This is the implementation that supports the version 1.0 of yolov5s, yolov5m, yolov5l and yolov5x.
The Pytorch implementation of yolov5 version 1.0 is provided in this repos.
The latest ultralytics/yolov5 version 2.0 of is not supported
You can see source code of yolov5s on
You can see Pytorch implementatuon of ultralytics/yolov5(version 1.0) on
- GTX1080 / Ubuntu16.04 or GTX2080Ti / Ubuntu18.04
- cuda >= 10.0 , cudnn >= 7.0.0 , tensorrt7.0.0, nvinfer7.0.0, opencv3.3(I use opencv3.4)
You should check the compile environment in the CMakeLists.txt for each folder(yolov5s,yolov5m,yolov5l,yolov5x).
Each folder has a readme inside, which explains how to run the models inside.
You can download pt files of ultralytics/yolov5(s,m,l,x)(version 1.0) on BaiduCloud, passwd:9cw1
Or you can download pt files of ultralytics/yolov5(s,m,l,x)(version 1.0) on
Now, this repos only support yolov5 version 1.0.
Thanks to wang-xinyu for his great works and repos.