Small script which can be used to send notifications when a there is not enough space on disks.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
sudo apt-get install swaks
Follow these instructions for setting up the Disk Space monitor
Create a directory ( choose your preferred location )
sudo mkdir .scripts
Change permissions of the created directory
sudo chmod 700 .scripts
Download and create the Source file
sudo sh -c 'curl > .scripts/'
Change file permissions
sudo chmod 700 .scripts/
Start the installation process - verify that you changed the directory to .scripts This will generate a cronjob at 4AM and a logrotate configuration file also some default files in the directory will be generated The cronjob will be generated as root user
sudo /bin/bash -c "cd .scripts; ./ -i"
Store your smtp Password to the generated Password file
sudo /bin/bash -c 'echo "YOUR_PASSWORD" > .scripts/smtp_pw.txt'
Store a default Message in the message file
sudo /bin/bash -c 'echo "YOUR MESSAGE" > .scripts/message.txt'
Open the file by typing
sudo nano .scripts/
Change these parameters to your needs
# PROJECT NAME this will be added to the Subject
# Location of your password File - dont forget to change the file permissions!
# Define your disks here delimited by whitespace for example "sda sdb"
DRIVES="/dev/root /dev/mmcblk0p1"
# Limit - when this value is reached send mail to user
# Account which will be used as relay to prevent dns lookup error
# Account auth user
# User which receiving the mail - delimited by , for example "[email protected],[email protected]"
# Message Location
# The Subject of the Email
SUBJECT="Disk space alert! Detected low memory on disk!"
After changing the necessary parameters all should be working well. These could be your output.
Fr 28. Dec 20:36:34 UTC 2018 Checked filesystem space of disk: /dev/root Remaining space: 8,0G used: 6,0G 43 size: 15G
Fr 28. Dec 20:36:34 UTC 2018 Checked filesystem space of disk: mmcblk0p1 Remaining space: 21M used: 22M 52 size: 43M
Fr 28. Dec 20:36:35 UTC 2018 exited with no error - mail successfully send
You are able to remove all generated files of this script with this routine
sudo /bin/bash -c "cd .scripts; ./ -r"
sudo /bin/bash -c "cd .scripts; ./ --deinstall"
Before testing your new script - check any Parameter be sure that password and message is set.
Run the script
sudo /bin/bash -c "cd .scripts; ./"
This should give you all necessary information whats going on.
Follow the instructions in this readme to deploy this script to your live-system The Script was tested on Ubuntu18.04 | Raspbian 9.8
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Kevin O. H. Heim - Initial work - 4ddev
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details