vnpy3 is a simplified running in python3. The core code is borrowed from vnpy: We are still in development. Currently, this project targets experienced users.
- simplified the building process with cmake
- supporting python3, theoretically, it also supports python2 (not tested)
- ctp
- xtp
- boost (1.57 or later) [tested: 1.65]
- cmake (3.0 or later) [tested: 3.9]
- visual studio (2011 or later) [tested: 2013]
Please let me know if you have any question and if you want to add more tested enviroments.
edit configuration file: vnpy/cmake/configuration.cmake to set proper path for boost and python;
1.1 We currently use shared-lib for python/boost.python and static-lib for other boost-libraries,
1.2 you may want to do some changes (see Line 20-31, 40-42 in vnpy/CMakeLists.txt).
On windows: edit compile.bat by setting proper location for MSBuild.exe and cmake.exe;
run compile.bat or depending on your system.
Write once, use everywhere.