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Banking Application in VNC


Required services

  1. Account-Service docker image
  2. User-Login-Inter-Com docker image
  3. Config-Server
  4. Mysql docker image
  5. Vnc server docker image
  6. Android application

To Set up Docker network for Fixed Ip

Step 1: Create a User-Defined Bridge Network

sudo docker network create --subnet= mynet

To Set up and Run Mysql DB

Pull the latest image of mysql from dockerhub

sudo docker pull mysql:latest 

Run the docker image

sudo docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=iDRBT@007 -d --network=mynet --ip= --name=mysql-container mysql

Install mysql cli

sudo apt install mysql-client-core-8.0

Get the ip address of the mysql container

sudo docker inspect <container-id> 

get the ip address

mysql -h <container-ip> -u root -p

Connect to mysql

mysql -h -u root -p
pwd : iDRBT@007

Create databases

show databases; create database accounts_info; create database users_info;

To switch the database

use <database-name> output:

mysql> SHow databases;
| Database           |
| accounts_info      |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
| users_info         |

To show tables in database

show tables output:

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_accounts_info |
| accounts                |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

To check the records in the table

select * from <table-name


mysql> select * from accounts;

To Set up and Run Account-Service

Pull the docker image

docker pull pavan0077/vnc-accounts:V2


To directly download and run the docker image

sudo docker run -d -p 9901:9901 --network=mynet --ip= --name=vnc-accounts-container pavan0077/vnc-accounts:V2

To check the container with rest end point use container docker ip

``` sudo docker ps ```
``` sudo docker inspect <container-ip> ```
``` sudo docker inspect c6c36ddb79f5 ```

And check for IPAddress
``` "IPAddress": "" ``` 

To Set up and Run User-Login-Inter-Com

Pull the docker image

sudo docker pull pavan0077/vnc-login:V2


To directly download and run the docker image

sudo docker run -d -p 9902:9902 --network=mynet --ip= --name=vnc-login-container pavan0077/vnc-login:V2

To check the container with rest end point use container docker ip

``` sudo docker ps ```
``` sudo docker inspect <container-ip> ```
``` sudo docker inspect c6c36ddb79f5 ```

And check for IPAddress
``` "IPAddress": "" ``` 

Build and Run android application

In this repo we have three folders use Bank-Mag folder to Build android application

To Build clone the repo and import Bank-Mag in Android studio and click on Run icon or Build the apk file using option Build --> Build Bundle --> Build APK

You can also find the apk file in the BankMag folder in this repo.

To change the rest endpoint in future like IP or Port then do some modification

Step 1 : Change the config file with new properties

Step 2 : Change the ip or port as per requirement

  "loginServiceUrl": "",
  "accountServiceUrl": ""

To Set up and Run VNC Server with Android Emulator


Pull the docker image

sudo docker pull budtmo/docker-android:emulator_13.0 

Step 1: Download the android application

Step 2: Create a Directory for the APK

mkdir android-app
mv final.apk android-app/

Step 3: Mount the Directory into the Docker Container

sudo docker run -d -p 5901:5900 -p 6081:6080 -e EMULATOR_DEVICE="Samsung Galaxy S10" -e WEB_VNC=true --device /dev/kvm -v /home/idrbt/android-app:/app/android-app --name android-container-1 budtmo/docker-android:emulator_13.0

Step 4: Install the Application in the Emulator

sudo docker exec -it android-container-1 /bin/bash

cd /app/android-app/
adb install -r final.apk

To view web browser http://<instance or host-ip>:6081

To connect Click on Connect

To view in Vnc-Client application

Download any vnc client

Ref link 1 :
Ref link 2 :

In case the emulator closes:

emulator -avd samsung_galaxy_s10_13.0 -read-only
adb devices

To view in vnc client application

Open vnc client and use <host-ip>:5901

To Capture DCP DUMP

sudo tcpdump -w packet_9nov.pcap -i docker0 port 5900 -B 100000 Here -w is to write in the file packet_9nov.pcap - file name, port 5900 to get only port specific captures, -i is interface -B 10000 is used for buffer size

Application Management


  1. Account-Service
  2. User-Login-Inter-Com
  3. Mysql DB


  1. Android application development


  1. VNC Server
  2. VNC Client


  1. Docker networks
  2. Docker-compose files

**Vulnerable-apks- **

1.     Sieve.apk

2.   Diva.apk

3.     FourGoats.apk
  1. InsecureBank.apk


For running the VNC client in a docker env

our vnc server ip goes here REMOTE_HOST, out port goes here REMOTE_PORT ref:

sudo docker run -d -e REMOTE_HOST= -e REMOTE_PORT=5901 -p 8081:8081 dougw/novnc

Application Developed By

  1. PAVAN KUMAR DASARI       (Back-end & Front-end)
  2. ABHISHEK RAJ       (Networking)
  3. PRAVEENA SAGI       (Streaming)


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