wget -O tbmate ""
## or mac
wget -O tbmate ""
chmod a+x tbmate
Download test data here
## unzip test data
cd test
cd test
# on native coordinate systems
./tbmate view -cd -g chr19:246460-346460 WGBS/tbk | less
./tbmate view -cd EPIC/tbk | less
./tbmate view -g cg00013374,cg00012123,cg00006867 -cd HM450/tbk | less
# convert hg38 to EPIC array and subset with probe ID
./tbmate view -cd -g cg00013374,cg00012123,cg00006867 -i indices/hg38_to_EPIC.idx.gz WGBS/tbk | less
# convert EPIC array to hg38 and subset with genomic range
./tbmate view -cd -g chr19:246460-346460 -i indices/EPIC_to_hg38.idx.gz WGBS/tbk | less
# note the index is provided as a relative path, it will remain valid as long as out.tbk is kept relatively
# same with respective to indices/hg38.idx.gz, one can also provide an absolute path
./tbmate pack -s float -m "indices/hg38.idx.gz" WGBS/raw/TCGA_BLCA_A13J_cpg.gz out.tbk
# view header
./tbmate header out.tbk
# change index location
./tbmate header -m "indices/hg38_to_EPIC.idx.gz" out.tbk
# confirm it's changed
./tbmate header out.tbk
# now using the new coordinates
./tbmate view -cd -g cg00013374,cg00012123,cg00006867 out.tbk | less
# switch back without modify the header
./tbmate view -cd -i "indices/hg38.idx.gz" -g chr19:246460-346460 out.tbk | less