HTTPS requires an initial handshake which can be very slow. The actual amount of data transferred as part of the handshake isn't huge (under 5 kB typically), but for very small requests, this can be quite a bit of overhead. However, once the handshake is done, a very fast form of symmetric encryption is used, so the overhead there is minimal.
ZMOK focuses primarily on speed, so HTTP is also available, but consider using HTTP to read and using HTTPS for the send calls.
If you need to call more requests per second, consider using the HTTP endpoints:
$ git clone
$ # Follow installation instructions
$ ethspam | versus --stop-after=100 --concurrency=200 "" ""
0. ""
Requests: 585.46 per second
Timing: 0.3416s avg, 0.1869s min, 1.1439s max
0.1695s standard deviation
25% in 0.2844s
50% in 0.3094s
75% in 0.3300s
90% in 0.3588s
95% in 0.8189s
99% in 1.1439s
Errors: 0.00%
1. ""
Requests: 1035.88 per second
Timing: 0.1931s avg, 0.0749s min, 1.0564s max
0.1632s standard deviation
25% in 0.1143s
50% in 0.1414s
75% in 0.1909s
90% in 0.2596s
95% in 0.6236s
99% in 1.0564s
Errors: 0.00%
** Summary for 2 endpoints:
Completed: 100 results with 200 total requests
Timing: 267.341168ms request avg, 1.285858648s total run time
Errors: 0 (0.00%)
Mismatched: 0
To get the latest block as a first consider using Websocket endpoints with subscribe method "newBlockHeaders".
Benchmark of different API providers on how fast they get a new block:
$ git clone
$ cd block-speed-comparison
$ npm install
$ npm start
Waiting ...
New block from ZMOK-FR-WS #12884576 -> WINNER
Waiting ...
Received block from ZMOK-FR #12884576, LAG time: 0.207 sec
Received block from ZMOK #12884576, LAG time: 0.277 sec
Received block from ZMOK-WS #12884576, LAG time: 0.369 sec
Waiting ...
Received block from INFURA #12884576, LAG time: 1.076 sec
Waiting ...
New block from ZMOK-FR-WS #12884577 -> WINNER
Received block from ZMOK-WS #12884577, LAG time: 0.121 sec
Waiting ...
Received block from ZMOK #12884577, LAG time: 0.353 sec
Received block from ZMOK-FR #12884577, LAG time: 0.369 sec
New block from ZMOK-FR-WS #12884578 -> WINNER
Received block from ZMOK-WS #12884578, LAG time: 0.06 sec
Waiting ...
Received block from ZMOK-FR #12884578, LAG time: 0.728 sec
Received block from ZMOK #12884578, LAG time: 0.728 sec
Received block from ALCHEMY-WS #12884576, LAG blocks: 2
Waiting ...
Received block from INFURA #12884578, LAG time: 1.741 sec
New block from ZMOK-FR-WS #12884579 -> WINNER
Received block from ZMOK-WS #12884579, LAG time: 0.143 sec
Waiting ...
Received block from ZMOK-FR #12884579, LAG time: 0.765 sec
Received block from ZMOK #12884579, LAG time: 0.767 sec
Waiting ...