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4th meeting

jacquesd edited this page Nov 28, 2012 · 1 revision

#4th meeting ASQ (Housekeeping)

##Code Review

  1. Refactor (remove Duplicates, comment functions )
  2. Merge (9:30 am)
  3. Make sure everyone comprehends the flow of data

##Workflow addition

  1. Use github issues for commenting, bug fixing and maybe suggesting features

##Issues to tackle

  1. Level of detail of the state of the application that you're gonna allow in the URL. For example can we have URL with the current slide number? -> No still have to fix it Yes but do we want it?We can leave the url as it is but if the viewer types a target, it should not redirect to that slide.Thats cool with me
  2. Do we need microformats - Finalize and lock slideshow features for version 1
  3. Is our app secure. How easy it is to hack? (tests)
  4. What happens if one connected client goes to sleep and wakes up after 10 slides (tests)
  5. Can we design the stats format in a way that the data is seperated from presentation so that we can write stats views easily?

##Small Roadmap

  1. Test and Refactor code
  2. Finalize presentation format specs and features
  3. Finlize urls and user authentication
  4. Workout question types
  5. Workout stats types and presentations


  1. Add e-mail (registration confiramtion - Marga)
  2. Authentication
  3. leave id to be filled in by the db


  1. use basic template for the head and footer of the document
  2. render only parts of pages that change
  3. multiple static files serving (Jacques and Vassilis)
  4. review css maybe use LESS


  1. make list of events in WIKI
  2. namespace events
  3. generate and display the IP when the teacher clicks start

##For next time

  1. Add a 'Click to sign up', that when clicked will hide the login and show the sign in form fields 2.Tests (See ore in Issues to tackle)
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