mag_Ms_function(x,y,z) = "1.4e5 * (x >= mag_lo_x - 1e-12) * (x <= mag_hi_x + 1e-12) * (y >= mag_lo_y - 1e-12) * (y <= mag_hi_y + 1e-12) * (z >= mag_lo_z - 1e-12) * (z <= mag_hi_z + 1e-12)" # in unit A/m, equal to 1750 Gauss; Ms must be nonzero for LLG

macroscopic.mag_alpha_init_style = "parse_mag_alpha_function" # parse or "constant"
macroscopic.mag_alpha_function(x,y,z) = "0.058" # * (x >= mag_lo_x - 1e-12) * (x <= mag_hi_x + 1e-12) * (y >= mag_lo_y - 1e-12) * (y <= mag_hi_y + 1e-12) * (z >= mag_lo_z - 1e-12) * (z <= mag_hi_z + 1e-12)" # alpha is unitless, calculated from linewidth Delta_H = 40 Oersted

macroscopic.mag_gamma_init_style = "parse_mag_gamma_function" # parse or "constant"
macroscopic.mag_gamma_function(x,y,z) = "-1.759e11" # * (x >= mag_lo_x - 1e-12) * (x <= mag_hi_x + 1e-12) * (y >= mag_lo_y - 1e-12) * (y <= mag_hi_y + 1e-12) * (z >= mag_lo_z - 1e-12) * (z <= mag_hi_z + 1e-12)" # gyromagnetic ratio is constant for electrons in all materials

macroscopic.mag_exchange_init_style = "parse_mag_exchange_function" # parse or "constant"
macroscopic.mag_exchange_function(x,y,z) = "3.76e-12" # * (x >= mag_lo_x) * (x <= mag_hi_x) * (y >= mag_lo_y - 1e-12) * (y <= mag_hi_y + 1e-12) * (z >= mag_lo_z - 1e-12) * (z <= mag_hi_z + 1e-12)" # exchange coupling constanit; Must be non-zero when exchange coupling is ON

macroscopic.mag_max_iter = 100 # maximum number of M iteration in each time step
macroscopic.mag_tol = 1.e-6 # M magnitude relative error tolerance compared to previous iteration
macroscopic.mag_normalized_error = 0.1 # if M magnitude relatively changes more than this value, raise a red flag

############ FIELDS #############
warpx.E_ext_grid_init_style = parse_E_ext_grid_function
warpx.Ex_external_grid_function(x,y,z) = 0.
warpx.Ey_external_grid_function(x,y,z) = 0.
warpx.Ez_external_grid_function(x,y,z) = 0.

warpx.H_ext_grid_init_style = parse_H_ext_grid_function
warpx.Hx_external_grid_function(x,y,z)= 0.
warpx.Hy_external_grid_function(x,y,z) = 0.
warpx.Hz_external_grid_function(x,y,z) = 0.

#unit conversion: 1 Gauss = 1 Oersted = (1000/4pi) A/m
#calculation of H_bias: H_bias (oe) = frequency / 2.8e6
warpx.H_bias_ext_grid_init_style = parse_H_bias_ext_grid_function
warpx.Hx_bias_external_grid_function(x,y,z)= 0.
warpx.Hy_bias_external_grid_function(x,y,z)= "3.7e4" # in A/m, equal to 464 Oersted
warpx.Hz_bias_external_grid_function(x,y,z)= 0.

warpx.M_ext_grid_init_style = parse_M_ext_grid_function
warpx.Mx_external_grid_function(x,y,z)= "1.4e5 * (x >= mag_lo_x - 1e-12) * (x <= mag_hi_x + 1e-12) * (y >= mag_lo_y - 1e-12) * (y < 0.) * (z >= mag_lo_z - 1e-12) * (z <= mag_hi_z + 1e-12)"
warpx.My_external_grid_function(x,y,z) = 0.
warpx.Mz_external_grid_function(x,y,z) = "1.4e5 * (x >= mag_lo_x - 1e-12) * (x <= mag_hi_x + 1e-12) * (y >= 0.) * (y <= mag_hi_y + 1e-12) * (z >= mag_lo_z - 1e-12) * (z <= mag_hi_z + 1e-12)"

diagnostics.diags_names = plt
plt.intervals = 100
plt.diag_type = Full
plt.fields_to_plot = Ex Ey Ez Hx Hy Hz Bx By Bz Mx_xface My_xface Mz_xface Mx_yface My_yface Mz_yface Mx_zface My_zface Mz_zface
plt.plot_raw_fields = 0
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
#include <AMReX_Array4.H>
#include <AMReX_Gpu.H>
#include <AMReX_REAL.H>
#include "Utils/WarpXUtil.H"
#include "WarpX.H"
#include "FieldSolver/FiniteDifferenceSolver/MacroscopicProperties/MacroscopicProperties.H"

#include <array>
#include <cmath>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,6 +242,109 @@ struct CartesianYeeAlgorithm {



* Perform divergence of gradient along x on M field when exchange coupling is on */
static amrex::Real LaplacianDx_Mag (
amrex::Array4<amrex::Real> const& F,
amrex::Real const * const coefs_x, int const n_coefs_x, amrex::Real const Ms_lo_x, amrex::Real const Ms_hi_x,
int const i, int const j, int const k, int const ncomp=0, int const nodality=0) {

amrex::Real const inv_dx = coefs_x[0];
if (nodality == 0){ // at x face (normal face). dM/dx = 0
if (Ms_hi_x == 0.){
return 0.5 * inv_dx * inv_dx * (8. * F(i-1, j, k, ncomp) - F(i-2, j, k, ncomp) - 7. * F(i, j, k, ncomp));
} else if (Ms_lo_x == 0){
return 0.5 * inv_dx * inv_dx * (8. * F(i+1, j, k, ncomp) - F(i+2, j, k, ncomp) - 7. * F(i, j, k, ncomp));
} else {
return inv_dx*(UpwardDx(F, coefs_x, n_coefs_x, i, j, k, ncomp) - DownwardDx(F, coefs_x, n_coefs_x, i, j, k, ncomp));
} else { // at y or z faces
if (Ms_hi_x == 0.){
return inv_dx*(0. - DownwardDx(F, coefs_x, n_coefs_x, i, j, k, ncomp));
} else if (Ms_lo_x == 0.){
return inv_dx*(UpwardDx(F, coefs_x, n_coefs_x, i, j, k, ncomp) - 0.);
} else {
return inv_dx*(UpwardDx(F, coefs_x, n_coefs_x, i, j, k, ncomp) - DownwardDx(F, coefs_x, n_coefs_x, i, j, k, ncomp));

* Perform divergence of gradient along y on M field when exchange coupling is on*/
static amrex::Real LaplacianDy_Mag (
amrex::Array4<amrex::Real> const& F,
amrex::Real const * const coefs_y, int const n_coefs_y, amrex::Real const Ms_lo_y, amrex::Real const Ms_hi_y,
int const i, int const j, int const k, int const ncomp=0, int const nodality=0) {

amrex::Real const inv_dy = coefs_y[0];
if (nodality == 1){ // y face (normal face), dM/dy = 0
if (Ms_hi_y == 0.){
return 0.5 * inv_dy * inv_dy * (8. * F(i, j-1, k, ncomp) - F(i, j-2, k, ncomp) - 7. * F(i, j, k, ncomp));
} else if (Ms_lo_y == 0.) {
return 0.5 * inv_dy * inv_dy * (8. * F(i, j+1, k, ncomp) - F(i, j+2, k, ncomp) - 7. * F(i, j, k, ncomp));
} else {
return inv_dy*(UpwardDy(F, coefs_y, n_coefs_y, i, j, k, ncomp) - DownwardDy(F, coefs_y, n_coefs_y, i, j, k, ncomp));

} else { // x or z faces
if (Ms_hi_y == 0.){
return inv_dy*(0. - DownwardDy(F, coefs_y, n_coefs_y, i, j, k, ncomp));
} else if (Ms_lo_y == 0.) {
return inv_dy*(UpwardDy(F, coefs_y, n_coefs_y, i, j, k, ncomp) - 0.);
} else {
return inv_dy*(UpwardDy(F, coefs_y, n_coefs_y, i, j, k, ncomp) - DownwardDy(F, coefs_y, n_coefs_y, i, j, k, ncomp));

* Perform divergence of gradient along z on M field when exchange coupling is on*/
static amrex::Real LaplacianDz_Mag (
amrex::Array4<amrex::Real> const& F,
amrex::Real const * const coefs_z, int const n_coefs_z, amrex::Real const Ms_lo_z, amrex::Real const Ms_hi_z,
int const i, int const j, int const k, int const ncomp=0, int const nodality=0) {

amrex::Real const inv_dz = coefs_z[0];
if (nodality == 2){ // z face (normal face) dM/dz = 0
if ( Ms_hi_z == 0.) {
return 0.5 * inv_dz * inv_dz * (8. * F(i, j, k-1, ncomp) - F(i, j, k-2, ncomp) - 7. * F(i, j, k, ncomp));
} else if ( Ms_lo_z == 0.){
return 0.5 * inv_dz * inv_dz * (8. * F(i, j, k+1, ncomp) - F(i, j, k+2, ncomp) - 7. * F(i, j, k, ncomp));
} else {
return inv_dz*(UpwardDz(F, coefs_z, n_coefs_z, i, j, k, ncomp) - DownwardDz(F, coefs_z, n_coefs_z, i, j, k, ncomp));

} else { // x or y face
if ( Ms_hi_z == 0.) {
return inv_dz*(0. - DownwardDz(F, coefs_z, n_coefs_z, i, j, k, ncomp));
} else if ( Ms_lo_z == 0.){
return inv_dz*(UpwardDz(F, coefs_z, n_coefs_z, i, j, k, ncomp) - 0.);
} else {
return inv_dz*(UpwardDz(F, coefs_z, n_coefs_z, i, j, k, ncomp) - DownwardDz(F, coefs_z, n_coefs_z, i, j, k, ncomp));

* Compute the sum to get Laplacian of M field when exchange coupling is on*/
static amrex::Real Laplacian_Mag (
amrex::Array4<amrex::Real> const& F,
amrex::Real const * const coefs_x, amrex::Real const * const coefs_y, amrex::Real const * const coefs_z,
int const n_coefs_x, int const n_coefs_y, int const n_coefs_z,
amrex::Real const Ms_lo_x, amrex::Real const Ms_hi_x, amrex::Real const Ms_lo_y, amrex::Real const Ms_hi_y, amrex::Real const Ms_lo_z, amrex::Real const Ms_hi_z,
int const i, int const j, int const k, int const ncomp=0, int const nodality=0) {

return LaplacianDx_Mag(F, coefs_x, n_coefs_x, Ms_lo_x, Ms_hi_x, i, j, k, ncomp, nodality) + LaplacianDy_Mag(F, coefs_y, n_coefs_y, Ms_lo_y, Ms_hi_y, i, j, k, ncomp, nodality) + LaplacianDz_Mag(F, coefs_z, n_coefs_z, Ms_lo_z, Ms_hi_z, i, j, k, ncomp, nodality);



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Expand Up @@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ class FiniteDifferenceSolver
std::unique_ptr<MacroscopicProperties> const &macroscopic_properties);

void MacroscopicEvolveHM_2nd (
int lev,
std::array<std::unique_ptr<amrex::MultiFab>, 3> &Mfield,
std::array<std::unique_ptr<amrex::MultiFab>, 3> &Hfield, // H Maxwell
std::array< std::unique_ptr<amrex::MultiFab>, 3>& Bfield,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,6 +328,7 @@ class FiniteDifferenceSolver

template< typename T_Algo >
void MacroscopicEvolveHMCartesian_2nd(
int lev,
std::array<std::unique_ptr<amrex::MultiFab>, 3> &Mfield,
std::array<std::unique_ptr<amrex::MultiFab>, 3> &Hfield, // H Maxwell
std::array< std::unique_ptr<amrex::MultiFab>, 3 >& Bfield,
Expand Down

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