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File metadata and controls

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Available options and defaults

key default  description
deploy_path Where to deploy application on remote host. You should define this variable for all of your hosts.
hostname Current hostname. Automatically set by host function.
user Current git username Current user name.
release_path Full path to the current release directory. Current dir path in non-deploy contexts. Use it as working path for your build
previous_release   Points to previous release if it exists. Otherwise variable doesn't exists.
ssh_multiplexing true Use ssh multiplexing to speedup the native ssh client.
stage Current stage.
default_stage If the hosts declaration has stages, this option allows you to select the default stage to deploy to.
keep_releases 5 Number of releases to keep. -1 for unlimited releases.
repository Git repository of the application.
git_tty false Allocate TTY for git clone command. This allow you to enter a passphrase for keys or add host to known_hosts.
git_recursive true Set the --recursive flag for git clone. Setting this to false will prevent submodules from being cloned as well.
branch master Branch to deploy.
shared_dirs [ "storage" ] List of shared directories.
shared_files [ ".env" ] List of shared files.
copy_dirs [] List of files to copy between release.
writable_dirs [ "bootstrap/cache", "storage", "storage/app", "storage/framework", "storage/logs", ... ] List of directories which must be writable for web server.
writable_mode acl Writable mode. Choice of acl, chmod, chown, chgrp.
writable_use_sudo false Whether to use sudo with writable command.
writable_chmod_mode 0755 Mode for setting writable_mode in chmod.
writable_chmod_recursive true Whether to set chmod on dirs recursively or not.
http_user false User the web server runs as. If this parameter is not configured, deployer try to detect it from the process list.
clear_paths [] List of paths which need to be deleted in release after updating code.
clear_use_sudo false Use or not sudo with clear_paths.
cleanup_use_sudo false Whether to use sudo with cleanup task.
use_relative_symlink Whether to use relative symlinks. By default deployer will detect if the system supports relative symlinks and use them.
use_atomic_symlink Whether to use atomic symlinks. By default deployer will detect if system supports atomic symlinks and use them.
composer_action install Composer action.
composer_options {{composer_action}} --verbose --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-interaction --no-dev --optimize-autoloader Options for Composer including the action. This is what is used by the deploy:vendors task.
env [] Array of environment variables.
releases_list [...] List the names of the existings releases.
release_name Function that returns the name of the next release. Override to provide your own release_name logic (e.g YmdHis format).
current_path Path of the currently active release.
bin/git Git binary.
bin/php PHP binary.
bin/composer Composer binary.
bin/symlink Symlink binary.
bin/npm Npm binary.
bin/yarn Yarn binary.
laravel_version Version of Laravel used.
php_fpm_service Name of the php-fpm service.
php_fpm_command echo "" | sudo -S /usr/sbin/service {{php_fpm_service}} reload Command used to reload the php-fpm service.
application Application name.
allow_anonymous_stats false Whether or not you allow Deployer to receive anonymous statistics from you.
local_deploy_path vendor/lorisleiva/laravel-deploy/.build Temporary folder used for building assets locally when running deploy:local.
local_cache_repository root directory Additional git reference when cloning locally using deploy:local to reduce network downloads and improve performances. Defaults to the root of your application.
local_keep_releases 1 Number of releases to keep locally when running deploy:local. Defaults to 1 since the entire local_deploy_path is removed after deploy by default.
local_upload_options ['options' => ['--exclude=.git', '--exclude=vendor', '--exclude=node_modules']] Additional rsync options when uploading the local release to your host whilst running deploy:local.
default_timeout 300 Deployer's default process timeout when running a task. Set to null for no timeout.