Threat modeling is a process by which potential threats, such as structural vulnerabilities can be identified, enumerated, and prioritized – all from a hypothetical attacker’s point of view.
The purpose of threat modeling is to provide defenders with a systematic analysis of the probable attacker’s profile, the most likely attack vectors, and the assets most desired by an attacker.
Threat modeling answers questions like “Where are the high-value assets?”, “Where am I most vulnerable to attack?”, “What are the most relevant threats?”, and “Is there an attack vector that might go unnoticed?”. [1]
- Help you find design issues even before you’ve written a line of code
- Once you’ve chosen, changes will be expensive
- Good threat models can help you ask "Is that really a requirement?"
- Interplay between requirements, threats, and mitigations
- Some threats don't line up with your business requirements, and as such may not be worth addressing
- Your requirements may not be complete
- Other threats might be too complex or expensive to address
- Considering your requirements and design early in the process
- Dramatically lower the odds that you’ll be
- re-designing,
- re-factoring,
- or facing a constant stream of security bugs
- Deliver a better product on a more predictable schedule
- Threat modeling will lead you to categories of issues that other tools won’t find
- Models of what goes wrong, by abstracting away details, will help you see analogies and similarities to problems that have been discovered in other systems
- Threat modeling should not focus on issues that your other safety and security engineering is likely to find
Attack trees provide a formal, methodical way of describing the security of systems, based on varying attacks. Basically, you represent attacks against a system in a tree structure, with the goal as the root node and different ways of achieving that goal as leaf nodes.
- The goal: Opening the safe
- Each node becomes a subgoal, and children of that node are ways to
achieve that subgoal. Parent nodes can be either
nodes - I (impossible) or P (possible) have been assigned to each leaf node
- Dotted lines show possible attacks (=paths only over P-nodes)
- Cutting open the safe
- Learning the combination by bribing the owner of the safe
- Any Boolean value can be assigned to the leaf nodes and then propagated up the tree structure
- Example: Which attacks require Special Equipment (which is probably expensive to retrieve for the attacker)?
- Costs were assigned to the leaf nodes and propagated up the tree
nodes have the value of their cheapest childAND
nodes have the value of the sum of their children
- Dotted lines show attacks that cost less than $100,000
- Assumption: The contents of the safe are only worth $100,000
- You should only concern yourself with attacks cheaper than that!
- Dotted line = The cheapest attack requiring no special equipment
- Querying the attack tree about a certain characteristic of attack lets you learn more about the system's security
- Create an attack tree for the goal "Access Building" (obviously assuming that you are not authorized to do so in the first place)
- Assign values H (human interaction needed) or N (no human interaction needed) to each leaf node
- Assign costs to each leaf node (based on realistic price research!)
- Calculate cost and H/N values of each node and the goal
- Make some statements about the building's security based on querying the attack tree in different ways
- What are you building?
- What can go wrong with it once it’s built?
- What should you do about those things that can go wrong?
- Did you do a decent job of analysis?
- "We are going live with our facelifted next-gen online shop next month and we will gain market share like :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:!" (SVP Sales & Marketing)
- "We will offer a dedicated next-gen B2B API to our customers using a RESTful endpoint supporting standard and custom data formats. We will :soon: migrate our legacy-XML-integrated customers to this new interface." (Team Lead EDI Services)
- "Our new solution is no longer running natively on a classic VM but inside a single 🐳 container on any ☁️ platform!" (Datacenter Manager)
- "We added secure authentication via Google OAuth 2.0!" (CISO)
- "In a future release we will of course add a Blockchain!" (CIO)
- Boundaries to show who controls what
- Threats that cross those boundaries are likely important ones
- Different people control different things
ℹ️ Good examples include: Accounts, Network Interfaces, Different physical computers, virtual machines or organizational boundaries.
- Mark all trust boundaries in the given sample application's data flow diagram
- Check the statements from What are you building? and amend the diagram where necessary
- If statements are unclear or sound ambiguous to you, ask your lecturer to impersonate the stakeholder and clarify! :performing_arts:
- Are any new trust boundaries appearing? Do existing move or become obsolete?
Threat | Description |
Spoofing | Pretending to be something or someone you’re not |
Tampering | Modifying something you’re not supposed to modify. It can include packets on the wire (or wireless), bits on disk, or the bits in memory |
Repudiation | Claiming you didn’t do something (regardless of whether you did or not) |
Information Disclosure | Exposing information to people who are not authorized to see it |
Denial of Service | Attacks designed to prevent a system from providing service, including by crashing it, making it unusably slow, or filling all its storage |
Elevation of Privilege | When a program or user is technically able to do things that they’re not supposed to do |
Threat | Security Goal/Principle |
Spoofing | Authenticity |
Tampering | Integrity |
Repudiation | Non-repudiation |
Information Disclosure | Confidentiality |
Denial of Service | Availability |
Elevation of Privilege | Authorization |
- Deal the deck (Shuffling is optional)
- The person with the 3 of Tampering leads the first round
- Play each round (:next_track_button: slide)
- When all the cards have been played, the game ends and the person with the most points wins
- If you’re threat modeling a system you’re building, then you go file any bugs you find
- Each player plays one card, starting with the person leading the round, and then moving clockwise
- To play a card, read it aloud, and try to determine if it affects the system you have diagrammed. If you can link it, write it down, and score yourself a point. Play continues clockwise with the next player
- When each player has played a card, the player who has played the highest card wins the round. That player leads the next round
🖨️ EoP cards and accessories for printing (CC BY 3.0 US)
- Split into groups of 3-6 students
- If not provided to you, 🖨️ a set of EoP cards and one Score Card
- ✂️ out the EoP playing cards
- Play a complete game of EoP for the sample application
- Keep your Score Card in a safe place for Exercise 7.4 (:pencil:)
- Mitigate: Doing things to make it harder to take advantage of a threat
- Eliminate: Almost always achieved by eliminating features
- Transfer: Letting someone or something else handle the risk
- Accept: Once you've accepted the risk, you shouldn't worry over it. Sometimes worry is a sign that the risk hasn't been fully accepted, or that the risk acceptance was inappropriate
- Can we tell a story without changing the diagram?
- Can we tell that story without using words such as “sometimes” or “also”?
- Can we look at the diagram and see exactly where the software will make a security decision?
- Does the diagram show all the trust boundaries, such as where different accounts interact? Do you cover all UIDs, all application roles, and all network interfaces?
- Does the diagram reflect the current or planned reality of the software?
- Can we see where all the data goes and who uses it?
- Do we see the processes that move data from one data store to another?
- Have we looked for each of the STRIDE threats?
- Have we looked at each element of the diagram?
- Have we looked at each data flow in the diagram?
- Have we written down or filed a bug for each threat?
- Is there a proposed/planned/implemented way to address each threat?
- Do we have a test case per threat?
- Has the software passed the test?
- Meet with your original EoP-group and have the Score Card ready
- Address each threat identified from Exercise 7.2 and outline your choice of Mitigate, Eliminate, Transfer, or Accept with some corresponding measures
- Go through the Did you do a decent job? list to verify your result is sufficiently detailed and up-to-date
- Scan or take a photo of your Score Card and send it to [email protected]
- (Optional) Use a PGP encrypted (:closed_lock_with_key:) and signed (:lock_with_ink_pen:) email in step 4!