This script is updated more frequently at mpvconfig, stable builds are released here in the releases tab.
A fork of modernX (based on mpv-osc-modern), that aims to mirror the functionality of MPV's stock OSC while with a more modern-looking interface.
This script is included in my mpvconfig, check that repository for a full mpv configuration
This fork changes the following:
- Adds compact mode and reorganises some features
- Added loop and pin window buttons
- Adds a download button for web videos
- Displays descriptions, likes and dislike counts from web videos
- Added shift+left clicking and shift+right clicking the audio/subtitles button for a list of tracks are shown and traversed through
- Pressing TAB shows a list of chapters
- Added dynamic title changing depending on the file/source being played
- Many more configurable options
- Various bug fixes
Locate your MPV folder. It is typically located at \%APPDATA%\mpv\
on Windows and ~/.config/mpv/
on Linux/MacOS. See the Files section in mpv's manual for more info.
Create these folders if you don't have them already
Place modernx.lua
into your mpv scripts/
folder, remove any previous OSC scripts.
Then place the font in the fonts/
folder. fluent-system-icons.ttf (click the link to download).
Add the following lines to your mpv.conf
Please note that .conf
files use yes/no in place of true/false
border=no #optional - if you don't want to see the OS border
This is what disabling and enabling the border looks like:
Border Enabled | Border Disabled |
![]() |
![]() |
This option may vary depending on your system.
Create an modernx.conf
file and place it in the script-opts/
folder (create the folder if you haven't already). A plethora of options can be changed, so please refer to the table of configurable user_opts
parameters below for detailed explanations of settings.
Here is an example of a configuration file, which would be placed in script-opts/modernx.conf
The default options are shown below:
-- Parameters
-- default user option values
-- change them using modernx.conf
local user_opts = {
-- Language and display --
language = "en", -- en:English - .json translations need implementing
font = "mpv-osd-symbols", -- font for the OSC (default: mpv-osd-symbols or the one set in mpv.conf)
idle_screen = true, -- show mpv logo when idle
key_bindings = true, -- register additional key bindings, such as chapter scrubbing, pinning the window
window_top_bar = "auto", -- show OSC window top bar: "auto", "yes", or "no" (borderless/fullscreen)
show_windowed = true, -- show OSC when windowed
show_fullscreen = true, -- show OSC when fullscreen
show_on_pause = true, -- show OSC when paused
keep_on_pause = false, -- disable OSC hide timeout when paused
green_and_grumpy = false, -- disable Santa hat in December
visibility = "auto", -- only used at init to set visibility_mode(...)
-- OSC behaviour and scaling
hide_timeout = 1500, -- time (in ms) before OSC hides if no mouse movement
seek_resets_hide_timeout = true, -- if seeking should reset the hide_timeout
fade_duration = 150, -- fade-out duration (in ms), set to 0 for no fade
min_mouse_move = 0, -- minimum mouse movement (in pixels) required to show OSC
bottom_hover = true, -- show OSC only when hovering at the bottom
bottom_hover_zone = 200, -- height of hover zone for bottom_hover (in pixels)
osc_on_seek = false, -- show OSC when seeking
mouse_seek_pause = true, -- pause video while seeking with mouse move (on button hold)
vid_scale = false, -- scale osc with the video
scale_windowed = 1.0, -- osc scale factor when windowed
scale_fullscreen = 1.0, -- osc scale factor when fullscreen
scale_forced_window = 1.0, -- osc scale factor when forced (no video, like music files)
-- Time, title and description display
show_title = true, -- show title in the OSC (above seekbar)
title = "${media-title}", -- title above seekbar format: "${media-title}" or "${filename}"
title_font_size = 28, -- font size of the title text (above seekbar)
dynamic_title = true, -- change title if {media-title} and {filename} differ (eg: when playing URLs or audio)
show_chapter_title = true, -- show chapter title alongside timestamp (below seekbar)
chapter_fmt = "%s", -- format for chapter display on seekbar hover (set to "no" to disable)
time_total = true, -- show total time instead of remaining time
time_ms = false, -- show timecodes with milliseconds
unicode_minus = false, -- use the Unicode minus sign in remaining time
time_format = "dynamic", -- "dynamic" or "fixed" - dynamic shows MM:SS when possible, fixed always shows HH:MM:SS
time_font_size = 18, -- font size of the time display
show_description = true, -- show video description on web videos
show_file_size = true, -- show the current file's size in the description
description_font_size = 19, -- font size of the description text (below title)
description_alpha = 100, -- alpha of the description background box
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d", -- how dates should be formatted, when read from metadata (uses standard lua date formatting)
-- Title bar settings
window_title = true, -- show window title in borderless/fullscreen mode
window_controls = true, -- show window controls (close, minimize, maximize) in borderless/fullscreen
title_bar_box = false, -- show title bar as a box instead of a black fade
window_controls_title = "${media-title}",-- same as title but for window_controls
-- Subtitle display settings
raise_subtitles = true, -- whether to raise subtitles above the osc when it's shown
raise_subtitle_amount = 175, -- how much subtitles rise when the osc is shown
-- Buttons display and functionality
compact_mode = true, -- replace the jump buttons with the seek/chapter buttons
jump_buttons = true, -- show the jump backward and forward buttons
jump_amount = 10, -- change the jump amount in seconds
jump_more_amount = 60, -- change the jump amount in seconds when right-clicking jump buttons and shift-clicking chapter skip buttons
jump_icon_number = true, -- show different icon when jump_amount is set to 5, 10, or 30
jump_mode = "relative", -- seek mode for jump buttons
jump_softrepeat = true, -- enable continuous jumping when holding down seek buttons
chapter_skip_buttons = true, -- show the chapter skip backward and forward buttons
chapter_softrepeat = false, -- enable continuous skipping when holding down chapter skip buttons
track_nextprev_buttons = true, -- show next/previous playlist track buttons
volume_control = true, -- show mute button and volume slider
volume_control_type = "linear", -- volume scale type: "linear" or "logarithmic"
info_button = false, -- show info button
ontop_button = true, -- show window on top button
screenshot_button = false, -- show screenshot button
screenshot_flag = "subtitles", -- flag for screenshot button: "subtitles", "video", "window", "each-frame"
download_button = true, -- show download button on web videos (requires yt-dlp and ffmpeg)
download_path = "~~desktop/mpv/downloads", -- default download directory for videos (
loop_button = false, -- show loop button
loop_in_pause = true, -- enable looping by right-clicking pause
playpause_size = 30, -- icon size for the play/pause button
midbuttons_size = 24, -- icon size for the middle buttons
sidebuttons_size = 24, -- icon size for the side buttons
-- Colors and style
osc_color = "#000000", -- accent color of the OSC and title bar
window_title_color = "#FFFFFF", -- color of the title in borderless/fullscreen mode
window_controls_color = "#FFFFFF", -- color of the window controls (close, minimize, maximize) in borderless/fullscreen mode
window_controls_close_hover = "#E81123", -- color of close window control on hover
window_controls_minmax_hover = "#53A4FC",-- color of min/max window controls on hover
title_color = "#FFFFFF", -- color of the title (above seekbar)
seekbarfg_color = "#1D96F5", -- color of the seekbar progress and handle, in Hex color format
seekbarbg_color = "#FFFFFF", -- color of the remaining seekbar, in Hex color format
seekbar_cache_color = "#1D96F5", -- color of the cache ranges on the seekbar
volumebar_match_seek_color = false, -- match volume bar color with seekbar color (ignores side_buttons_color)
time_color = "#FFFFFF", -- color of the timestamps (below seekbar)
chapter_title_color = "#FFFFFF", -- color of the chapter title next to timestamp (below seekbar)
side_buttons_color = "#FFFFFF", -- color of the side buttons (audio, subtitles, playlist, etc.)
middle_buttons_color = "#FFFFFF", -- color of the middle buttons (skip, jump, chapter, etc.)
playpause_color = "#FFFFFF", -- color of the play/pause button
held_element_color = "#999999", -- color of the element when held down (pressed)
hover_effect_color = "#FFFFFF", -- color of a hovered button when hover_effect includes "color"
thumbnail_border_color = "#FFFFFF", -- color of the border for thumbnails (with thumbfast)
fade_alpha = 150, -- alpha of the OSC background box
fade_blur_strength = 100, -- blur strength for the OSC alpha fade. caution: high values can take a lot of CPU time to render
window_fade_alpha = 75, -- alpha of the window title bar
thumbnail_border = 1, -- the width of the thumbnail border
-- Button hover effects
hover_effect = "size,glow,color", -- active button hover effects: "glow", "size", "color"; can use multiple separated by commas
hover_button_size = 115, -- relative size of a hovered button if "size" effect is active
button_glow_amount = 5, -- glow intensity when "glow" hover effect is active
hover_effect_for_sliders = false, -- apply hover effects to slider handles
-- Progress bar settings
seekbar_handle_size = 0.8, -- size ratio of the seekbar handle (range: 0 ~ 1)
seek_range = true, -- show seek range overlay
seek_rangealpha = 175, -- transparency of the seek range
seekbar_keyframes = false, -- use keyframes when dragging the seekbar
automatic_keyframe_mode = true, -- automatically set keyframes for the seekbar based on video length
automatic_keyframe_limit = 600, -- videos longer than this (in seconds) will have keyframes on the seekbar
persistent_progress = false, -- always show a small progress line at the bottom of the screen
persistent_progressheight = 17, -- the height of the persistent_progress bar
persistent_buffer = false, -- on web videos, show the buffer on the persistent progress line
persistent_progresstoggle = true, -- enable toggling the persistent_progress bar
-- Experimental
title_youtube_stats = true, -- update the window/OSC title bar with YouTube video stats (views, likes, dislikes)
show_youtube_comments = false, -- EXPERIMENTAL - not ready
comments_download_path = "~~desktop/mpv/downloads/comments", -- the download path for the comment JSON file
scrolling_speed = 40, -- the speed of scrolling text in menus
ytdl_format = "", -- optional parameteres for yt-dlp downloading, eg: '-f bestvideo+bestaudio/best'
Compact mode is a setting you can enable in the configuration, it removes the skip buttons, and places that functionality within the chapter buttons, allowing for more space in the interface. Clicking the buttons will act as jumping, and shift clicking will act as skipping a chapter
Compact Mode Enabled | Compact Mode Disabled |
![]() |
![]() |
This changes the actions of the chapter back/forward buttons in the following way:
Left mouse button
jumps forwards/backwards by 5 seconds, or by the amount set inuser_opts
Right mouse button
play previous/next chapter and show the chapter listShift + Left mouse button
jumps forwards/backwards by 1 minuteShift + Right mouse button
show playlist Please note that this option will override theshowjump
To enable thumbnails on the seekbar, install thumbfast. No other step necessary.
Like the built-in script, some buttons may accept multiple mouse actions, here is a list:
Middle clicking performs the same function as Shift+left mouse button
, allowing for one handed use
Left mouse button
show the full media titleRight mouse button
show the full filename
Left mouse button
show the full description, useup arrow
,down arrow
orscroll wheel
to scroll through it
Left mouse button
seek to chosen position (using keyframes)Shift+left mouse button
seek to the exact positionRight mouse button
seek to the head of chosen chapter
Left mouse button
display time in milliseconds
Left mouse button
display total time instead of remaining time
Left mouse button
play previous/next fileRight mouse button
show playlistShift+left mouse button
play previous/next file and show playlistShift+right mouse button
show playlist
Left mouse button
go to previous/next chapterRight mouse button
show chapter listShift+left mouse button
go to previous/next chapter and show playlistShift+right mouse button
show chapter list
Left mouse button
jumps forwards/backwards by 5 seconds, or by the amount set inuser_opts
Right mouse button
jumps forwards/backwards by 1 minuteShift+left mouse button
skips to the previous/next frame
Left mouse button/right mouse button
cycle to next/previous trackShift+left mouse button
cycle to next/previous track and show track listShift+right mouse button
show track list
Left mouse button
toggle pinning (and removing video border)Right mouse button
toggle pinning without changing the border
Left mouse button
mute/unmute videoScroll wheel
change volume
cycle through audio tracksc
cycle through subtitle tracksp
pin or unpin the windowTab
show chapter listShift+left
go to the previous chapterShift+right
go to the next chapterCtrl+left
go to the previous file (in playlist)Ctrl+right
go to the next file (in playlist)b
toggle the persistent progress bar ifpersistentprogresstoggle
is enabled