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4pr0n edited this page Sep 6, 2013 · 4 revisions


  • Python 2.6.6 or 2.7.1 (may work with other versions, tested as working with these)
  • Apache 2.2.22

Check your version of Python

The scripts rely on /usr/bin/python to be Python 2.

You can test this by typing python -V in the command-line and seeing which version python defaults to.

If the default python version is not 2.x, you will need to either:

  1. Change the first line of all python/cgi scripts to use #!/usr/bin/python2, or

  2. Setup a symlink to point /usr/bin/python to the correct python version (2.x)

See Issue #1 for a proposed solution.

Edit Apache's config to allow execution of cgi scripts within the directory.

By default, Apache won't let you run CGI scripts from any directory. Only do this if you are getting 'forbidden' or 'internal server error' messages when running the script.

To enable executing CGI from the directory, edit the configuration in nano (or vim or emacs or whatever):

sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

At the bottom of this file, add:

<Directory "/path/to/rip/directory/">
    Options ExecCGI

Replace /path/to/rip/director/ with the actual path to the /rip/ directory.

Save, then restart apache

sudo apachectl restart

Make the CGI files executable

cd /path/to/rip/directory
chmod +x *.cgi

Once this is done, test the site out by visiting the index.cgi file. Be sure to turn on the Developer Console in your browser so you can view any errors/warnings that arise.

API keys

The site uses it's own developer API keys -- these are not included in the source code.


The tumblr ripper won't work if you do not have a tumblr API key. You can register for a tumblr API key here.

Paste your tumblr API key into the file ./sites/tumblr_api.key


Twitter requires an API key. Go here, sign in, sign up, and register your application.

Paste the twitter API key into the file ./sites/twitter_api.key