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62 lines (40 loc) · 1.21 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (40 loc) · 1.21 KB

To release a new version of p0tion, the following steps can be taken:

you have to replace version number 1.2.3 with the version number you are planning to release

  1. Verify that tests have passed on GitHub Actions

  2. Clone p0tion:

git clone
  1. Install required dependencies:
yarn install --immutable
  1. Install required global dependencies:
npm install -g lerna
npm install -g conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits
  1. Run lerna version to update CHANGELOG and version numbers of sub-packages:
npx lerna version --no-push --no-git-tag-version --conventional-commits 1.2.3 --message "chore(release): publish 1.2.3"
  1. Push changes and create a pull request

  2. Merge pull request into main branch

  3. Retrieve merged commit from main branch:

git pull origin main
  1. Add a tag:
git tag --sign v1.2.3 --message v1.2.3
  1. Publish tag:
git push v1.2.3

Once the tag is pushed, GitHub Actions will automatically publish the packages to npm.js[1] and create a release on GitHub.

[1]: The following packages will be published on npm.js:

  • @p0tion/actions
  • @p0tion/backend
  • @p0tion/phase2cli