Contributions are very welcome and highly appreciated!
1 - First create a python development virtualenv
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt -r requirements-extra.txt
2 - Install docker and docker-compose
Contributions for new features or fixes should have tests associated. To verify that all tests are green you can run a subset of tests targeting only Postgres.
1 - Start Postgres
$ docker-compose up -d
2 - Run Postgres tests
$ nosetests flask_appbuilder.tests
You can also use tox
$ tox -e postgres
4 - Code Formatting
$ black flask_appbuilder
$ flake8 flask_appbuilder
Using Postgres
1 - Stop and delete Postgres volume, then restart
$ docker-compose down -v
$ docker-compose up -d
2 - Export the connection string
$ export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql+psycopg2://pguser:[email protected]/app
3 - Run the fixtures
$ nosetests -v flask_appbuilder.tests.A_fixture
4 - Run a single test
$ nosetests -v flask_appbuilder.tests.test_api:APITestCase.test_get_item_dotted_mo_notation
If your using SQLite3, the location of the db is: ./flask_appbuilder/tests/app.db You can safely delete it, if you need to delete the fixtures for example.
We want to keep Flask-AppBuilder safe for everyone. If you've discovered a security vulnerability please report to [email protected]. Reporting security vulnerabilities through the usual GitHub Issues channel is not ideal as it will publicize the flaw before a fix can be applied.