The code isnt the cleanest, This was a bot for a FiveM server. If you want more opensource bots, just star the project and i will make more!
- First create a application on the [Developer Portal]
- Make your application a bot [Image]
- Change the bot token to your bot token | You can find it under [here]
You can change the token [here] - When you changed the token, you can simply start up the bot using: "node ." in your terminal!
- If this gives a error try changing the Intents of your bot at [here]
- Ticket System (Ticketpanel, Close, Remove, Add, Rename)
- Mutli Guild Supported
- Transcript System
- Interaction (Select Menu, Buttons)
- Changeable (Messages and Config)
- Database Models | Getters/Setts/Checkers for database information
- Ticketpanel | This creates a panel with a button! | [Example]
- Close | This closes the ticket and saves the transcript | [Example]
- Add | Add a mentioned user to the ticket | [Example]
- Remove| Remove the mentioned user form the channel | [Example]
- Rename | Rename the channel to the given name. | [Will update soon]
- Claim | Claims the ticket (Only works with claim button)! | [Example]
module.exports = async(client) => {
const discord = require("discord.js");
module.exports = {
name: "test",
description: "Dit is een test commando.",
perms: {
client: [discord.Permissions.ADMINISTRATOR],
user: [discord.Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR]
aliases: ["test"],
execute: async(client, message, args) => {
// Code