- Transformer
- Anticipative Video Transformer
在 CVPR 21 EPIC-Kitchens 行动预期挑战排行榜上排名第一
- Anticipative Video Transformer
- 图像处理
- 半监督
- 分割
- 细粒度
- 语义分割
- 未分
- 车辆
- 目标检测
- Training Domain-invariant Object Detector Faster with Feature Replay and Slow Learner
本文所介绍算法 A-NDFT,是对 NDFT 的改良版本。A-NDFT 利用两种加速技术,feature replay 和 slow learner。因此,在一个大规模的 UAVDT 基准上,它可以将 NDVT 的训练时间从 31 小时减少到 3 小时,同时仍然保持性能。
- Training Domain-invariant Object Detector Faster with Feature Replay and Slow Learner
- 6D
- Anticipative Video Transformer
在 CVPR 21 EPIC-Kitchens 行动预期挑战排行榜上排名第一
- Learning to Generate Novel Scene Compositions from Single Images and Videos
- Directional GAN: A Novel Conditioning Strategy for Generative Networks
- Detecting and Matching Related Objects with One Proposal Multiple Predictions
- Differentiable Event Stream Simulator for Non-Rigid 3D Tracking
🏠project - City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking Guided by Crossroad Zones
- GAN-Based Data Augmentation and Anonymization for Skin-Lesion Analysis: A Critical Review
- 医学图像识别
- 无监督检测
- 无监督
- 半监督
- 人脸表情识别
- 人脸识别
- 视频恢复
- 异常检测
- An Efficient Approach for Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos
- Good Practices and A Strong Baseline for Traffic Anomaly Detection
在 CVPR 2021 NVIDIA AI CITY 挑战赛中的 Traffic Anomaly Detection(交通异常检测)中排名第一
- 风格迁移
- action spotting-重点动作识别
- 动作检测
- Graph-based Person Signature for Person Re-Identifications
- 行人检测
- 基于视频的 Reid
- 视频超分辨率
- 图像超分辨率
- 语义分割
- Improving Online Performance Prediction for Semantic Segmentation
- Plants Don't Walk on the Street: Common-Sense Reasoning for Reliable Semantic Segmentation
- Rethinking Ensemble-Distillation for Semantic Segmentation Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
- Detecting Anomalies in Semantic Segmentation with Prototypes
- 实例分割
- 视频目标分割
- NTIRE 2021 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Dataset, Methods and Results
- 去除滤镜
- 去雾
- 图像压缩
- 图像质量评估
- 去雨
- 照片补光
- 去模糊
- 图像补光
- Multi-modal Bifurcated Network for Depth Guided Image Relighting
⭐[code](https://github.com/weitingchen83/NTIRE2021-Depth- Guided-Image-Relighting-MBNet)
是 NTIRE 2021 深度指南一对一补光挑战赛的冠军 - S3Net: A Single Stream Structure for Depth Guided Image Relighting
在 NTIRE 2021 深度引导的任意重新照明挑战中获得第3名 - Physically Inspired Dense Fusion Networks for Relighting
OIDDR-Net排名第二,AMIDR-Net 在 NTIRE 2021 年深度引导图像重光挑战中名列前五名
- Multi-modal Bifurcated Network for Depth Guided Image Relighting
- 图像恢复
- bokeh effect(背景虚化)
- LSPnet: A 2D Localization-oriented Spacecraft Pose Estimation Neural Network
- Pseudo-IoU: Improving Label Assignment in Anchor-Free Object Detection
⭐code - Training Domain-invariant Object Detector Faster with Feature Replay and Slow Learner
本文所介绍算法 A-NDFT,是对 NDFT 的改良版本。A-NDFT 利用两种加速技术,feature replay 和 slow learner。因此,在一个大规模的 UAVDT 基准上,它可以将 NDVT 的训练时间从 31 小时减少到 3 小时,同时仍然保持性能。 - 3D目标检测
- MVFuseNet: Improving End-to-End Object Detection and Motion Forecasting through Multi-View Fusion of LiDAR Data
- Multi-task Learning with Attention for End-to-end Autonomous Driving
- End-to-End Interactive Prediction and Planning with Optical Flow Distillation for Autonomous Driving
🏠project - Rethinking of Radar's Role: A Camera-Radar Dataset and Systematic Annotator via Coordinate Alignment
- A Strong Baseline for Vehicle Re-Identification
⭐code - An Empirical Study of Vehicle Re-Identification on the AI City Challenge
获得 CVPR 2021研讨会上,NVIDIA AI City Challenge(英伟达人工智能城市挑战赛)第2赛道(车辆重识别)的第一名。
- A Strong Baseline for Vehicle Re-Identification
- The Multi-Agent Behavior Dataset: Mouse Dyadic Social Interactions
- The iWildCam 2021 Competition Dataset
- GOO: A Dataset for Gaze Object Prediction in Retail Environments
🌻dataset - The Herbarium 2021 Half–Earth Challenge Dataset
- BNN-二进制神经网络
- 主动学习
- 对比学习
- 类增量学习
- 增量学习
- 持续学习
- 联邦学习
- 元学习
- Reconsidering CO2 emissions from Computer Vision
- Assessment of deep learning based blood pressure prediction from PPG and rPPG signals
- I Find Your Lack of Uncertainty in Computer Vision Disturbing
- Revisiting The Evaluation of Class Activation Mapping for Explainability: A Novel Metric and Experimental Analysis
- Patch Shortcuts: Interpretable Proxy Models Efficiently Find Black-Box Vulnerabilities
- The 5th AI City Challenge
- Width Transfer: On the (In)variance of Width Optimization
- Sign Segmentation with Changepoint-Modulated Pseudo-Labelling
- CASSOD-Net: Cascaded and Separable Structures of Dilated Convolution for Embedded Vision Systems and Applications
- Feedback control of event cameras
- Effectively Leveraging Attributes for Visual Similarity
- Dynamic-OFA: Runtime DNN Architecture Switching for Performance Scaling on Heterogeneous Embedded Platforms
与最先进的技术相比,在Jetson Xavier NX 上使用 ImageNet 的实验结果表明,在相似的 ImageNet Top-1 精度下,该方法的速度最高可达 3.5倍(CPU),2.4倍(GPU),或者在相似的延迟下,精度更高 3.8%(CPU),5.1%(GPU)。 - High-Resolution Complex Scene Synthesis with Transformers
- Deep Graphics Encoder for Real-Time Video Makeup Synthesis from Example
- Texture Generation with Neural Cellular Automata
🏠project - Single View Geocentric Pose in the Wild
⭐code - PAL: Intelligence Augmentation using Egocentric Visual Context Detection
- PanoDR: Spherical Panorama Diminished Reality for Indoor Scenes
- Semi-Supervised Disparity Estimation with Deep Feature Reconstruction
- Reducing the feature divergence of RGB and near-infrared images using Switchable Normalization
- 异常检测