Welcome to FlutterQuest, a repository showcasing my Flutter development journey through a series of mini projects. Each project is designed to explore various aspects of Flutter and its associated packages.
- Description: A starting point in my Flutter application development journey.
- Learnings: Widgets, DropDownMenu, Layers/Stack, Columns and Rows, Alignments, Buttons.
- Description: A To-Do App utilizing Hive package for database management.
- Learnings: Hive package usage, Stateful widgets, Future, async, await usage.
- Description: An exploration of basic animations provided by Flutter.
- Outcomes: AnimatedContainer, Tweens & Transform Widget, AnimationControllers.
- Description: An app fetching crypto-currency information using REST API and Dio package.
- Learnings: Dio, Get_it package, Page Navigation, Web Requests, Futures.
- Description: A true-false game app utilizing the Open Trivia Database API.
- Outcomes: API usage, ChangeNotifier, Provider, Category feature implementation.
- Description: A photo-sharing app incorporating Firebase services.
- Outcomes: Firebase core, auth, Firestore cloud, Storage, analytics, Bottom Navigation.
- Description: A BMI Calculator app using shared_preferences package.
- Outcomes: shared_preferences usage, Cupertino styling schema for Android.
Each project folder contains its own README file detailing specific instructions and outcomes.
Feel free to explore each project to understand my learning journey in Flutter development!