This app allowes you to protect static files served by nginx with authorization of your django project
This example will show how to protect 2 file positions from downloading:
- {static_url}/files/fbi
- {static_url}/files/cia
In this example we will assume that static url is /static/
Steps to protect files:
in nginx config disable access to desired locations:
location /static/files/fbi { deny all; } location /static/files/cia { deny all; }
Add internal path to serve this files. We will add "root" directory to serve both locations with one configuration option:
# needed for x-file-accell location /internal/files/ { internal; alias $project_base/static/files/; }
Configure x_file_accel_redirects app:
settings.X_FILE_ACCEL = True
.Add app to your root url config, e.g.:
urlpatterns += patterns('', (r'^protected/', include('x_file_accel_redirects.urls')), )
In django admin create new instance of x_file_accel_redirects.AccelRedirect with next values:
- Description: anything meaningful.
- URL prefix: any latin letters without slashes, e.g. "downloads".
- Login required: True.
- Internal path: "/internal/files/"" (as specified in nginx config).
- serve document root: optionaly you can specify path to directory with needed files
to serve them with django staticfiles app when
settings.X_FILE_ACCEL == False
When everything is configured and restarted you will be able to get file
by next url:
(/downloads/ if from "prefix" field of AccelRedirect)