The 5GMS Common Library is an Android library that includes models and helper classes used within the different client-side Android applications such as the 5GMSd-Aware Application, 5GMSd Media Stream Handler and the 5GMSd Media Session Handler.
Additional information can be found at:
Release versions can be downloaded from the releases page.
We also publish this library as a Maven package on the 5G-MAG Github Packages .
The source can be obtained by cloning the github repository.
cd ~
git clone
Call the following command in order to generate the aar
./gradlew assemble
The resulting aar
bundles can be found in app/build/outputs/aar/
and can be included in your
project by specifying the path to the bundle.
The preferred way to include the 5GMS Common Library is via a local or remote Maven repository (see below). To include the library from a local Maven repository we need to publish it locally first:
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
To include the 5GMS Common Library from a local Maven repository apply the following changes.
Note: When using the other 5GMS client-side projects the changes below are already included. In this case the 5GMS Common Library only needs to be published to the local Maven repository (see above).
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
Replace the version number in the example below with the version number you are using,
e.g. 1.2.0
instead of 1.0.0
dependencies {
// 5GMAG
implementation 'com.fivegmag:a5gmscommonlibrary:1.0.0'
This project follows
the Gitflow workflow
. The development
branch of this project serves as an integration branch for new features. Consequently, please make
sure to switch to the development
branch before starting the implementation of a new feature.