This PowerShell script creates/updates Litmos users from a Chris21 XML export.
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- Place the PS script in your desired location
- Insure that Chris21 is generating an XML export file in same location as the script
- Update $importFile so that it references the name of your Chris21 export
- Update $apiKey with your Litmos API key
- Function 'Build-XMLBody' will need to be modified to match your Litmos elements and element order
- 'Main' will also need to be modified as above
- Manager email logic can be omitted if not needed
- Run the PS script manually or via Window Task Scheduler as required
- The script will check and create/re-create its required file structure
- Logs are produced for each run (success or failure)
- Error logs are produced for each error
- Supplementary logs show XML body being passed to API
- Chris21 exports are archived on each run
- Archived exports are deleted if older than 60 days