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dpad85 committed May 22, 2024
1 parent 25bbd61 commit 3fdb159
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Showing 8 changed files with 120 additions and 0 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions phoenix-android/src/main/res/values-b+es+419/important_strings.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -365,4 +365,19 @@
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body2">La selección de comisiones es su responsabilidad. Una vez enviado, este pago no puede ser cancelado, sólo acelerado con comisiones más altas.</string>
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body3">¿Está seguro de que desea continuar?</string>

<!-- Spend swap-in refund -->

<string name="swapinrefund_title">Gastar un intercambio caducado</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_none_available_label">No hay swap-in caducado.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_available_label">Fondos disponibles : <b>%1$s</b> (%2$s)</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_1">Utiliza esta pantalla para gastar depósitos on-chain que no hayan sido cambiados a Lightning a tiempo. Tenga en cuenta que esto no afecta en modo alguno a sus canales Lightning.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_2">Asegúrese de que la dirección de destino es correcta y los gastos razonables.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_send_button">Enviar</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_sending">Envío de fondos…</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed">Error de transacción.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_address">Dirección no válida.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_cannot_create">No se ha podido crear la transacción de cobro. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success">Transacción publicada.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success_details">Puede encontrar la transacción a continuación. No aparecerá en su historial de pagos, así que haga una copia ahora si lo necesita.</string>

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions phoenix-android/src/main/res/values-cs/important_strings.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -376,4 +376,19 @@
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body2">Výběr poplatků je na vaši zodpovědnost. Po odeslání nelze tuto platbu zrušit, pouze urychlit vyššími poplatky.</string>
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body3">Jste si jisti, že chcete pokračovat?</string>

<!-- Spend swap-in refund -->

<string name="swapinrefund_title">Utratit prošlou výměnu</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_none_available_label">Žádný swap-in neprošel.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_available_label">Dostupné prostředky: <b>%1$s</b> (%2$s)</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_1">Tato obrazovka slouží k utrácení vkladů v řetězci, které nebyly včas převedeny na Lightning. Všimněte si, že to nijak neovlivňuje vaše kanály Lightning.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_2">Ujistěte se, že cílová adresa je správná a poplatky přiměřené.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_send_button">Odeslat</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_sending">Odesílání…</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed">Chyba transakce.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_address">Neplatná adresa.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_cannot_create">Nepodařilo se vytvořit transakci sběru. Zkuste to prosím znovu.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success">Zveřejněná transakce.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success_details">Transakci naleznete níže. Nebude se zobrazovat v historii plateb, proto si ji nyní v případě potřeby zkopírujte.</string>

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions phoenix-android/src/main/res/values-de/important_strings.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -377,4 +377,19 @@
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body2">Die Auswahl der Gebühren liegt in Ihrer Verantwortung. Einmal abgeschickt, kann diese Zahlung nicht mehr storniert, sondern nur noch mit höheren Gebühren beschleunigt werden.</string>
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body3">Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten?</string>

<!-- Spend swap-in refund -->

<string name="swapinrefund_title">Ausgeben eines abgelaufenen Swap-ins</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_none_available_label">Keine abgelaufenen Swap-Ins.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_available_label">Verfügbare Gelder : <b>%1$s</b> (%2$s)</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_1">Verwenden Sie diesen Screen, um on-chain Einlagen auszugeben, die nicht rechtzeitig auf Lightning umgeschaltet wurden. Beachten Sie, dass dies keine Auswirkungen auf Ihre Lightning-Kanäle hat.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_2">Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Zieladresse korrekt ist und die Gebühren angemessen sind.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_send_button">Senden</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_sending">Sendung in Bearbeitung…</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed">Fehler in der Transaktion.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_address">Die Adresse ist ungültig.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_cannot_create">Die Einzugstransaktion konnte nicht erstellt werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success">Transaktion veröffentlicht.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success_details">Sie können die Transaktion unten finden. Sie wird nicht in Ihrem Zahlungsverlauf erscheinen, also machen Sie bei Bedarf jetzt eine Kopie davon.</string>

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions phoenix-android/src/main/res/values-es/important_strings.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -377,4 +377,19 @@
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body2">La selección de comisiones es su responsabilidad. Una vez enviado, este pago no puede ser cancelado, sólo acelerado con tasas más altas.</string>
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body3">¿Está seguro de que desea continuar?</string>

<!-- Spend swap-in refund -->

<string name="swapinrefund_title">Gastar un intercambio caducado</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_none_available_label">No hay swap-in caducado.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_available_label">Fondos disponibles : <b>%1$s</b> (%2$s)</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_1">Utiliza esta pantalla para gastar depósitos on-chain que no hayan sido cambiados a Lightning a tiempo. Tenga en cuenta que esto no afecta en modo alguno a sus canales Lightning.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_2">Asegúrese de que la dirección de destino es correcta y los gastos razonables.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_send_button">Enviar</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_sending">Envío de fondos…</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed">Error de transacción.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_address">Dirección no válida.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_cannot_create">No se ha podido crear la transacción de cobro. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success">Transacción publicada.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success_details">Puede encontrar la transacción a continuación. No aparecerá en su historial de pagos, así que haga una copia ahora si lo necesita.</string>

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions phoenix-android/src/main/res/values-fr/important_strings.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -377,4 +377,19 @@
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body2">Le choix des frais est de votre responsabilité. Une fois envoyé, ce paiement ne pourra pas être annulé, seulement accéléré en utilisant des frais plus élevés.</string>
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body3">Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?</string>

<!-- Spend swap-in refund -->

<string name="swapinrefund_title">Dépenser un swap-in expiré</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_none_available_label">Aucun swap-in expiré.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_available_label">Fonds disponibles : <b>%1$s</b> (%2$s)</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_1">Utilisez cet écran pour dépenser des dépôts on-chain qui n\'ont pas été basculés sur Lightning à temps. Notez que cela n\'affecte en rien vos canaux Lightning.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_2">Assurez vous que l\'adresse de destination est correcte et les frais raisonnables.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_send_button">Envoyer</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_sending">Envoi des fonds…</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed">Erreur de transaction.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_address">L\'adresse n\'est pas valide.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_cannot_create">Impossible de créer la transaction de recouvrement. Veuillez réessayer.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success">Transaction publiée.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success_details">Vous pouvez trouver la transaction ci-dessous. Elle n\'apparaîtra pas dans votre historique de paiements, donc faites en copie maintenant si besoin.</string>

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions phoenix-android/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/important_strings.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -376,4 +376,19 @@
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body2">É sua responsabilidade selecionar a taxa. Uma vez enviado, esse pagamento não pode ser cancelado, somente acelerado com taxas mais altas.</string>
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body3">Tem certeza de que deseja prosseguir?</string>

<!-- Spend swap-in refund -->

<string name="swapinrefund_title">Gastar um swap-in expirado</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_none_available_label">Nenhum swap-in expirou.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_available_label">Fundos disponíveis : <b>%1$s</b> (%2$s)</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_1">Use esta tela para gastar depósitos na cadeia que não tenham sido transferidos para o Lightning a tempo. Observe que isso não afeta seus canais Lightning de forma alguma.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_2">Verifique se o endereço de destino está correto e se as cobranças são razoáveis.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_send_button">Enviar</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_sending">Enviando…</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed">Erro de transação.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_address">Endereço inválido.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_cannot_create">Não foi possível criar a transação de cobrança. Por favor, tente novamente.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success">Transação publicada.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success_details">Você pode encontrar a transação abaixo. Ela não aparecerá em seu histórico de pagamentos, portanto, faça uma cópia agora, se necessário.</string>

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions phoenix-android/src/main/res/values-sk/important_strings.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -377,4 +377,19 @@
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body2">Výber poplatkov je na vašu zodpovednosť. Po odoslaní nemožno túto platbu zrušiť, iba urýchliť vyššími poplatkami.</string>
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body3">Ste si istí, že chcete pokračovať?</string>

<!-- Spend swap-in refund -->

<string name="swapinrefund_title">Stráviť výmenu, ktorej platnosť vypršala</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_none_available_label">Žiadny swap-in nevypršal.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_available_label">Dostupné finančné prostriedky: <b>%1$s</b> (%2$s)</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_1">Na tejto obrazovke môžete minúť vklady v reťazci, ktoré neboli včas prevedené na Lightning. Upozorňujeme, že to nijako neovplyvňuje vaše kanály Lightning.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_2">Uistite sa, že cieľová adresa je správna a poplatky primerané.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_send_button">Odoslať</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_sending">Odoslanie…</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed">Chyba transakcie.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_address">Nesprávna adresa.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_cannot_create">Nie je možné vytvoriť transakciu inkasa. Skúste to prosím znova.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success">Zverejnená transakcia.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success_details">Transakciu nájdete nižšie. Nebude sa zobrazovať v histórii platieb, preto si teraz vytvorte jej kópiu, ak ju potrebujete.</string>

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions phoenix-android/src/main/res/values-vi/important_strings.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -384,4 +384,19 @@
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body2">Lựa chọn mức phí phù hợp là trách nhiệm của bạn. Sau khi gửi yêu cầu, giao dịch này không thể bị hủy, mà chỉ có thể được tăng tốc với mức phí cao hơn.</string>
<string name="send_low_feerate_dialog_body3">Bạn có chắc bạn muốn tiếp tục?</string>

<!-- Spend swap-in refund -->

<string name="swapinrefund_title">Chi tiêu các khoản hoán đổi đã bị hủy</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_none_available_label">Chưa có giao dịch hoán đổi nào bị hủy.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_available_label">Có sẵn: <b>%1$s</b> (%2$s)</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_1">Sử dụng màn hình này để chi tiêu các khoản tiền gửi trên chuỗi không được hoán đổi kịp thời. Điều này không ảnh hưởng đến các kênh Lightning của bạn.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_instructions_2">Đảm bảo địa chỉ đích là hợp lệ và mức phí hợp lý.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_send_button">Gửi</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_sending">Đang gửi tiền…</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed">Lỗi giao dịch.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_address">Địa chỉ này không hợp lệ.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_failed_cannot_create">Không thể tạo giao dịch hoàn tiền. Hãy thử lại.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success">Giao dịch đã được công bố.</string>
<string name="swapinrefund_success_details">Bạn có thể tìm thấy giao dịch chi tiêu số tiền bên dưới. Nó sẽ không xuất hiện trong lịch sử thanh toán của bạn, vì vậy hãy tạo bản sao ID của nó ngay bây giờ nếu cần.</string>


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