Pin To TaskBar for command line:
- Minimal reverse engineering of syspin.exe from
- With only "Pin to taskbar" and "Unpin from taskbar" functionalities included
- By default, pttb force Re-Pin any .exe/.lnk that is already pinned, but as a result: the programs gets re-pinned in last position
- Tested on Windows 10 Pro 64bit - Version 20H2 / build 19042.964 / locale en-US
- Syspin.exe was decompiled using Retargetable Decompiler from
- Another helpful reverse engineering project of syspin.exe in C++ (much more faithful to the source) :
Compiled with MSYS2/MinGW-w64:
$ gcc -o pttb pttb.c -Lmingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -s -O3 -Wl,--gc-sections -nostartfiles --entry=pttb
> pttb Path\to\.exe\or\.lnk\to\PinToTaskbar
> pttb -u Path\to\.exe\or\.lnk\to\UnPinFromTaskBar
> pttb -r (Refresh taskbar by Pinning & UnPinning itself, in order to reflect changes made to:
- 1st tried the registry method described here:
- Then tried the PEB method described here:
- Doesn't work anymore either
- So pttb ended up being developed with the PE injection method used by syspin.exe from
- Thanks Microsoft for making it a bit more difficult, I learned quite a bit with this little project
To view the source code in your browser with original tabbing (4 white-spaces instead of browsers default 8), add '/?ts=4' to url.
Works on Firefox/Chrome based browser, except for edge..