This repo contains a minimal example to reproduce the following Triton server inference issue: essentially, with the triton server hosting multiple model on one GPU, we see inconsistent result when GPU is heavily used
To reproduce this issue, I created a model repository with 2 TensorRT model:
- RensetV18
- InceptionV3
Both conversions are directly done using the NVIDIA torch2trt package (
import torch
import torchvision
model = torchvision.models.inception_v3(pretrained=True).cuda().half().eval()
data = torch.randn((1, 3, 224, 224)).cuda().half()
with open('/workspace/ubuntu/model_repository_2011/inceptionv3/1/model', "wb") as f:
Launch Triton Server with this model repository, and run multiple jobs so that a significant portion of the GPU is running. One can see for the same model with same input, we have different results
I am using AWS g4dn.xlarge instance, it use T4 GPU.
To launch the triton server I use the latest NGC Triton Server container
To build the TensorRT models I use the latest NGC TensorRT container
An example model repository is created. Download the tar file with following link
Uncompress the tar file, the directory triton_issues_data
: the model repository we use to launch the triton servertesting_inputs.p
example input for both model
We run models using the python GRPC client therefore we download the following packages
pip install tritonclient[http]
pip install nvidia-pyindex
pip install docopt
Suppose our head folder is /home/ubuntu
We first launch the triton server
docker run -d --gpus=all --rm --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 -p8000:8000 -p8001:8001 -p8002:8002 -v /home/ubuntu/trt_issues_data/model_repository_2011:/models -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 tritonserver --model-repository=/models --strict-model-config=false
We run both model resnet18
and inceptionv3
multiple times simultanously so that GPU is heavily used, on one T4 GPU machine:
- We run each model 4 times and save the result
- Each time we use input size
, and repeat 64 times
The folllowing commands do the aboves, and save resnet18 results in outputs1-4, and save the inceptionv3 results5-8
nohup python /home/ubuntu/tritoninferenceissues/ resnet18 /home/ubuntu/trt_issues_data/testing_inputs.p 64 outputs1.p &
nohup python /home/ubuntu/tritoninferenceissues/ inceptionv3 /home/ubuntu/trt_issues_data/testing_inputs.p 64 outputs5.p &
nohup python /home/ubuntu/tritoninferenceissues/ resnet18 /home/ubuntu/trt_issues_data/testing_inputs.p 64 outputs2.p &
nohup python /home/ubuntu/tritoninferenceissues/ inceptionv3 /home/ubuntu/trt_issues_data/testing_inputs.p 64 outputs6.p &
nohup python /home/ubuntu/tritoninferenceissues/ resnet18 /home/ubuntu/trt_issues_data/testing_inputs.p 64 outputs3.p &
nohup python /home/ubuntu/tritoninferenceissues/ inceptionv3 /home/ubuntu/trt_issues_data/testing_inputs.p 64 outputs7.p &
nohup python /home/ubuntu/tritoninferenceissues/ resnet18 /home/ubuntu/trt_issues_data/testing_inputs.p 64 outputs4.p &
nohup python /home/ubuntu/tritoninferenceissues/ inceptionv3 /home/ubuntu/trt_issues_data/testing_inputs.p 64 outputs8.p &
One should excpect outputs 1-4 are the same, outputs 5-8 are the same. However, that is not the case, if you compare the results the discrepancy is significantly large.
import numpy as np
import pickle
f1 = pickle.load(open('/home/ubuntu/outputs1.p','rb'))
f2 = pickle.load(open('/home/ubuntu/outputs2.p','rb'))
f3 = pickle.load(open('/home/ubuntu/outputs3.p','rb'))
f4 = pickle.load(open('/home/ubuntu/outputs4.p','rb'))
f5 = pickle.load(open('/home/ubuntu/outputs5.p','rb'))
f6 = pickle.load(open('/home/ubuntu/outputs6.p','rb'))
f7 = pickle.load(open('/home/ubuntu/outputs7.p','rb'))
f8 = pickle.load(open('/home/ubuntu/outputs8.p','rb'))
for entry in [f2,f3,f4]:
for entry in [f7,f6,f8]:
You can reproduce the model_repository and inputs data yourself, like mentioned before, the two models are just TensorRT models from TorchVisions
- resnet18
- inceptionv3
The example inputs is just a random array