Convenience functions for TinyTeX.
I have started using TinyTeX to avoid having a gigantic TeX/LaTeX distribution on my system. This module has some convenience functions I have written to automate some things.
Install the elvish-modules
package using epm:
use epm
In your rc.elv
, load this module:
For now, the only function is tinytex:install-by-file
, which takes a filename, searches for the package which contains that file, and installs it. If only one package matches the file, everything happens automatically:
[~]─> tinytex:install-by-file ifmtarg.sty
Installing package ifmtarg
tlmgr: package repository (verified)
[1/1, ??:??/??:??] install: ifmtarg [1k]
running mktexlsr ...
done running mktexlsr.
tlmgr: package log updated: /Users/taazadi1/Library/TinyTeX/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log
If more than one package matches the file, it shows you the search results, and you can choose which of the matching packages you want to install:
[~]─> tinytex:install-by-file biber
There are multiple packages which contain a matching file:
tlmgr: package repository (verified)
0) 00texlive.image:
1) arara:
2) biber:
3) biber.amd64-freebsd:
4) biber.i386-cygwin:
5) biber.i386-freebsd:
17) dickimaw:
Please enter the numbers of the packages to install (comma-or-space-separated,
empty to cancel): 2
Packages selected: biber
Installing package biber
tlmgr: package repository (verified)
[1/2, ??:??/??:??] install: biber.x86_64-darwin [27656k]
[2/2, 00:13/00:13] install: biber [1k]
tlmgr: package log updated: /Users/taazadi1/Library/TinyTeX/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log
Load libraries
use re
use str
Detect which utility to use, and run the appropriate command.
fn install {
var opt = ""
var url = ""
if ?(var cmd = (which curl)) {
set opt = "-sL"
} elif ?(set cmd = (which wget)) {
set opt = "-qO-"
} else {
echo "I couldn't find curl nor wget in your path."
exit 1
echo (styled "Installing TinyTeX with `"$cmd" "$opt" "$url" | sh`" green)
(external $cmd) $opt $url | sh
If a LaTeX compile tells me a certain file is missing, I can just type tinytex:install-by-file <file>
, which automates searching for the package which contains the file, and then installing it.
fn install-by-file {|f|
var search-res = [(tlmgr search --global --file "/"$f )]
var pkgs = [(each {|l| if (eq $l[-1] ":") { put $l[0..-1] } } $search-res)]
if (> (count $pkgs) 1) {
var i = 0
echo (styled "There are multiple packages which contain a matching file:" blue)
each {|l|
if (eq $l[-1] ":") {
echo (styled $i") "$l yellow)
set i = (+ $i 1)
} else {
echo $l
} $search-res
print (styled "Please enter the numbers of the packages to install (comma-or-space-separated, empty to cancel): " blue)
var resp = (read-upto "\n")[0..-1]
set pkgs = [(re:split "[, ]+" $resp | each {|n| if (not-eq $n '') { put $pkgs[$n] } })]
if (> (count $pkgs) 0) {
echo (styled "Packages selected: "(str:join ", " $pkgs) yellow)
each {|pkg|
echo (styled "Installing package "$pkg blue)
tlmgr install $pkg
} $pkgs
If you have a file that is missing a few packages, you can repeatedly pipe its output into tinytex:install-missing-file
to automatically capture the missing file and call tinytex:install-by-file
to install the corresponding package.
This is to be used like this:
latex file.tex | tinytex:install-missing-file
fn install-missing-file {
each {|l|
echo $l
if (re:match 'LaTeX Error:.*not found' $l) {
var pkg = (re:find 'LaTeX Error: File `(.*)'' not found' $l)[groups][1][text]
echo (styled "Type 'x' and press Enter to install the missing file "$pkg yellow)
install-by-file $pkg