Transcripts from past meetups. If you are looking to assist with formatting captions to transcripts, please read
- 2018-10-02: Accessibility 101 with Margie Chubin & Girl Develop It (GDI) Chicago
- 2018-12-11: Designing Accessible Sign Up Forms with Michellanne Li
- 2017-03-15: United Airline's Accessibility Journey with Dennis Deacon
- 2017-04-27: Usable Accessibility with Robert Kingett
- 2017-06-21: WCAG 2.0 - Operable with Dennis Deacon
- 2017-08-02: Real-world Techniques for Accessible Design with Joe Welinske
- 2017-08-29: Inclusive Design with Derek Featherstone
- 2017-09-27: Good Design Was Always Accessible with Sharlene King
- 2017-10-19: Accessibility Legal Update with Lainey Feingold
- 2016-01-28: Cultural Accessibility at the MCA Chicago
- 2016-03-16: Standards, Design Patterns, ARIA and more with Seth M Kane
- 2016-04-27: Usable Accessibility with Robert Kingett
- 2016-07-26: Mobile site accessibility: the good, the bad and the ugly with Gian Wild
- 2016-08-30: A Field Guide to Web Accessibility with Derek Featherstone
- 2016-10-05: Color contrast and alt attributes on with Todd Welstein
- 2016-10-05: Accessibility into Automation with Seth Kane
- 2016-10-27: Where Does User Experience & Accessibility Meet? with Richard Douglass
- 2016-12-06: Software Developer Kits & Accessibility with Thomas Logan