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Generating SSH config and SSHFS mount aliases using Zone API

Author: Peeter Marvet, original idea / script from Ingmar Aasoja

Managing SSH accounts on multiple servers is made easier with ~/.ssh/config, where you can specify username and other options for each hostname:

    ForwardAgent yes
    User virt11111

... so instead of ssh [email protected] you can do just ssh

Connecting to these accounts using SSHFS can be made easier using alias:

alias"mkdir -p ~/sshfs/ && sshfs -o follow_symlinks -o [email protected]: ~/sshfs/"

But when you have A LOT of servers even managing and updating these config entries and aliases becomes a burden.

Generating config files and aliases

With Zone API you can generate config entries for all servers you have access to, e.g these are on your account or delegated to you (with full rights). API key can be generated in self-service panel.

Download generate_ssh_configs.php and add your API credentials to array:

$zoneApiKeys = [
	'zoneidusername' => 'apikeyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',

And run it:

php generate_ssh_configs.php

Script will generate config files ~/.ssh/[zoneidusername].config and as an additional feature also aliases for mounting these accounts using SSHFS in ~/[zoneidusername].alias.

Including in main config

To use these add to your ~/.ssh/config:

Include *.config

As ssh uses first match from ~/.ssh/config you can override generated host entries by placing an entry before the Include, in which case you also need to add Host *:

Host *
    Include *.config

Creating aliases

Add to your ~/.bash_profile if you'd like to use SSHFS:

# aliases generated from Zone API
for f in ~/*.alias; do source "$f"; done
alias umount_sshfs='for f in ~/sshfs/*; do umount "$f"; done'

# *.config files generated from Zone API
complete -W "$(echo `cat ~/.ssh/config ~/.ssh/*.config | grep -E '^Host' | cut -d" " -f2- | tr " " "\n" | grep -v "*" | sort | uniq`;)" ssh

Undocumented features:

  • you can unmount all SSHFS shares with umount_sshfs
  • all hosts in config will appear as ssh autocomplete suggestions


  • we need physical server hostname or IP in API so configs can work also when actual hostname directs elsewhere (or uses dedicated IP)
  • add support for command-line arguments (what to create? for which ZoneID?)
  • add support for checking / adding SSH keys and whitelisted IPs to accounts