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Polar Dart SDK ( Dart SDK)

What is Polar Dart SDK?

Polar Dart SDK is an SDK for, built specifically for Dart and Flutter developers. This SDK allows developers to interact with the Polar API seamlessly.

Read my medium article about the story behind this

Polar Docs

Project Structure

This monorepo contains:

  • lib/ (SDK): The generated Dart SDK code for interacting with Polar APIs.
  • generator/ (Generator): A pure Dart-based code generator that builds the SDK automatically from Polar's OpenAPI spec.
  • playground/ (Playground): A Flutter web app to interact with the SDK and test API calls in action.

Unlike other SDKs, this SDK does not use OpenAPI Generator due to its limitations for Dart. Instead, a custom Dart-based generator was built to create a fully type-safe SDK. (See the How it Works section for details.)

What's Done & What's Next?

✅ Completed

  • SDK generation from OpenAPI JSON
  • Automatic Model & API class generation
  • Basic Playground implementation (supports Organization API for now)

🚧 Work In Progress

  • Webhooks & real-time updates
  • Improved error handling & SDK structure
  • Expanding Playground to support all Polar APIs

🔜 Future Enhancements

  • Webhooks Support: Extending the generator to include webhooks
  • Refining the Generator: Improving edge-case handling & optimizing code structure
  • Better Error Handling: Enhancing API failure handling & debugging experience
  • Potential Transfer to If the Polar team is interested, the SDK can be maintained under their GitHub org
  • Flutter UI Package for Polar: A customizable UI package that integrates with the SDK for seamless adoption


To use the SDK in your Flutter or Dart project, add the package to pubspec.yaml:


Then, run:

flutter pub get


Initialize Polar Client

import 'package:polar_dart/polar_dart.dart';

void main() async {
  final polarClient = PolarClient(
    apiKey: 'your_api_key_here',
    environment: PolarEnvironment.sandbox, // or .production

  final organizations = await polarClient.organizationsApi.organizationsList();

Example: Creating an Organization

final newOrganization = await polarClient.organizationsApi.organizationsCreate(
    body: OrganizationCreate(
        name: "Harks Example",
        slug: 'harksExample',
print("newOrganization: $newOrganization");

How It Works (The Generator)

1️⃣ Generating Dart Models from OpenAPI JSON

The generator first parses the polar-api.json stored in root and creates models.dart.json, a cleaned-up version mapping OpenAPI schemas to Dart classes.

2️⃣ Creating Dart Classes

From models.dart.json, Freezed-based Dart classes are generated with proper serialization, nullability handling, and type safety.

3️⃣ Generating API Classes

A separate file apis.dart.json is created, grouping API endpoints based on tags, which is then used to generate API classes with correct method names, path parameters, and error handling.

4️⃣ Auto-Updating the Polar Client

Once all APIs are generated, the polar_client.dart file is automatically updated to import and initialize all API classes.

5️⃣ Generating the freezed classes

Once all the code generation is done in the lib/src/apis & lib/src/models, run the following command to generate the freezed classes for each model like <modelname>.g.dart & <modelname>.freezed.dart

dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs 

See generator/main.dart:

import 'src/api_generator/api_class_generator.dart';
import 'src/api_generator/path_parser.dart';
import 'src/api_generator/polar_client_updater.dart';
import 'src/model_generator/dart_class_generator.dart';
import 'src/model_generator/models_parser.dart';

void main() async {
  const specPath = 'polar-api.json';
  const jsonOutputDir = 'lib';
  const modelsOutputDir = 'lib/src/models';
  const apisOutputDir = 'lib/src/apis';
  const modelsJsonOutputPath = '$jsonOutputDir/models.dart.json';
  const apisJsonOutputPath = '$jsonOutputDir/apis.dart.json';
  const registryPath = '$jsonOutputDir/api.registry.json';
  const polarClientPath = 'lib/src/polar_client.dart';
  // Models generatation
  // Generate models.dart.json from OpenAPI spec
  await ModelsParser.generateDartJson(specPath, jsonOutputDir);

  // Generate Dart files from models.dart.json
  await DartClassGenerator.generateFilesFromJson(modelsJsonOutputPath, modelsOutputDir);

  // API generation
  // Generate APIs.dart.json from OpenAPI spec
  await PathParser.generateApisJson(specPath, jsonOutputDir);

  // Generate API classes from APIs.dart.json
  await ApiClassGenerator.generateApiClasses(apisJsonOutputPath, apisOutputDir, jsonOutputDir);

  // Update PolarClient with new API classes
  await PolarClientUpdater.updatePolarClient(registryPath, polarClientPath);

Playground (Flutter Web App)

A simple web UI where you can:

  • Paste your API token
  • Call APIs via the SDK
  • View formatted responses
  • Supports only Organization API for now, but expanding to more APIs


Pull requests are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please open an issue or reach out.


This project is open-source under the MIT License.


For questions, reach out to me on Twitter: @0xharkirat