producing WIX/MSI for Windows, PKG for Mac OSX and shell/tar file for Linux,
Note: Signatures files aren't posted in this repo. But the scripts can work with/or without the signatures files. Signing installers for Windows and Mac OSX aren't strictly required, but recommended. If no digital signature is provided, the user will be prompted during install.
For all OS, clone this repo on your local machine.
- Go to
- Download and install
- Go to
- Download and install the latest 2.x version
- Go in\scripts, and open the setup-win.bat file in a text editor
- Change the subst @ line #6 to point where you installed the 'Wix Toolset' at step #1
- Change the PYTHON_EXE variable @ line #10 to point to your Python executable
Download the PackageMaker tool from the Apple developer center in the Auxiliary Tools for Xcode package.
Go in\scripts, and open the setup-osx file in a text editor
- Change the PACKAGER variable @ line #9 to point where you installed the ''
Make sure the temp and output folders have write permission.
No setup required! You're all set.
Just make sure the temp and output folders have write permission.
There is 3 scripts available. One for each platform: win, osx, linux.
osx [-h] [-p <path>] [-t <template>] [-v <version>] <project>
-p Path to the directory containing the project root folder
(default is ./Apps/)
-t Template to use for packaging the project
(default is osxPerMachine)
-v Product version string
(default is 2016)
<project> Folder name of the project to package
-h This message
By default, the scripts assume:
they should find the app in ./Apps/
they should use the per-machine templates
the current Autodesk product platform is the 2016 version
You can change these options using the command flags.
Note: Do not forgoet the closing / on OSX and Linux or \ on Windows for the -p path option.
Windows: win MathNode
OSX: osx MathNode
Linux: linux MathNode
Windows: win -t winPerUser MathNode
OSX: osx -t osxPerUser MathNode
Windows: win -p d:\Dev\ -t winPerMachineIcon MyApp.bundle
OSX: osx -p ~/Projects/ -t osxPerMachine MyApp.bundle
Note: Note the difference between Maya and the other products. Maya cannot accept a .bundle extension for an bundle. Whereas, all others do require that extension.
This utility is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.
Cyrille Fauvel (Autodesk Developer Network)