Build a Chrome Extension with Vite.
English | 简体中文
- Chrome extension pages and injected scripts support the use of vue, react, etc.
- content_scripts css configuration item supports .scss or .less files; js configuration item supports .js(x) or .ts(x) files.
- background.service_worker configuration item supports .js or .ts files.
- In development environments, content_scripts injected pages and Chrome extensions are automatically reloaded after content_scripts and background.service_worker are modified.
# pnpm
pnpm add vite-plugin-crx-mv3 -D
# npm
npm install vite-plugin-crx-mv3 -D
# yarn
yarn add vite-plugin-crx-mv3 -D
- Type:
- Default:
Create a websocket connection. Notify Chrome extension clients to reload when changes are made to the contentscript and servicework files.
- Type:
- Required :
Path to the chrome extension's manifest.json
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import crx from 'vite-plugin-crx-mv3'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
manifest: './src/manifest.json'
# development
pnpm dev
# production
pnpm build
Check out the examples in this repo.
- crx-contentscript-sass-less
- crx-executescript-function
- crx-jquery
- crx-react
- crx-solid
- crx-vue
- crx-vue-drawer
- crx-vue-mult-page
Check out this GIF preview.
- After starting the project, you need to refresh the page manually for the first time, so that the client and the server can establish a websocket connection.
- You need to restart the project after modifying manifest.json.