deploy_path |
Where to deploy application on remote host. You should define this variable for all of your hosts. |
hostname |
Current hostname. Automatically set by host function. |
user |
Current git username |
Current user name. |
release_path |
Full path to the current release directory. Current dir path in non-deploy contexts. Use it as working path for your build |
previous_release |
Points to previous release if it exists. Otherwise variable doesn't exists. |
ssh_multiplexing |
true |
Use ssh multiplexing to speedup the native ssh client. |
stage |
Current stage. |
default_stage |
If the hosts declaration has stages, this option allows you to select the default stage to deploy to. |
keep_releases |
5 |
Number of releases to keep. -1 for unlimited releases. |
repository |
Git repository of the application. |
git_tty |
false |
Allocate TTY for git clone command. This allow you to enter a passphrase for keys or add host to known_hosts. |
git_recursive |
true |
Set the --recursive flag for git clone. Setting this to false will prevent submodules from being cloned as well. |
branch |
master |
Branch to deploy. |
shared_dirs |
[ "storage" ] |
List of shared directories. |
shared_files |
[ ".env" ] |
List of shared files. |
copy_dirs |
[] |
List of files to copy between release. |
writable_dirs |
[ "bootstrap/cache", "storage", "storage/app", "storage/framework", "storage/logs", ... ] |
List of directories which must be writable for web server. |
writable_mode |
acl |
Writable mode. Choice of acl , chmod , chown , chgrp . |
writable_use_sudo |
false |
Whether to use sudo with writable command. |
writable_chmod_mode |
0755 |
Mode for setting writable_mode in chmod. |
writable_chmod_recursive |
true |
Whether to set chmod on dirs recursively or not. |
http_user |
false |
User the web server runs as. If this parameter is not configured, deployer try to detect it from the process list. |
clear_paths |
[] |
List of paths which need to be deleted in release after updating code. |
clear_use_sudo |
false |
Use or not sudo with clear_paths. |
cleanup_use_sudo |
false |
Whether to use sudo with cleanup task. |
use_relative_symlink |
Whether to use relative symlinks. By default deployer will detect if the system supports relative symlinks and use them. |
use_atomic_symlink |
Whether to use atomic symlinks. By default deployer will detect if system supports atomic symlinks and use them. |
composer_action |
install |
Composer action. |
composer_options |
{{composer_action}} --verbose --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-interaction --no-dev --optimize-autoloader |
Options for Composer including the action. This is what is used by the deploy:vendors task. |
env |
[] |
Array of environment variables. |
releases_list |
[...] |
List the names of the existings releases. |
release_name |
Function that returns the name of the next release. Override to provide your own release_name logic (e.g YmdHis format). |
current_path |
Path of the currently active release. |
bin/git |
Git binary. |
bin/php |
PHP binary. |
bin/composer |
Composer binary. |
bin/symlink |
Symlink binary. |
bin/npm |
Npm binary. |
bin/yarn |
Yarn binary. |
laravel_version |
Version of Laravel used. |
php_fpm_service |
Name of the php-fpm service. |
php_fpm_command |
echo "" | sudo -S /usr/sbin/service {{php_fpm_service}} reload |
Command used to reload the php-fpm service. |
application |
Application name. |
allow_anonymous_stats |
false |
Whether or not you allow Deployer to receive anonymous statistics from you. |
local_deploy_path |
vendor/lorisleiva/laravel-deploy/.build |
Temporary folder used for building assets locally when running deploy:local . |
local_cache_repository |
root directory |
Additional git reference when cloning locally using deploy:local to reduce network downloads and improve performances. Defaults to the root of your application. |
local_keep_releases |
1 |
Number of releases to keep locally when running deploy:local . Defaults to 1 since the entire local_deploy_path is removed after deploy by default. |
local_upload_options |
['options' => ['--exclude=.git', '--exclude=vendor', '--exclude=node_modules']] |
Additional rsync options when uploading the local release to your host whilst running deploy:local . |
default_timeout |
300 |
Deployer's default process timeout when running a task. Set to null for no timeout. |