This document explains how you can setup your own godwoken instance locally on a dev chain. You might notice here we use always success contracts extensively here:
- Godwoken related contracts are all replaced with always success contracts.
- Always success is used instead of PoA or PoS to control block issuance.
First, initialize a CKB chain:
$ export TOP=$(pwd)
$ ckb init -c dev -C godwoken-test1
Make modifications to ckb config files to setup miners. I typically modify genesis message so I get a different chain each time, but this is not required.
Now setup CKB:
$ ckb run -C godwoken-test1
In a different terminal:
$ ckb miner -C godwoken-test1
For now, we use dummy always success contracts as contract placeholders. You can of course try out real contracts, but here we are opting for the simpler way:
$ cd $TOP
$ cat << EOF > always_success.S
.global _start
li a7, 93
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/code nervos/ckb-riscv-gnu-toolchain:xenial bash
(docker) $ cd /code
(docker) $ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -o deposition_lock always_success.S -nostartfiles -nostdlib
(docker) $ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -o custodian_lock always_success.S -nostartfiles -nostdlib
(docker) $ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -o withdrawal_lock always_success.S -nostartfiles -nostdlib
(docker) $ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -o state_validator_lock always_success.S -nostartfiles -nostdlib
(docker) $ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -o state_validator_type always_success.S -nostartfiles -nostdlib
(docker) $ exit
$ cat << EOF > deployment.json
"programs": {
"deposition_lock": "deposition_lock",
"custodian_lock": "custodian_lock",
"withdrawal_lock": "withdrawal_lock",
"state_validator_lock": "state_validator_lock",
"state_validator_type": "state_validator_type"
"lock": {
"code_hash": "0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8",
"hash_type": "type",
"args": "0x2aa5cde8b19d02709861406cac02ce324a7ea31d"
You can adjust deployment.json
file with the lock you want to use.
Generate lumos config file using lumos-config-generator:
$ cd $TOP
$ lumos-config-generator lumos-config.json
Note you need to add a ANYONE_CAN_PAY
script to lumos config file, this is due to lumos' bug. The actual script configuration does not matter. We won't use ACP here.
Now clone godwoken code:
$ cd $TOP
$ git clone --recursive
$ cargo install moleculec --version 0.6.1
$ cd godwoken
$ cd c
$ make all-via-docker
$ cd ..
$ cargo build
$ yarn
Create a postgres instance:
$ docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_DB=lumos -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
Clone lumos so we can initialize the database:
$ cd $TOP
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd lumos && git checkout v0.14.2-rc6
$ yarn
$ cd packages/sql-indexer
$ cat << EOF > knexfile.js
module.exports = {
development: {
client: 'postgresql',
connection: {
database: 'lumos',
user: 'user',
password: 'password'
pool: {
min: 2,
max: 10
migrations: {
tableName: 'knex_migrations'
$ npx knex migrate:up
$ cd $TOP/godwoken
$ yarn workspace @ckb-godwoken/base tsc
$ yarn workspace @ckb-godwoken/tools tsc
$ LUMOS_CONFIG_FILE=$TOP/lumos-config.json node packages/tools/lib/deploy_scripts.js --private-key <private key used to deploy contracts> -f $TOP/deployment.json -o $TOP/deployment-results.json -s postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/lumos
First, create a godwoken config file:
$ cd $TOP
$ cat << EOF > godwoken_config.json
"genesis": {
"timestamp": "0x1234"
"consensus": {
"aggregator_id": "0x0"
"rpc": {
"listen": ""
$ cd $TOP/godwoken
$ yarn workspace @ckb-godwoken/base tsc
$ yarn workspace @ckb-godwoken/tools tsc
$ LUMOS_CONFIG_FILE=$TOP/lumos-config.json node packages/tools/lib/deploy_genesis.js --private-key <private key used to create genesis block> -d $TOP/deployment-results.json -c $TOP/godwoken_config.json -o $TOP/runner_config.json -s "postgresql://user:[email protected]:5432/lumos"
$ cd $TOP/godwoken
$ yarn workspace @ckb-godwoken/base tsc
$ yarn workspace @ckb-godwoken/runner tsc
$ LUMOS_CONFIG_FILE=$TOP/lumos-config.json node packages/runner/lib/index.js --private-key <private key for block_producer> -c $TOP/runner_config.json -s "postgresql://user:[email protected]:5432/lumos"