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Prove the Golang code

  • Compile the Go code to MIPS

Write your own hello.go, and compile it with

GOOS=linux GOARCH=mips GOMIPS=softfloat go build hello.go
  • Split the ELF hello into segments. Note that the flag BLOCK_NO is only necessary for minigeth.
cd prover/examples/split-seg

BASEDIR=../../../emulator/test-vectors RUST_LOG=info ELF_PATH=../../../emulator/test-vectors/minigeth BLOCK_NO=13284491 SEG_OUTPUT=/tmp/output SEG_SIZE=65536 ARGS="" cargo run --release
  • Generate proof for specific segment (Set SEG_START_ID to specific segment id and set SEG_NUM to 1)
cd ../prove-seg
BASEDIR=../../../emulator/test-vectors RUST_LOG=info BLOCK_NO=13284491 SEG_FILE_DIR="/tmp/output" SEG_START_ID=0 SEG_NUM=1 SEG_SIZE=65536 \
    cargo run --release
  • Aggregate proof all segments (Set SEG_START_ID to 0, and set SEG_NUM to the total segments number)
BASEDIR=../../../emulator/test-vectors RUST_LOG=info BLOCK_NO=13284491 SEG_FILE_DIR="/tmp/output" SEG_START_ID=0 SEG_NUM=299 SEG_SIZE=65536 \
    cargo run --release
  • Generate proof for specific large segment (Split large segment into small segments)
cd ../prove-large-seg
BASEDIR=../../../emulator/test-vectors RUST_LOG=info SEG_FILE=/tmp/output/8 BLOCK_NO=13284491 SEG_OUTPUT=/tmp/output1 SEG_SIZE=16384 cargo run --release

Prove Go sdk code

The SDK provide Read and Commit interface to read input and commit output. Take sha2-go for example:

  • Build the sha2-go
cd prover/examples/sha2-go/guest
GOOS=linux GOARCH=mips GOMIPS=softfloat go build .
  • Run the host program
cd ../host
ARGS="711e9609339e92b03ddc0a211827dba421f38f9ed8b9d806e1ffdd8c15ffa03d world!" RUST_LOG=info SEG_OUTPUT=/tmp/output cargo run --release

Prove the Rust code

  • Download and install toolchain for mips-zkm-zkvm-elf
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  • Build and run Sha2/revme (new)
cd prover/examples/sha2-rust/host

# echo -n 'world!' | sha256sum
# 711e9609339e92b03ddc0a211827dba421f38f9ed8b9d806e1ffdd8c15ffa03d

ARGS="711e9609339e92b03ddc0a211827dba421f38f9ed8b9d806e1ffdd8c15ffa03d world!" RUST_LOG=info SEG_OUTPUT=/tmp/output cargo run --release


cd prover/examples/revme/host

RUST_LOG=info JSON_PATH=../../../../emulator/test-vectors/test.json SEG_OUTPUT=/tmp/output SEG_SIZE=262144 cargo run --release

Prove composition code

  • Build the sha2-rust (new)
cd prover/examples/sha2-rust/host
cargo check
  • Build and run the sha2-composition (new)
cd ../../sha2-composition/host
RUST_LOG=info PRECOMPILE_PATH=../../sha2-rust/guest/elf/mips-zkm-zkvm-elf SEG_OUTPUT=/tmp/output cargo run --release