Release Notes for v2.2.0
- Command tools for nvm-desktop: manage the version of Node via the command line.
$ nvmd --help
nvmd (2.2.0)
[email protected]
command tools for nvm-desktop
Usage: nvmd [COMMAND]
current Get the currently used version
list List the all installed versions of Node.js
ls List the all installed versions of Node.js
use Use the installed version of Node.js (default is global)
which Get the path to the executable to where Node.js was installed
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Please download new version of Node.js in nvm-desktop.
- [f3873a1] - System tray menu duplicate creation.
- [2ae26fc] - Get invalid node version causes the application to crash.