Simple web application to help orginize FIFA 23 tournament. Where player join to tournament by scanning QR Code, provide player info data then select a team. When all players chose team team are assigned to each player randomly.
Version configured for Azure ci/cd. Used Azure K8s service to host my cluster with Load Balancer at the front for service to be accessible for all. I had to remove all services from Azure cloud because it cost some $$$ and didn't want to spend too much on alreday configured pipelines.
Azure key vault task configuration for safe variables storage.
- task: AzureKeyVault@2
azureSubscription: '...'
KeyVaultName: 'lct-kvvv'
SecretsFilter: '*'
RunAsPreJob: true
Docker task configuration for build project and pushing it into repository with build tag.
- task: Docker@2
displayName: Build and Push
containerRegistry: 'dockerHub'
repository: '$(imageName)'
command: 'buildAndPush'
Dockerfile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/LCT/Dockerfile'
tags: |
K8s task configuration to pull lates iamge despite no changes in deployment plan.
- task: Kubernetes@1
connectionType: 'Kubernetes Service Connection'
kubernetesServiceEndpoint: 'lct-k8s'
namespace: '$(namespace)'
command: 'apply'
arguments: '-f $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/deployment.yaml'
- task: Kubernetes@1
connectionType: 'Kubernetes Service Connection'
kubernetesServiceEndpoint: 'lct-k8s'
namespace: '$(namespace)'
command: 'set'
arguments: 'image deployment/$(deploymentName) $(deploymentName)=$(imageName) -n $(namespace)'
- task: Kubernetes@1
connectionType: 'Kubernetes Service Connection'
kubernetesServiceEndpoint: 'lct-k8s'
namespace: '$(namespace)'
command: 'rollout'
arguments: 'restart deployment/$(deploymentName)'
Version prepared to run with k8s infrastructure. Working on multi instances.
Application is managed by k8s with load balancer service with hpa scalability above 70% cpu utilization.
Purpose of that was to handle heavy load with high availability.
- LoadBalancer - ensuring that incoming requests are evenly distributed among the available instances to optimize performance and prevent overload on any single instance, providing high availability and scalability.
- HorizontalPodAutoscaler (hpa) - automatically updates a workload resource with the aim of automatically scaling the workload to match demand.
- Deployment - describe desired state of backend application
Solution using Elasticsearch + Kibana for logging and aggregation.
Each log contains fields which help to observe application behaviour based on response times or error occurences.
- Elapsed [ms] - How much time has passed since start fo request.
- RequestId - Unique Id [Guid] per request which helps to track logs for concrete request. Id is returned by server when error occurs.
- RequestPath - endpoint
- StatusCode - http response code
Log fields may differ depends in which place logger is called. Not in every log field 'StatusCode' will appear because during request processing we don't know response code yet.
Implementing Publish/Subscribe messagin pattern which helps to handle request via websockets. Each message received from client is published to channel. Every instance (Pod) subsribe to a channel whenever Websocket connection is established. This solution enable to scale instances while working with ws connections.
Document database with replica set configuration. Which provides redundancy and high availability.
Decided to use mongoDB to get new knowledge on no-sql database.
Higher layer (more outside) is implementing interfaces provider by those lower (closer to the center).
Two main roles of infrstructrure layer in my application:
Persistent data.
To store events i decided to use Mongo database.
Some issues i decided to solve:
- Field uniqness
Solution for that are mongo db indexes but decided to create more generic way to store events and achive uniqness for simple db fields. We just have to implement
and call method in MongoPersistanceClient.Configure() method.ConfigureFieldUniqness<Tournament, SetTournamentNameEvent>(uniqueIndexOptions);
- 'Coinditional' versioning
Some events may increase Entity version because of their impact on application flow. Changing tournament's name is essential and we do not want these changes to be override by other party (two request simultaneously). Other events (like selecting team) does not increase tournament version because we want to work it simultaneously and selecting team by one player does not impact team selection by the other (as long as its not same team)
We just need to implement
interface and repository will increase entity version.- Snapshots It's repository responsibility to create snapshot to increase perfomance. These are created because we do not always want create every aggregate from scratch by applying every event one after another but just from valid point. I aware that my application would be fine wihtout it and maybe even better. It's just for learining puroposes.
public class SetTournamentNameEvent : DomainEvent, IVersionable, IUniqness
public string TournamentName { get; set; }
public string UniqueValue { get => TournamentName; }
public SetTournamentNameEvent(string tournamentName, Guid streamId) : base(streamId)
TournamentName = tournamentName;
- Manage websocket messages.
To receive or send any web socket message Hub
had to be configured.
After message is received we have to publish it on Redis Pub/Sub to notify other pods then process the message.
public async Task PublishAsync<T>(string groupId, T message)
var clients = await TryPublishAsync(groupId, message);
public async Task SubscribeAsync(MessageBrokerConnection connection)
if (!ConnectionValidation(connection))
var connections = GetConnectionsIfGroupsExists(connection.GroupId);
if(connections is null)
_groupConnectionsDicitonary.Add(connection.GroupId, new List<string> { connection.UserIdentifier });
await _retryWrappedPolicy.ExecuteAsync(async () => {
var group = GetConnectionsIfGroupsExists(connection.GroupId);
if(group is not null)
await SubscribeAsync(connection.GroupId);
Implementing Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern.
Domain class structure.
- In main folder run followed command to setup local environment for project
docker-compose up -d
- Working on local docker registry
docker run -d -p 7000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
- Build then push backend app into registry
docker build ./LCT -t localhost:7000/lct
docker push localhost:7000/lct
K8s configuration
k8s namespace
kubectl create namespace lct-namespace
Setup Deployment
kubectl apply -f .\deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f .\loadBalancer.yaml
metric service - essential for hpa to work
kubectl apply -f .\metric-service.yaml
Setup hpa
kubectl apply -f .\hpa.yaml
Frontent communicate with Backend via http requests. WebSockets added for better responsivness & User experience
RoadMap: [X] requests over time -> group by requestiId over time [X] pod's load -> hostname, requestId over time [X] avarege requests time [X] split errors by validations, bussiness logic & service errors -> validations& bussiness - warnings, service -> error. Let measure places to optimise where many validatiosn error occurs or someone may have been trying to access not owned data. [] Add cancellation tokens [X] number of pods over time -> responsivess to heavy load Alerts [] 5% requests taking more time than average [] database connection lost/websockets not working Observability [] k8s cpus, ram etc. [] get rid of exceptions [] APM? - sectors/modules of app monitoring, check when one module is overloaded so it may indicate to extract it into next microservice -> elastic apm to grafana?