Custom.txt must be in same directory as the script, otherwise it does a full scan on addresses.sol.
Custom.txt is a list of Contract Addresses, that you create, one per line, and can be used to point the tool at any assemblage of tokens you wish.
Works like the LAU factory, where you run a function to deploy a token. It costs you 1 AFFECTION. Of that I get 10%, the rest goes to Sunny who wrote the functionality of the deployed token. After 100 uses, 🗿 gets angry, and demands more tribute; the cost doubles each time the function is run. This was implemented so as to discourage relying on the Easter Island God for too long. Learning yourself is best.
To use: First Approve 1 AFFECTION to be spent by the EasterIslandGod Contract. Then run 'EasterIslandTaxCollector' function.
This function will deploy an EASTr contract, which you customized name/symbol/supply/reward.
EASTr - 0x20A619a41B6FC1A42d571940eBc37702449f3D6b - 3% 1d4r3k (🗿) Reward
MISSr - 0x20A619a41B6FC1A42d571940eBc37702449f3D6b - 3% MissingNo. Reward
COCKr - 0xe133445FA26D80dbA2d61bfAA251A098CB034960 - 2% Grok Cock (GKCK) Reward
GRANOLr - 0x9F25114978D61e9b3dcB1079666DBd90AbA969bf - 1% Granola Bar (BAR) Reward
'O'TR'A - 0x21f0aD5b67eDD347DCF118F843EdeF6E29f3c166 - 3% Monotropa (MONOTROPA) Reward
Current Testing, CA:0x3d37109295dC6ce8aB39E2cA5dC2Be076F969ccD