Perfect-Notifications 简体中文
iOS Notifications for Perfect
We are transitioning to using JIRA for all bugs and support related issues, therefore the GitHub issues has been disabled.
If you find a mistake, bug, or any other helpful suggestion you'd like to make on the docs please head over to and raise it.
A comprehensive list of open issues can be found at
Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file.
.Package(url:"", majorVersion: 2, minor: 0)
// BEGIN one-time initialization code
let configurationName = "My configuration name - can be whatever"
NotificationPusher.addConfigurationIOS(configurationName) {
(net:NetTCPSSL) in
// This code will be called whenever a new connection to the APNS service is required.
// Configure the SSL related settings.
net.keyFilePassword = "if you have password protected key file"
guard net.useCertificateChainFile("path/to/entrust_2048_ca.cer") &&
net.useCertificateFile("path/to/aps_development.pem") &&
net.usePrivateKeyFile("path/to/key.pem") &&
net.checkPrivateKey() else {
let code = Int32(net.errorCode())
print("Error validating private key file: \(net.errorStr(code))")
NotificationPusher.development = true // set to toggle to the APNS sandbox server
// END one-time initialization code
// BEGIN - individual notification push
let deviceId = "hex string device id"
let ary = [IOSNotificationItem.AlertBody("This is the message"), IOSNotificationItem.Sound("default")]
let n = NotificationPusher()
n.apnsTopic = ""
n.pushIOS(configurationName, deviceToken: deviceId, expiration: 0, priority: 10, notificationItems: ary) {
response in
print("NotificationResponse: \(response.code) \(response.body)")
// END - individual notification push
For more information on the Perfect project, please visit