You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 259
Multi Signature Contract
Set the default owner and weight, specify the daily quota for the asset, and request the value of the weight
。Owner's add/del/modify/replace 。Modification of asset daily limits 。Modification of request weight
。When rolling in, the "to" address must be a multi-signed address, and the "from" address must be a non-multi-signed address. 。When rolling out, the "to" address must be a non-multi-signed address, and the "from" address must be a multi-signed address. 传出 transaction 需要校验权重
cli multisig account
Available Commands:
address get multisig account address
assets get assets of multisig account
count get multisig account count
create Create a multisig account transaction
creator get all multisig accounts created by the address
dailylimit Create a modify assets dailylimit transaction
owner get multisig accounts by the owner
info get multisig account info
unspent get assets unspent today amount
weight Create a modify required weight transaction
cli multisig owner
Available Commands:
add Create a add owner transaction
del Create a del owner transaction
modify Create a modify owner weight transaction
replace Create a replace owner transaction
cli multisig tx
Available Commands:
confirm Create a confirm transaction
confirmed_weight get the weight of the transaction confirmed.
count get multisig tx count
info get multisig account tx info
transfer_in Create a transfer to multisig account transaction
transfer_out Create a transfer from multisig account transaction
txids get multisig txids
1. Multi signature contract's creation:generates a multisigned account address multisig-addr based on the txhash
cli send multisig account create -d 10 -e coins -s BTY -a "owner-1 owner-2" -w "20 10" -r 15 -k private-key
2. Check the number of accounts created:
cli multisig account count
3. Account index gets multiple siignature account addresses
cli multisig account address -e 0 -s 0
4. Get account details through the multi-signature account addr
cli multisig account info -a multisig-addr
5. Transfer to multisig contract
cli send bty transfer -a 50 -n test -t multisig-exec-addr -k addr3
6. Transfer to multiple signature address in multisig contract
cli send multisig tx transfer_in -a 40 -e coins -s BTY -t multisig-addr -n test -k addr3
7. View multiple signature address assets
cli multisig account assets -a multisig-addr
8. Transfer from multiple signature address in multisig contracts
cli send multisig tx transfer_out -a 11 -e coins -s BTY -f multisig-addr -t addr3 -n test -k owner-1
9. Query transaction count
cli multisig tx count -a multisig-addr
10. Query transaction txid
cli multisig tx txids -a multisig-addr -s 0 -e 0
11. Query transaction information
cli multisig tx info -a multisig-addr -i 0
12. Add a new owner-3 to the multiple signature account
cli send multisig owner add -a multisig-addr -o owner-3 -w 5 -k owner-1
13. Delete an existed owner-3 in the multiple signature account
cli send multisig owner del -a multisig-addr -o owner-3 -k owner-1
14. Replace existed owner-3 in the multiple signature account with owner-4
cli send multisig owner replace -a multisig-addr -n owner-4 -o owner-2 -k owner-1
15. Modify existed owner-4 weight in the multiple signature account
cli send multisig owner modify -a multisig-addr -o owner-4 -w 11 -k owner-1
16. Modify multiple signature account dailylimit
cli send multisig account dailylimit -a multisig-addr -e coins -s BTY -d 12 -k owner-1
17. Modify multiple signature account request weight
cli send multisig account weight -a multisig-addr -w 16 -k owner-1
18. Revocation of confirmation of a multiple signature account transaction
cli send multisig tx confirm -a multisig-addr -i 8 -c f -k owner-1
19. Confirm a multiple signature account transaction
cli send multisig tx confirm -a multisig-addr -i 8 -k owner-1
20. Get all multiple signature accounts created at the specified address
cli multisig account creator -a addr
21. Gets the daily balance of the specified asset on the specified account
cli multisig account unspent -a multisig-addr -e coins -s BTY
22. Gets all multiple signature addresses owned by owner. Returns all multiple signature addresses owned by this wallet when no address is specified
cli multisig account owner -a 166po3ghRbRu53hu8jBBQzddp7kUJ9Ynyf
Request message:
request: http.post
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
owners | []*Owner | the owner array(ownerAddr:string,weight:uint64), at least two of the owner |
requiredWeight | uint64 | the request weight of transaction executed, which cannot be greater than the sum of all owners' weights |
dailyLimit | *SymbolDailyLimit | The daily quota value of the asset(execer:string,symbol:string,dailyLimit:uint64) |
Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings
{ __
"result": "string"
Request message:
request: http.post
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAccAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
newRequiredWeight | uint64 | new request weight value |
operateFlag | bool | account operation type:true modify RequiredWeight value |
operation type:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings
"result": "string"
Request message:
request: http.post
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAccAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
dailyLimit | *SymbolDailyLimit | daily quota value of the asset(execer:string,symbol:string,dailyLimit:uint64) |
operateFlag | bool | account operation type:false modify DailyLimit value |
Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings
"result": "string"
Request message:
request: http.post
"params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
"funcName" : "MultiSigAccCount",
"payload" : nil}]
Response data:
"id" : 0,
"error" : null,
"result" : {"data" : "0"}
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | Int64 | multiple signature account number |
Request message:
request: http.post
"params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
"funcName" : "MultiSigAccounts",
"payload" : {"start":int64,"end":int64}}]
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | int64 | multiple signature account index,Start from 0 |
end | int64 | multiple signature account index,end>=start && end< MultiSigAccCount value |
Response data:
"id" : 0,
"error" : null,
"result" : {
"address": [
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
address | []string | multiple signature account address list |
Request message:
request: http.post
"params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
"funcName" : "MultiSigAccountInfo",
"payload" : {"multiSigAccAddr":string}}]
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAccAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
Response data:
"id" : 0,
"error" : null,
"result" : {
"createAddr": "1DkrXbz2bK6XMpY4v9z2YUnhwWTXT6V5jd",
"multiSigAddr": "3GfnDQxxUEmVrkBCk7RfgvTkLrBLEVEzGV",
"owners": [
"ownerAddr": "1C5xK2ytuoFqxmVGMcyz9XFKFWcDA8T3rK",
"weight": 20
"ownerAddr": "1LDGrokrZjo1HtSmSnw8ef3oy5Vm1nctbj",
"weight": 10
"dailyLimits": [
"symbol": "BTY",
"execer": "coins",
"dailyLimit": uint64,
"spentToday": uint64,
"lastday": int64
"txCount": 1,
"requiredWeight": 15}
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
createAddr | string | multiple signature account creator address |
multiSigAddr | string | this multiple signature account address |
ownerAddr | string | owner address |
weight | uint64 | owner weight |
execer | string | asset |
symbol | string | asset identification |
dailyLimit | uint64 | asset daily limit |
spentToday | uint64 | Assets spent that day |
lastDay | int64 | start time the very day |
txCount | uint64 | multiple signature account transaction amount |
requiredWeight | uint64 | multiple signature account weight required to execute transaction |
Request message:
request: http.post
"params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
"funcName" : "MultiSigAccUnSpentToday",
"payload" : {
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
assets | *Assets | asset information("execer":string,"symbol":string) |
isAll | bool | whether all assets,true: all assets, false: only query for specified assets |
Response data:
"id" : 0,
"error" : null,
"result" : {
"symbol": "BTY",
"execer": "coins",
"amount": uint64
"symbol": "HYB",
"execer": "token",
"amount": uint64
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
execer | string | multiple signature account asset executor name |
symbol | string | multiple signature account asset identification |
amount | uint64 | multiple signature account specified |
Request message:
request: http.post
"params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
"funcName" : "MultiSigAccAssets",
"payload" : {
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
assets | *Assets | asset information("execer":string,"symbol":string) |
isAll | bool | whether all assets,true: all assets with no need to fill in the specific assets information, false: only query for specified assets |
Response data:
"id" : 0,
"error" : null,
"result" : {
"recvAmount": uint64
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
execer | string | asset actuator name |
symbol | string | asset identification |
frozen | int64 | frozen assets |
currency | int32 | coins identification |
balance | int64 | balance |
addr | string | checked account address |
recvAmount | uint64 | Query account received amount for this asset |
Request message:
request: http.post
"params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
"funcName" : "MultiSigAccAllAddress",
"payload" : {"multiSigAccAddr":string,}}]
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAccAddr | string | creator address |
Response data:return multiple signature account address list
"id" : 0,
"error" : null,
"result" : {
"address": [
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
address | string | multiple signature address list |
Request message:
request: http.post
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | string | owner address, get the multiple signature account list of all addresses of this wallet when no address is specified: |
Response data:return multiple signature account address list
"id" : 0,
"error" : null,
"result" : {
"items": [
"multiSigAddr": "3MrcA7jcWNdLYmrbuS5eEVoPbx8BWPGB5F",
"ownerAddr": "1C5xK2ytuoFqxmVGMcyz9XFKFWcDA8T3rK",
"weight": 20
"multiSigAddr": "3MrcA7jcWNdLYmrbuS5eEVoPbx8BWPGB5F",
"ownerAddr": "1KHwX7ZadNeQDjBGpnweb4k2dqj2CWtAYo",
"weight": 5
"multiSigAddr": "3MrcA7jcWNdLYmrbuS5eEVoPbx8BWPGB5F",
"ownerAddr": "1LDGrokrZjo1HtSmSnw8ef3oy5Vm1nctbj",
"weight": 10
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAddr | string | multiple signature address |
ownerAddr | string | owner address, or empty string"" |
weight | uint64 | owner address weight in this multiple signature account |
Request message:
request: http.post
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAccAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
newOwner | string | owner address need to be added |
newWeight | uint64 | owner weight that needs to be added |
operateFlag | uint64 | owner operation type:1 |
Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings
"result": "string"
Request message:
request: http.post
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAccAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
oldOwner | string | owner address need to be deleted |
operateFlag | uint64 | owner operation type:2 |
Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings
"result": "string"
Request message:
request: http.post
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAccAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
oldOwner | string | owner address which need to be deleted |
newWeight | uint64 | new weight value |
operateFlag | uint64 | owner operation type:3 |
Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings
"result": "string"
Request message:
request: http.post
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAccAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
oldOwner | string | owner address which need to be deleted |
newOwner | string | new owner address |
operateFlag | uint64 | owner operation type:4 |
Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings
"result": "string"
Request message:
request: http.post
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
symbol | string | asset identification, for example: BTY |
execname | string | asset actuator names, for example: |
to | string | collect account address, must be multiple signature address |
note | string | transfer instructions |
amount | int64 | the amount of assets transferred in |
Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings
"result": "string"
Request message:
request: http.post
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
symbol | string | asset identification, for example: BTY |
execname | string | Asset actuator names, for example: coins |
from | string | charge off account address,must be multiple signature address |
to | string | collect account address, must be multiple signature address |
note | string | transfer instructions |
amount | int64 | the amount of assets transferred in |
Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings
"result": "string"
Request message:
request: http.post
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAccAddr | string | multiple signature address |
txId | uint64 | To be confirmed or revoked transaction index, start from 0 |
confirmOrRevoke | bool | confirm/cancel transaction . true:confirm transaction |
Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings
"result": "string"
Request message:
request: http.post
"params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
"funcName" : "MultiSigAccTxCount",
"payload" : {"multiSigAccAddr":string}}]
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAccAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
Response data:
"id" : 0,
"error" : null,
"result" : {"data" : "0"}
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | Int64 | number of multiple signature account address |
Request message:
request: http.post
"params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
"funcName" : "MultiSigTxids",
"payload" :
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
fromTxId | uint64 | multiple signature account transaction index value,fromTxId>=0 |
toTxId | uint64 | multiple signature account transaction index, toTxId< MultiSigAccTxCount number of transactions acquired |
pending | bool | unexecuted transaction |
executed | bool | executed transaction |
Response data:
"id" : 0,
"error" : null,
"result" :{
"multiSigAddr": "3GfnDQxxUEmVrkBCk7RfgvTkLrBLEVEzGV",
"txids": [
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
txids | []uint64 | multiple signature account transaction index |
Request message:
request: http.post
"params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
"funcName" : "MultiSigTxInfo",
"payload" : {"multiSigAddr":string,"txId":uint64}}]
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
txId | uint64 | multiple signature account transaction index value,fromTxId>=0 |
Response data:
"id" : 0,
"error" : null,
"result" {
"txHash": "d952237fd9a825218b767058946a1047dbdbe166c74e274792d341e81088fbc4",
"executed": true,
"txType": 3,
"multiSigAddr": "3GfnDQxxUEmVrkBCk7RfgvTkLrBLEVEzGV",
"confirmedOwner": [
"ownerAddr": "1C5xK2ytuoFqxmVGMcyz9XFKFWcDA8T3rK",
"weight": 20
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
txHash | string | multiple signature account transaction hash value |
executed | bool | multiple signature account transaction execution status, true: executed, false: not executed |
txType | uint64 | multiple signature account type 1:owner property related transactions 2:account property related transactions 3: transfer related transactions |
multiSigAddr | string | multiple signature account multiple signature account address |
confirmedOwner | []*Owner | owner list in confirmation of this multiple signature account |
ownerAddr | string | multiple signature account owner address |
weight | uint64 | multiple signature account owner weight |
Request message
request: http.post
"params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
"funcName" : "MultiSigTxConfirmedWeight",
"payload" : {"multiSigAddr":string,txId":uint64}}]
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
multiSigAddr | string | multiple signature account address |
txId | uint64 | multiple signature account transaction index value,0 <= fromTxId < MultiSigAccTxCount number of transactions acquired |
Response data:
"id" : 0,
"error" : null,
"result" :{
"data": 20
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | uint64 | multiple signature account weight of the confirmed transaction |
hello world