Apple makes us very hard to sync photos on the iPad, especially if you want them sorted by date. Once upon a time ... there was iOS 3 and everything was fine ;-)
Here is my way to sync my photos.
- Import photos from SD card with Windows Live Photo Gallery.
- If you have photos with a wrong date, you can use
->Zeit anpassen
and change / shift the date for a bulk of photos. Tip found here. - Mark good photos with eg. four stars.
- Filter all good photos with eg. four stars.
- Press
Ctrl + A
to select all (good) photos. - Copy all of these photos in a special folder, eg.
- Fix creation date of all these photos with this Perl script
and the exiftool
use Win32API::File::Time qw{:win};
use Image::ExifTool qw(:Public);
use Date::Parse;
opendir(DIR, ".");
@files = readdir(DIR);
foreach $file (@files) {
next if $file !~ /.+\.jpe?g$/i;
my $tag = "CreateDate";
$values = ImageInfo($file, $tag);
$value = $$values{$tag};
# can be a different name !!! #
print "Setting $file file creation date to $value\n";
$time = str2time($value);
if (! SetFileTime($file, undef, undef, $time) ) {
warn "Error occured: $^E\n";
print "Done!\n";
- Open a cmd shell, change to the directory
cd /D F:\iPad\Fotos\2014
perl ..\..\
- Open iTunes
- Connect your iPad
- Click on the iPad and open the Pictures tab.
- Import all photos of current year (2014).
- If you append new photos in a folder, remove it first from iPad, then add it again. Otherwise old photos still will be appended at the end and the folder seems to be out of order on iPad.