Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Internal TzKT id. [sortable] | [optional] |
ticketer | \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\TicketTicketer | [optional] | |
raw_type | \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\TicketRawType | [optional] | |
raw_content | \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\TicketRawContent | [optional] | |
content | mixed | Ticket content in JSON format. | [optional] |
type_hash | int | 32-bit hash of the ticket content type. | [optional] |
content_hash | int | 32-bit hash of the ticket content. | [optional] |
first_minter | \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\TicketFirstMinter | [optional] | |
first_level | int | Level of the block where the ticket was first seen. [sortable] | [optional] |
first_time | \DateTime | Timestamp of the block where the ticket was first seen. | [optional] |
last_level | int | Level of the block where the ticket was last seen. [sortable] | [optional] |
last_time | \DateTime | Timestamp of the block where the ticket was last seen. | [optional] |
transfers_count | int | Total number of transfers. [sortable] | [optional] |
balances_count | int | Total number of holders ever seen. [sortable] | [optional] |
holders_count | int | Total number of current holders. [sortable] | [optional] |
total_minted | string | Total amount minted. | [optional] |
total_burned | string | Total amount burned. | [optional] |
total_supply | string | Total amount exists. | [optional] |