It's a calculator!
Yea your computer dose come with a better one
But you can change the colour of the buttons and the placement by changing the colour in the code over hear
\/ \/ \/ \/ i have used hex code hear for a more precice colour but you
button_1 = Button(text="1", padx=17, pady=12, command=lambda: number(1), fg="white", bg="#fc5e03") use regular colur names if you want to
/\ /\ /\ /\
size font colur button colur
\/ \/
button_1.grid(row=4, column=0) ---<<<placement
/\ /\
change these values all similar lines of code
It's based of of tkinter fairly simple, and Im not the first to come up with this
And tkinter comes preinstalled in python
if it dose not work i don't know why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you like it then star this repository, or hate it fore some reson then let me know over hear > [email protected] <