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Content style guide
- Introduction
- Style guidelines
- Specific words and phrases
- Glossary terms in markdown
- Additional resources
- This content guide builds on the 18F Content Guide.
Avoid duplication. If another government agency or part of the NRRD site already has the information, link to it directly.
For annual reports or frequently changing content, try to find landing pages instead of linking to a specific year's report
Content in the How it works section of the site should be mostly static explanatory or contextual narrative. With few exceptions, the 'How it works' section should not contain content that requires routine manual updates. In some cases, it may make sense to place variables within the content that automatically pull in data, but those figures should be reviewed for accuracy when the site data is updated.
- For acronyms that are more than three words long or used more than three times on a page, use the full term on first mention on every page – with the acronym in parentheses – and use the acronym on subsequent mentions.
- For acronyms that are only used once or twice on a page, or are very short, do not use the acronym.
- Do not include the definite article ("the") in front of abbreviated government agencies (use DOI, not the DOI).
- Try to limit the use of acronyms, especially several in a row. If you are writing in the voice of an agency or bureau – and the origin of that voice is obvious to users – write 'we' instead of the distant and formal acronym.
- Government websites are accessed by people with all backgrounds. It’s important to be inclusive in language and design.
- “See” and “view” assume sightedness. Many users read websites with screen readers. Instead, use words like “show,” and “open.”
- Avoid directional words like “above” and “below,” which hold no meaning to users reading on a screenreader.
- Use descriptive links instead of 'click here' or 'read more.' People using screenreaders can survey just the links on the page, and could hear "Link, click here" over and over again. Use descriptive links instead, such as 'See this year's revenue data,' instead of 'To see this year's revenue data, click here.'
- Use semantic markup to create tables, flowcharts, and other site content, even if the original is an image. Text in images isn't accessible and often requires extensive
text to make accessible. - Use
text for all images that convey meaningful information.Alt
text can be omitted in cases where images or icons are visually decorative and provide no meaningful information to the user (in those cases, you should ask if the image or icon is worth using at all). - Try not to publish content in the form of PDF files if there's an alternative. The content in PDF documents is not predictably structured, since they can be generated from multiple source documents using various software. PDFs comprised of scanned pages are not accessible, unless they have been processed with text recognition.
When each item is a fragment, no comma or period is required.
When each item is a complete sentence, use a period following every list item.
When listing single items, use lower case (unless the item is a proper noun), for example:
- oil
- natural gas
Much of the content on the site is in markdown. Markdown will auto-generate your ordered list (1, 2, 3...) when you list them each starting with 1. For example:
1. a thing
1. another thing
1. yet another thing
This will render as:
- a thing
- another thing
- yet another thing
This behavior is useful, especially if the list changes over time. Without this behavior, if you needed to add an item in the second position, you'd need to manually reorder every number thereafter (since you'd now have two number 2s!). By numbering each item with 1.
, and letting markdown do the work for you, you can add to or edit the list without manually reordering the rest of the list.
For this behavior to work, the numbers cannot be separated by other elements. This auto-ordering behavior will only work if the list items follow each other without other elements in between (such as an unordered list).
- Use title case for page titles and brief
s (use sentence case if the title of a page is a full-length sentences with punctuation).- Generally follow the Chicago Manual of Style for its title case guidance
- Use the Title Case Converter with "Chicago" selected to output the correct format
- Tricky cases include "Revenue from Natural Resources on Native American Land." (← This is Chicago style, while AP style would capitalize "From" in the title.)
- Use sentence case for other titles, headings, and subheadings (
). - Unless starting a sentence, do not capitalize “the” before a proper noun. For example: the Department of the Interior.
- Do not capitalize the words federal, state, county, or borough unless part of a full proper name.
- Capitalize the titles of taxes (e.g., Coal Excise Tax).
Avoid using footnotes if another pattern can be used to achieve the same or similar results. If the footnote is a URL linking to the source of the information, simply link in the main text to the source instead of using a footnote. If the footnote provides contextual or explanatory text, link to the text elsewhere, if possible. If the footnote content is a definition of a term – especially if the term is used elsewhere on the site – add the term to the site's glossary instead of using a footnote.
- Do not include a period at the end of the citation.
- Use p. for page numbers, not pg.
- Use Ibid. to indicate that a reference is the same as the prior note.
- Balance the user benefit of using multiple glossary terms with the overall readability of the text. In other words, multiple glossary terms in a paragraph may make that paragraph more difficult to read, as the pattern adds an underline and icon for each instance.
- For most terms with associated acronyms or abbreviations, include the full term and abbreviation in the term listing (e.g.
Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG)
). - In general, we don't define agency names, but for acronyms commonly used to refer to agencies that may be unfamiliar to users, we do define the acronym. In those cases, use the acronym as the full term listing (e.g.
) but spell out the full agency title within the term definition.
- Keep links as content-rich as possible. Use descriptive links (see the accessibility section).
- When a term with an acronym is linked (e.g.,
Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG)
), only the main term should be part of the link.
- Write out “million” and “billion” (e.g., $2.4 billion).
- Spell out numbers under ten in running text, as well as ordinals (e.g., "third").
- Do not start a sentence with a number.
- Use numerals to represent all numbers over ten, and any numbers representing data (e.g. in automatically-generated sentences, charts, or tables)
- Use the % sign instead of spelling out "percent."
- 10-day is fine for numbers that take the form of compound adjectives. Using the number in this context is more concise and recognizable than spelling the number out.
- Use the oxford comma.
- Avoid using ampersands and slashes. Only use an ampersand when it is part of a proper noun or official name.
- Add a single space after each period.
- Punctuate imperative sentences (e.g., 'Help us improve this website.'), unless the imperative sentence is a call-to-action link ('Learn more about this thing →'). Punctuation on imperative links can appear stylistically messy and be perceived as unnecessarily demanding or rude by users.
- Use
tags for subscript and superscript when possible (e.g., CO2) except when writing data documentation. In that case, represent the format the same way it's presented in the data (e.g., CO2).
Alaska Native, not Alaskan Native
Congress and U.S. Congress, capitalize when used as a proper noun, do not capitalize "congressional"
dataset, not data set
department, not dept.
EITI Standard
Energy Information Administration, not Energy Information Agency
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS): don’t capitalize site-specific or programmatic preceding EIS
Executive Summary
extractive industries, not extractive industry, extractives industry, extractives industries, or the extractive industries
fair market value, not fair-market-value
federal (adj.)
federal lands and waters: when discussing both, don't abbreviate to federal lands
forests, not timber
GOMESA, not GoMESA or gomesa
general fund, unless referring to the federal General Fund of the Treasury
government: do not capitalize
hardrock minerals, not hard rock minerals
Independent Administrator: include glossary link on first mention, and avoid using IA unless it's mentioned many times on one page
lease holder, not lessee
Margin of Variance
Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG): always spell out on first use
Native American, not American Indian, Indian, or tribal (unless the latter specifically refers to a tribe)
- 'Native American' does not substitute for 'Alaska Native'
- 'Native American' does not substitute in the case of proper names of agencies (e.g., Bureau of Indian Affairs), programs, or legislation (e.g., Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-Determination Act)
- H.R. 4238 provides legal guidance on terms
natural resource, not resource, sector, or extractive
- the three broad categories of natural resources are: fossil fuels, renewables, and nonenergy minerals
- nonenergy minerals may refer to hardrock mining or locatable hardrock mining for specificity
- "product" or "commodity" may be used to refer to more specific products that result from natural resource extraction (e.g., "natural gas liquids")
nonenergy instead of "non-energy"
offshore or federal waters, (not federal lands or federal sealands) or the Outer Continental Shelf
Outer Continental Shelf: avoid OCS so the reader doesn’t think it’s a government agency or law
personal income tax, not individual income tax
reclamation, not remediation
revenues refers to Department of the Interior revenues from extraction on federal lands and waters
rights-of-way for plural usage instead of "right-of-ways" or "rights of way"
subnational, not sub-national
surface mining or subsurface mining, not underground mining (when discussing types of mines, “open pit” and “underground” are acceptable)
tribe and tribal, not Tribe and Tribal, unless referencing a specific tribe (a proper noun)
U.S., not US. Abbreviate except on the homepage and site header.
U.S. government
USEITI: no periods or spaces
north, south, east, west: Do not capitalize directions except when referring to specific regions (e.g., "the West")
- Chevron Corporation
- ExxonMobil Corporation
- Freeport-McMoRan Inc.
Definitions are stored in src/data/terms.yml
To reference a glossary term in markdown, use this format:
If your referenced term in your markdown file is a variation of the term in terms.yml
(for example, "bonuses" versus "bonus"), and you still want to reference the glossary definition, you can call the term.key
<glossary-term term.key="term">variation of term</glossary-term>
is a React component, located in src/components/utils/glossary-term.js
. The glossary's state is managed in a separate component, located at src/components/utils/Glossary.js
In order for React components to be used in markdown, they must be included in hast-react-renderer.js
utility. This utility is located at src/js/hast-react-renderer.js
Definitions are stored in /_data/terms.yml
There are 4 different variations of the markdown syntax that connects a word or phrase to the glossary:
- If displayed text exactly matches the glossary term:
{{ "text" | term }}
- If displayed text differs from the glossary term:
{{ "text" | term:"different text" }}
- If displayed text exactly matches the glossary term AND is followed by punctuation:
{{ "text" | term_end }}.
(this corrects the spacing so there isn't a strange gap) - If displayed text differs from the glossary term AND is followed by punctuation:
{{ "text" | term_end:"different text" }}.
- Problem statement
- Product vision
- User scenarios
- What we're not trying to do
- Product risks
- Prioritization scale
- Joining the team
- Onboarding checklist
- Working as a distributed team
- Planning and organizing our work
- Sample retro doc
- Content style guide
- Content editing and publishing workflow
- Publishing a blog post
- Content audits: a (sort-of) guide
- User centered design process
- Research norms and processes
- Usability testing process
- Observing user research
- Design and research in the federal government
- Shaping process
- Preview URLs
- How to prepare and review PRs
- Continuous integration tools
- Releasing changes
- Github Labels