Welcome to xia0LLDB - Python3 Edition
,--. ,--. ,--. ,--. ,------. ,-----.
,--. ,--.`--' ,--,--. / \ | | | | | .-. \ | |) /_
\ `' / ,--.' ,-. || () || | | | | | \ :| .-. \
/ /. \ | |\ '-' | \ / | '--.| '--.| '--' /| '--' /
'--' '--'`--' `--`--' `--' `-----'`-----'`-------' `------'
[xia0LLDB] * Version: v3.1
[xia0LLDB] + Loading all scripts from ~/xia0/iOSRE/LLDB/xia0LLDB
[xia0LLDB] * Finished
There is a problem that lldb import xia0LLDB in last macOS Catalina, because the last macOS's lldb default use python3. Here is a way to change it to python2
defaults write DefaultPythonVersion 2
Welcome to xia0LLDB - Python3 Edition
Thanks @Lakr so much for porting it to Python3 !
Just open Terminal and run below command
git clone && cd xia0LLDB && ./
Below is cmds just use alias in cmd.txt
mload [dylib_in_the_iphone_device_path]
Load a dylib into current process
Fast show some important regiters
Print current key windown
xi [code_address]
just show address disassmble +/- 8
dfuc [addr_of_func]
show function all disassemble by given address
pclass [oc_object]
print oc object class name
get string from iOS device pasteboard
pbpaste [string]
paste string to iOS device pasteboard
data [object_of_NSData]
print NSData object
It is just alias of
process connect connect://
write pc register to control exe process
👉👉👉 go to the env that can run oc script. This cmd is always used when backboard debug luanch app, debuger just attch on.The point is between app code not execute and can run lldb commands.So try use it when backboard debug luanch app.
print all ivars of OC object (iOS Only) and macOS version will come soon!
(lldb) ivars 0x2835c4d00
<CContactMgr: 0x2835c4d00>:
in CContactMgr:
m_oLock (NSRecursiveLock*): <NSRecursiveLock: 0x2830aaca0>
m_uiLoadedType (unsigned int): 0
m_oContactDB (CContactDB*): <CContactDB: 0x2819b07e0>
m_oNewContactDB (NewContactDB*): <NewContactDB: 0x28156b7e0>
m_oContactOPLog (CContactOPLog*): <CContactOPLog: 0x2819b07f0>
m_openImContactMgr (OpenImContactMgr*): <OpenImContactMgr: 0x281bc07a0>
m_dicRemark (NSMutableDictionary*): <__NSDictionaryM: 0x281bc0a00>
m_dicLastAccessTime (NSMutableDictionary*): <__NSDictionaryM: 0x281bc0a60>
m_dicContacts (NSMutableDictionary*): <__NSDictionaryM: 0x281bc09e0>
print all methods of OC object (iOS Only) and macOS version will come soon!
if the objc class name contains space like " m" or other odd characters. you can use "methods -n the_odd_class_name."
(lldb) methods CContactMgr
<CContactMgr: 0x1071caa28>:
in CContactMgr:
@property (readonly) unsigned long hash;
@property (readonly) Class superclass;
@property (readonly, copy) NSString* description;
@property (readonly, copy) NSString* debugDescription;
Instance Methods:
- (void) MessageReturn:(id)arg1 Event:(unsigned int)arg2; (0x1005cb338)
- (id) getContactByName:(id)arg1; (0x1000f4e74)
- (void) OnGetNewXmlMsg:(id)arg1 Type:(id)arg2 MsgWrap:(id)arg3; (0x1001de380)
- (void) onServiceReloadData; (0x102d10934)
(lldb) methods -n " m"
[*] will get methods for class:" m"
< m: 0x10d6f86f0>:
in m:
@property (retain, nonatomic) N* kManager; (@synthesize kManager = _configManager;)
@property (retain, nonatomic) h* payloadStore; (@synthesize payloadStore = _payloadStore;)
@property (retain, nonatomic) 5* sensorAgent; (@synthesize sensorAgent = _sensorAgent;)
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue>* scriptMsgQueue; (@synthesize scriptMsgQueue = _scriptMsgQueue;)
Instance Methods:
- (void) setConfigManager:(id)arg1; (0x10d65b68c)
- (void) setSensorAgent:(id)arg1; (0x10d5c86d0)
- (void) lb; (0x10d60aa04)
- (void) setKernelCode:(id)arg1; (0x10d6d9330)
- (void) setIsBaseKernel:(BOOL)arg1; (0x10d606168)
Re import xia0LLDB from lldbinit
the replacement of bt
, it can restore frame OC symbol on stackframe. if you want to restore block symbol, you can use the ida python script provided to get block symbol json file. then input sbt -f block_json_file_path
in lldb. Beside it can show more infomation: mem address, file address
// also you can spcail -f block_json_file to restore block symbol
(lldb) sbt
BlockSymbolFile Not Set The Block Symbol Json File, Try 'sbt -f'
frame #0: [file:0x100009740 mem:0x100fb1740] WeChat`-[MMServiceCenter getService:] + 0
frame #1: [file:0x100017cd4 mem:0x100fbfcd4] WeChat`+[SettingUtil getMainSetting] + 88
frame #2: [file:0x10004eef0 mem:0x100ff6ef0] WeChat`-[CDownloadVoiceMgr TimerCheckDownloadQueue] + 44
frame #3: [file:0x1800a3604 mem:0x1ccb33604] libobjc.A.dylib`-[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] + 68
frame #4: [file:0x10002e92c mem:0x100fd692c] WeChat`-[MMNoRetainTimerTarget onNoRetainTimer:] + 84
frame #5: [file:0x1819750bc mem:0x1ce4050bc] Foundation`__NSFireTimer + 88
frame #6: [file:0x180e3d0a4 mem:0x1cd8cd0a4] CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 32
frame #7: [file:0x180e3cdd0 mem:0x1cd8ccdd0] CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoTimer + 884
frame #8: [file:0x180e3c5c4 mem:0x1cd8cc5c4] CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoTimers + 252
frame #9: [file:0x180e37284 mem:0x1cd8c7284] CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 1832
frame #10: [file:0x180e36844 mem:0x1cd8c6844] CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452
frame #11: [file:0x1830e5be8 mem:0x1cfb75be8] GraphicsServices`GSEventRunModal + 104
frame #12: [file:0x1ae78431c mem:0x1fb21431c] UIKitCore`UIApplicationMain + 216
frame #13: [file:0x10022ee88 mem:0x1011d6e88] WeChat`main + 556
frame #14: [file:0x1808ec020 mem:0x1cd37c020] libdyld.dylib`start + 4
get instance object of given class name, a lldb version of cycript's choose command
(lldb) choose CContactMgr
====>xia0LLDB NSArray Address: 0x2815a8540 size: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
======>xia0LLDB Object Address: 0x2835c4d00
<CContactMgr: 0x2835c4d00>
xia0 super set breakpoint command:set breakpoint at OC class method although strip symbol and so on
// set breakpoint at oc methold even symbol stripped
(lldb) xbr "-[MMServiceCenter getService:]"
[*] className:MMServiceCenter methodName:getService:
[+] found class address:0x10803d208
[+] found selector address:0x106425b4c
[+] found method address:0x100fb1740
Breakpoint 1: where = WeChat`___lldb_unnamed_symbol50$$WeChat, address = 0x0000000100fb1740
// set breakpoint at address of ida, auto add slide
(lldb) xbr 0x100009740
[*] you not specail the module, default is main module
[*] ida's address:0x100009740 main module slide:0xfa8000 target breakpoint address:0x100fb1740
Breakpoint 3: where = WeChat`___lldb_unnamed_symbol50$$WeChat, address = 0x0000000100fb1740
// set breakpoint at memory address
(lldb) xbr -a 0x100fb1740
[*] breakpoint at address:0x100fb1740
Breakpoint 4: where = WeChat`___lldb_unnamed_symbol50$$WeChat, address = 0x0000000100fb1740
// set breakpoint at main function
(lldb) xbr -E main
[*] breakpoint at main function:0x1011d6c5c
Breakpoint 5: where = WeChat`___lldb_unnamed_symbol7390$$WeChat, address = 0x00000001011d6c5c
// set breakpoint at first mod_init function
(lldb) xbr -E init
[*] breakpoint at mod int first function:0x1044553dc
Breakpoint 6: where = WeChat`___lldb_unnamed_symbol143513$$WeChat, address = 0x00000001044553dc
// set breakpoint at adresses of all methods of given class name
(lldb) xbr UPLivePlayerVC
Breakpoint 1: where = TestPaly`-[UPLivePlayerVC progressSliderSeekTime:] at UPLivePlayerVC.m:205, address = 0x0000000102dc134c
Breakpoint 2: where = TestPaly`-[UPLivePlayerVC progressSliderTouchDown:] at UPLivePlayerVC.m:197, address = 0x0000000102dc1184
Breakpoint 3: where = TestPaly`-[UPLivePlayerVC progressSliderValueChanged:] at UPLivePlayerVC.m:201, address = 0x0000000102dc11ec
Breakpoint 45: where = TestPaly`-[UPLivePlayerVC setUrl:] at UPLivePlayerVC.h:13, address = 0x0000000102dc2990
Breakpoint 46: where = TestPaly`-[UPLivePlayerVC play] at UPLivePlayerVC.m:124, address = 0x0000000102dbfd84
Breakpoint 47: where = TestPaly`-[UPLivePlayerVC pause] at UPLivePlayerVC.m:132, address = 0x0000000102dbfe1c
Set 47 breakpoints of UPLivePlayerVC
// set breakpoint at all +[* load] methods
(lldb) xbr -E load
[*] will set breakpoint at all +[* load] methold, count:2
Breakpoint 2: where = TestAPP`+[OCTest load] at OCTest.m:19, address = 0x00000001042df674
[+] set br at:0x1042df674
Breakpoint 3: where = TestAPP`+[OCClassDemo load] at OCClassDemo.m:19, address = 0x000000010430272c
[+] set br at:0x10430272c
bypass anti-debug: can hook ptrace and inlinehook svc to kill anti debug. it is so strong ever!!!
[*] start patch ptrace funtion to bypass antiDebug
[+] success ptrace funtion to bypass antiDebug
[*] start patch svc ins to bypass antiDebug
[+] get text segment start address:0x100017430 and end address:0x10001a398
[+] found svc address:0x100017528
[*] start hook svc at address:0x100017528
[+] success hook svc at address:0x100017528
[+] found svc address:0x100017540
[*] start hook svc at address:0x100017540
[+] success hook svc at address:0x100017540
[*] all patch done
[x] happy debugging~ kill antiDebug by xia0@2019
very useful command to get info of address/function/module and so on
// get info of image
(lldb) info -m WeChat
Module Path : /var/containers/Bundle/Application/747A9704-6252-45A9-AE55-59690DAD60BB/
Module Silde: 0x7d4000
Module base : 0x1007d4000
// get info of address of function
(lldb) info -a 0x00000001cd4ca3b8
Module Path: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
Module base: 0x1cd4a8000
Symbol name: __getpid
Symbol addr: 0x1cd4ca3b8
// get info of function
(lldb) info -f getpid
Func name: getpid
Func addr: 0x1cd4ca3b8
Module Path: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
Module base: 0x1cd4a8000
Symbol name: __getpid
Symbol addr: 0x1cd4ca3b8
dump macho image in lldb, default dump all macho image.
👇👇👇 very important!!!
Notice: if app crash at launch like detect jailbreak, you should use -x backboard launch app, and just input dumpdecrypted -X
see more:
(lldb) dumpdecrypted
[*] start dump image:/var/containers/Bundle/Application/701B4574-1606-41F3-B0DB-92D34F92E886/
[+] Dumping com_kwai_gif
[+] detected 64bit ARM binary in memory.
[+] offset to cryptid found: @0x100014980(from 0x100014000) = 980
[+] Found encrypted data at address 00004000 of length 16384 bytes - type 1.
[+] Opening /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/701B4574-1606-41F3-B0DB-92D34F92E886/ for reading.
[+] Reading header
[+] Detecting header type
[+] Executable is a plain MACH-O image
[+] Opening /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/23C75F90-C42D-4F43-83D9-5DCCA36FE2D5/Documents/com_kwai_gif.decrypted for writing.
[+] Copying the not encrypted start of the file
[+] Dumping the decrypted data into the file
[+] Copying the not encrypted remainder of the file
[+] Setting the LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO->cryptid to 0 at offset 980
[+] Closing original file
[+] Closing dump file
[*] This mach-o file decrypted done.
[+] dump macho file at:/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/23C75F90-C42D-4F43-83D9-5DCCA36FE2D5/Documents/com_kwai_gif.decrypted
[*] start dump image:/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/701B4574-1606-41F3-B0DB-92D34F92E886/
[+] Dumping gifIMFramework
[+] detected 64bit ARM binary in memory.
[+] offset to cryptid found: @0x100064bd0(from 0x100064000) = bd0
[+] Found encrypted data at address 00004000 of length 2752512 bytes - type 1.
[+] Opening /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/701B4574-1606-41F3-B0DB-92D34F92E886/ for reading.
[+] Reading header
[+] Detecting header type
[+] Executable is a plain MACH-O image
[+] Opening /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/23C75F90-C42D-4F43-83D9-5DCCA36FE2D5/Documents/gifIMFramework.decrypted for writing.
[+] Copying the not encrypted start of the file
[+] Dumping the decrypted data into the file
[+] Copying the not encrypted remainder of the file
[+] Setting the LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO->cryptid to 0 at offset bd0
[+] Closing original file
[+] Closing dump file
[*] This mach-o file decrypted done.
[+] dump macho file at:/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/23C75F90-C42D-4F43-83D9-5DCCA36FE2D5/Documents/gifIMFramework.decrypted
[*] Developed By xia0@2019
runtime patch instrument in lldb
// -a patch_address -i patch_instrument{nop/ret/mov0/mov1} -s instrument_count
(lldb) patcher -a 0x0000000100233a18 -i nop -s 8
[*] start patch text at address:0x100233a18 size:8 to ins:"nop" and data:0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5
[*] make ins data:
{0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5 ,0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5 ,0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5 ,0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5 ,0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5 ,0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5 ,0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5 ,0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5 }
[+] patch done
[x] power by xia0@2019
(lldb) x/12i 0x0000000100233a18
0x100233a18: 0xd503201f nop
0x100233a1c: 0xd503201f nop
0x100233a20: 0xd503201f nop
0x100233a24: 0xd503201f nop
0x100233a28: 0xd503201f nop
0x100233a2c: 0xd503201f nop
0x100233a30: 0xd503201f nop
0x100233a34: 0xd503201f nop
0x100233a38: 0xf941ac14 ldr x20, [x0, #0x358]
0x100233a3c: 0xf9419c15 ldr x21, [x0, #0x338]
0x100233a40: 0xf941a400 ldr x0, [x0, #0x348]
0x100233a44: 0xf9400008 ldr x8, [x0]
// 2019-10-27 update: -i option can receive raw instrument data like: "{0x20, 0x00, 0x80, 0xd2}"
(lldb) patcher -a 0x183a40fd8 -i "{0x20, 0x00, 0x80, 0xd2}"
[*] detect you manual set ins data:{0x20, 0x00, 0x80, 0xd2}
[*] start patch text at address:0x183a40fd8 size:1 to ins data:{0x20, 0x00, 0x80, 0xd2}
[x] power by xia0@2019
(lldb) x/12i $pc
-> 0x183a40fd8: 0xd2800020 mov x0, #0x1
0x183a40fdc: 0x928003f0 mov x16, #-0x20
0x183a40fe0: 0xd4001001 svc #0x80
0x183a40fe4: 0xd65f03c0 ret
0x183a40fe8: 0x92800410 mov x16, #-0x21
0x183a40fec: 0xd4001001 svc #0x80
0x183a40ff0: 0xd65f03c0 ret
0x183a40ff4: 0x92800430 mov x16, #-0x22
0x183a40ff8: 0xd4001001 svc #0x80
0x183a40ffc: 0xd65f03c0 ret
0x183a41000: 0x92800450 mov x16, #-0x23
0x183a41004: 0xd4001001 svc #0x80
- Anti-anti-debug:bypass anti debug in lldb (done at 2019/09/11)
- OCHOOK:hook ObjectC function in lldb
- NetworkLog:minitor network info
- UI Debug:some useful command for UI debug
- xbr: set breakpoint at address of methods of class(done at 2019/08/11)
- traceOC: trace ObjectC call by inlinehook msg_send stub code
- ...
[2019/07/04] Update for sbt -x / xutil : xutil cmd and sbt -x to disable color output in Xcode
[2019/07/21] Update for choose : lldb's choose command version of cycript's choose command
[2019/08/07] Fix critical bugs in choose : Fix critical bugs
[2019/08/11] Update for xbr :
xbr className
can set breakpoint at adresses of all methods of class -
[2019/08/13] New debugme: kill anti debug in lldb
[2019/08/20] New info: get info of address/function/module and so on
[2019/09/11] debugme update: hook ptrace and inlinehook svc ins done.
[2019/09/22] new dumpdecrypted: dump macho image in lldb
[2019/09/27] dumpdecrypted update: can dump all image in app dir
[2019/10/17] new patcher :runtime patch instrument in lldb
[2022/04/18] add xivars/xmethods/xprotocol to enable dump class when ivars/methods not support like in macOS or iOS system process.
- thanks to the script
- Special thanks to DerekSelander's LLDB provide the code framework
- choose command in cycript
Apple lldb opensource about heap