The examples assume the following required namespaces:
(require '[zero-one.geni.core :as g])
(require '[ :as ml])
(require '[zero-one.geni.test-resources :refer [melbourne-df]])
Example datasets can be found in the test/resources
The following examples are taken from Apache Spark's example page and Databricks' examples.
Note that melbourne-df
is a function so we need to add ()
to evaluate it.
(-> (melbourne-df)
(g/filter (g/like :Suburb "%South%"))
(g/select "Suburb"
(g/lower "SellerG")
(g/upper :Type))
(g/limit 5)
; +---------------|--------------|--------------------------|-----------+
; |Suburb |lower(SellerG)|Regionname |upper(Type)|
; +---------------|--------------|--------------------------|-----------+
; |Wantirna South |llc |Eastern Metropolitan |H |
; |South Melbourne|conquest |Southern Metropolitan |H |
; |Frankston South|ray |South-Eastern Metropolitan|H |
; |South Melbourne|cayzer |Southern Metropolitan |U |
; |South Melbourne|williams |Southern Metropolitan |H |
; +---------------|--------------|--------------------------|-----------+
(-> (melbourne-df)
(g/select :Suburb :Rooms :Price)
; root
; |-- Suburb: string (nullable = true)
; |-- Rooms: long (nullable = true)
; |-- Price: double (nullable = true)
(-> (melbourne-df)
(g/describe :Price)
; +-------|-----------------+
; |summary|Price |
; +-------|-----------------+
; |count |13580 |
; |mean |1075684.079455081|
; |stddev |639310.7242960163|
; |min |85000.0 |
; |max |9000000.0 |
; +-------|-----------------+
(-> (melbourne-df)
(g/agg (map g/null-rate [:Car :LandSize :BuildingArea]))
; => ({:Car 0.004565537555228277,
; :LandSize 0.0,
; :BuildingArea 0.47496318114874814})
Every window spec is used with over
at some point. Use the windowed
(-> (melbourne-df)
(g/select {:seller :SellerG
:price :Price
:ranks (g/over (g/rank)
(g/window {:partition-by :SellerG
:order-by (g/desc :Price)}))})
(g/filter (g/= :ranks 1))
(g/limit 5)
; +--------|---------|-----+
; |seller |price |ranks|
; +--------|---------|-----+
; |LITTLE |1535000.0|1 |
; |Langwell|1000000.0|1 |
; |Ristic |490000.0 |1 |
; |Ristic |490000.0 |1 |
; |S&L |925000.0 |1 |
; +--------|---------|-----+
(-> (melbourne-df)
(g/select {:seller :SellerG
:price :Price
:ranks (g/windowed {:window-col (g/rank)
:partition-by :SellerG
:order-by (g/desc :Price)})})
(g/filter (g/= :ranks 1))
(g/limit 5)
; +--------|---------|-----+
; |seller |price |ranks|
; +--------|---------|-----+
; |LITTLE |1535000.0|1 |
; |Langwell|1000000.0|1 |
; |Ristic |490000.0 |1 |
; |Ristic |490000.0 |1 |
; |S&L |925000.0 |1 |
; +--------|---------|-----+
The following examples are taken from Apache Spark's MLlib guide.
(def corr-df
[[(g/dense 1.0 0.0 -2.0 0.0)]
[(g/dense 4.0 5.0 0.0 3.0)]
[(g/dense 6.0 7.0 0.0 8.0)]
[(g/dense 9.0 0.0 1.0 0.0)]]
(let [corr-kw (keyword "pearson(features)")]
(corr-kw (g/first (ml/corr corr-df :features))))
; => ((1.0 0.055641488407465814 0.9442673704375603 0.1311482458941057)
; (0.055641488407465814 1.0 0.22329687826943603 0.9428090415820635)
; (0.9442673704375603 0.22329687826943603 1.0 0.19298245614035084)
; (0.1311482458941057 0.9428090415820635 0.19298245614035084 1.0))
(def hypothesis-df
[[0.0 (g/dense 0.5 10.0)]
[0.0 (g/dense 1.5 20.0)]
[1.0 (g/dense 1.5 30.0)]
[0.0 (g/dense 3.5 30.0)]
[0.0 (g/dense 3.5 40.0)]
[1.0 (g/dense 3.5 40.0)]]
[:label :features]))
(g/first (ml/chi-square-test hypothesis-df :features :label))
; => {:pValues (0.6872892787909721 0.6822703303362126),
; :degreesOfFreedom (2 3),
; :statistics (0.75 1.5))
(def sentence-data
[[0.0 "Hi I heard about Spark"]
[0.0 "I wish Java could use case classes"]
[1.0 "Logistic regression models are neat"]]
[:label :sentence]))
(def pipeline
(ml/tokenizer {:input-col :sentence
:output-col :words})
(ml/hashing-tf {:num-features 20
:input-col :words
:output-col :raw-features})
(ml/idf {:input-col :raw-features
:output-col :features})))
(def pipeline-model
(ml/fit sentence-data pipeline))
(-> sentence-data
(ml/transform pipeline-model)
(g/collect-col :features))
;; => ({:size 20,
;; :indices (6 8 13 16),
;; :values
;; (0.28768207245178085
;; 0.6931471805599453
;; 0.28768207245178085
;; 0.5753641449035617)}
;; {:size 20,
;; :indices (0 2 7 13 15 16),
;; :values
;; (0.6931471805599453
;; 0.6931471805599453
;; 1.3862943611198906
;; 0.28768207245178085
;; 0.6931471805599453
;; 0.28768207245178085)}
;; {:size 20,
;; :indices (3 4 6 11 19),
;; :values
;; (0.6931471805599453
;; 0.6931471805599453
;; 0.28768207245178085
;; 0.6931471805599453
;; 0.6931471805599453)})
(def dataframe
[[(g/dense 0.0 1.0 0.0 7.0 0.0)]
[(g/dense 2.0 0.0 3.0 4.0 5.0)]
[(g/dense 4.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 7.0)]]
(def pca
(ml/fit dataframe (ml/pca {:input-col :features
:output-col :pca-features
:k 3})))
(-> dataframe
(ml/transform pca)
(g/collect-col :pca-features))
;; => ((1.6485728230883807 -4.013282700516296 -5.524543751369388)
;; (-4.645104331781534 -1.1167972663619026 -5.524543751369387)
;; (-6.428880535676489 -5.337951427775355 -5.524543751369389))
(def scaler
(ml/standard-scaler {:input-col :features
:output-col :scaled-features
:with-std true
:with-mean false}))
(def scaler-model (ml/fit (libsvm-df) scaler))
(-> (libsvm-df)
(ml/transform scaler-model)
(g/limit 1)
(g/collect-col :scaled-features))
;; => ((0.5468234998110156
;; 1.5923262059067456
;; 2.435399721310935
;; 1.7081091742536456
;; 0.7334796787587756
;; 0.43457146586677264
;; 2.0985334204247876
;; 2.2563158921609334
;; 2.236765962167892
;; 2.226905085275203
;; 2.2554541846497917
;; ...
(def dataset
[[0 18 1.0 (g/dense 0.0 10.0 0.5) 1.0]]
[:id :hour :mobile :user-features :clicked]))
(def assembler
(ml/vector-assembler {:input-cols [:hour :mobile :user-features]
:output-col :features}))
(-> dataset
(ml/transform assembler)
(g/select :features :clicked)
; +-----------------------|-------+
; |features |clicked|
; +-----------------------|-------+
; |[18.0,1.0,0.0,10.0,0.5]|1.0 |
; +-----------------------|-------+
(def training (g/read-libsvm! "test/resources/sample_libsvm_data.txt"))
(def lr (ml/logistic-regression {:max-iter 10
:reg-param 0.3
:elastic-net-param 0.8}))
(def lr-model (ml/fit training lr))
(-> training
(ml/transform lr-model)
(g/select :label :probability)
(g/limit 5)
; +-----|----------------------------------------+
; |label|probability |
; +-----|----------------------------------------+
; |0.0 |[0.6764827243160599,0.32351727568394006]|
; |1.0 |[0.22640965216205314,0.7735903478379468]|
; |1.0 |[0.2210316383828499,0.7789683616171501] |
; |1.0 |[0.2526490765347194,0.7473509234652805] |
; |1.0 |[0.22494007343582254,0.7750599265641774]|
; +-----|----------------------------------------+
(take 3 (ml/coefficients lr-model))
; => (-7.353983524188197E-5 -9.102738505589466E-5 -1.9467430546904298E-4)
(ml/intercept lr-model)
; => 0.22456315961250325
(def data (g/read-libsvm! "test/resources/sample_libsvm_data.txt"))
(def split-data (g/random-split data [0.7 0.3]))
(def train-data (first split-data))
(def test-data (second split-data))
(def label-indexer
(ml/fit data (ml/string-indexer {:input-col :label :output-col :indexed-label})))
(def feature-indexer
(ml/fit data (ml/vector-indexer {:input-col :features
:output-col :indexed-features
:max-categories 4})))
(def pipeline
(ml/gbt-classifier {:label-col :indexed-label
:features-col :indexed-features
:max-iter 10
:feature-subset-strategy "auto"})
(ml/index-to-string {:input-col :prediction
:output-col :predicted-label
:labels (ml/labels label-indexer)})))
(def model (ml/fit train-data pipeline))
(def predictions (ml/transform test-data model))
(def evaluator
(ml/multiclass-classification-evaluator {:label-col :indexed-label
:prediction-col :prediction
:metric-name "accuracy"}))
(-> predictions
(g/select :predicted-label :label)
(g/order-by (g/rand))
(g/limit 5)
(println "Test error:" (- 1 (ml/evaluate predictions evaluator)))
; +---------------|-----+
; |predicted-label|label|
; +---------------|-----+
; |0.0 |0.0 |
; |1.0 |1.0 |
; |1.0 |1.0 |
; |1.0 |1.0 |
; |1.0 |1.0 |
; +---------------|-----+
; Test error: 0.08823529411764708
(def training (g/read-libsvm! "test/resources/sample_libsvm_data.txt"))
(def xgb-model
(ml/xgboost-classifier {:max-depth 2 :num-round 2})))
(-> training
(ml/transform xgb-model)
(g/select :label :probability)
(g/limit 5)
; +-----|----------------------------------------+
; |label|probability |
; +-----|----------------------------------------+
; |0.0 |[0.7502040266990662,0.24979597330093384]|
; |1.0 |[0.24869805574417114,0.7513019442558289]|
; |1.0 |[0.24869805574417114,0.7513019442558289]|
; |1.0 |[0.24869805574417114,0.7513019442558289]|
; |1.0 |[0.24869805574417114,0.7513019442558289]|
; +-----|----------------------------------------+
(def training (g/read-libsvm! "test/resources/sample_libsvm_data.txt"))
(def lr (ml/linear-regression {:max-iter 10
:reg-param 0.8
:elastic-net-param 0.8}))
(def lr-model (ml/fit training lr))
(-> training
(ml/transform lr-model)
(g/select :label :prediction)
(g/limit 5)
; +-----|----------+
; |label|prediction|
; +-----|----------+
; |0.0 |0.57 |
; |1.0 |0.57 |
; |1.0 |0.57 |
; |1.0 |0.57 |
; |1.0 |0.57 |
; +-----|----------+
(take 3 (ml/coefficients lr-model))
; => (0.0 0.0 0.0)
(ml/intercept lr-model)
; => 0.57
(def data (g/read-libsvm! "test/resources/sample_libsvm_data.txt"))
(def feature-indexer
(ml/fit data (ml/vector-indexer {:input-col :features
:output-col :indexed-features
:max-categories 4})))
(def split-data (g/random-split data [0.7 0.3]))
(def train-data (first split-data))
(def test-data (second split-data))
(def pipeline
(ml/random-forest-regressor {:label-col :label
:features-col :indexed-features})))
(def model (ml/fit train-data pipeline))
(def predictions (ml/transform test-data model))
(def evaluator
(ml/regression-evaluator {:label-col :label
:prediction-col :prediction
:metric-name "rmse"}))
(-> predictions
(g/select :prediction :label)
(g/show {:num-rows 5}))
(println "RMSE:" (ml/evaluate predictions evaluator))
; +----------|-----+
; |prediction|label|
; +----------|-----+
; |0.15 |0.0 |
; |0.05 |0.0 |
; |0.05 |0.0 |
; |0.0 |0.0 |
; |0.15 |0.0 |
; +----------|-----+
; RMSE: 0.1436762233038478
(def train
[[1.218 1.0 (g/dense 1.560 -0.605)]
[2.949 0.0 (g/dense 0.346 2.158)]
[3.627 0.0 (g/dense 1.380 0.231)]
[0.273 1.0 (g/dense 0.520 1.151)]
[4.199 0.0 (g/dense 0.795 -0.226)]]
[:label :censor :features]))
(def quantile-probabilities [0.3 0.6])
(def aft
{:quantile-probabilities quantile-probabilities
:quantiles-col :quantiles}))
(def aft-model (ml/fit train aft))
(-> train (ml/transform aft-model) g/show)
; +-----|------|--------------|------------------|---------------------------------------+
; |label|censor|features |prediction |quantiles |
; +-----|------|--------------|------------------|---------------------------------------+
; |1.218|1.0 |[1.56,-0.605] |5.718979487634987 |[1.1603238947151624,4.9954560102747525]|
; |2.949|0.0 |[0.346,2.158] |18.076521181495465|[3.6675458454717664,15.789611866277742]|
; |3.627|0.0 |[1.38,0.231] |7.381861804239099 |[1.4977061305190835,6.447962612338963] |
; |0.273|1.0 |[0.52,1.151] |13.57761250142532 |[2.7547621481506925,11.859872224069731]|
; |4.199|0.0 |[0.795,-0.226]|9.013097744073866 |[1.8286676321297761,7.872826505878401] |
; +-----|------|--------------|------------------|---------------------------------------+
(def training (g/read-libsvm! "test/resources/sample_libsvm_data.txt"))
(def xgb-model
(ml/xgboost-regressor {:max-depth 2 :num-round 2})))
(-> training
(ml/transform xgb-model)
(g/select :label :prediction)
(g/limit 5)
; +-----|-------------------+
; |label|prediction |
; +-----|-------------------+
; |0.0 |0.24979597330093384|
; |1.0 |0.7513019442558289 |
; |1.0 |0.7513019442558289 |
; |1.0 |0.7513019442558289 |
; |1.0 |0.7513019442558289 |
; +-----|-------------------+
(def dataset
(g/read-libsvm! "test/resources/sample_kmeans_data.txt"))
(def model
(ml/fit dataset (ml/k-means {:k 2 :seed 1})))
(def predictions
(ml/transform dataset model))
(def silhoutte (ml/evaluate predictions (ml/clustering-evaluator {})))
(println "Silhouette with squared euclidean distance:" silhoutte)
(println "Cluster centers:" (ml/cluster-centers model))
; Silhouette with squared euclidean distance: 0.9997530305375207
; Cluster centers: ((0.1 0.1 0.1) (9.1 9.1 9.1))
(def dataset
(g/read-libsvm! "test/resources/sample_kmeans_data.txt"))
(def model
(ml/fit dataset (ml/lda {:k 10 :max-iter 10})))
(println "log-likehood:" (.logLikelihood model dataset))
(println "log-perplexity" (.logPerplexity model dataset))
; log-likehood: -164.51762514834732
; log-perplexity 1.9869278399558856
(-> dataset
(ml/transform model)
(g/limit 2)
(g/collect-col :topicDistribution))
; => ((0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
; (0.07701806399774133
; 0.07701821590017151
; 0.07701312686434603
; 0.07701770385981303
; 0.3068312384243969
; 0.0770491751796324
; 0.07701324197964737
; 0.07701452273708989
; 0.07701480342311406
; 0.07700990763404734))
(def ratings-df
(->> (slurp "test/resources/sample_movielens_ratings.txt")
(map #(clojure.string/split % #"::"))
(map (fn [row]
{:user-id (Integer/parseInt (first row))
:movie-id (Integer/parseInt (second row))
:rating (Float/parseFloat (nth row 2))
:timestamp (long (Integer/parseInt (nth row 3)))}))
(def model
(ml/fit ratings-df (ml/als {:max-iter 5
:reg-param 0.01
:user-col :user-id
:item-col :movie-id
:rating-col :rating})))
(.setColdStartStrategy model "drop")
(def predictions
(ml/transform ratings-df model))
(def evaluator
(ml/regression-evaluator {:metric-name "rmse"
:label-col :rating
:prediction-col :prediction}))
(println "Root-mean-square error:" (ml/evaluate predictions evaluator))
(-> (ml/recommend-users model 3)
(g/limit 5)
(-> (ml/recommend-items model 3)
(g/limit 5)
; Root-mean-square error: 0.29591909389846743
; +--------|--------------------------------------------------+
; |movie-id|recommendations |
; +--------|--------------------------------------------------+
; |31 |[[12, 3.893104], [6, 3.0838614], [14, 2.9631455]] |
; |85 |[[16, 4.730368], [8, 4.6532993], [7, 3.7848458]] |
; |65 |[[23, 4.732419], [14, 3.1167293], [25, 2.436222]] |
; |53 |[[22, 5.329093], [4, 4.733863], [24, 4.6916943]] |
; |78 |[[25, 1.3145051], [23, 1.1761607], [26, 1.135325]]|
; +--------|--------------------------------------------------+
; +-------|--------------------------------------------------+
; |user-id|recommendations |
; +-------|--------------------------------------------------+
; |28 |[[25, 5.689864], [92, 5.360779], [76, 5.1021585]] |
; |26 |[[51, 6.298293], [22, 5.4222317], [94, 5.2276535]]|
; |27 |[[18, 3.7351623], [7, 3.692539], [23, 3.3052857]] |
; |12 |[[46, 9.0876255], [17, 4.984369], [35, 4.9596915]]|
; |22 |[[53, 5.329093], [74, 5.013483], [75, 4.916749]] |
; +-------|--------------------------------------------------+
(def training
[[0 "a b c d e spark" 1.0]
[1 "b d" 0.0]
[2 "spark f g h" 1.0]
[3 "hadoop mapreduce" 0.0]
[4 "b spark who" 1.0]
[5 "g d a y" 0.0]
[6 "spark fly" 1.0]
[7 "was mapreduce" 0.0]
[8 "e spark program" 1.0]
[9 "a e c l" 0.0]
[10 "spark compile" 1.0]
[11 "hadoop software" 0.0]]
[:id :text :label]))
(def hashing-tf
(ml/hashing-tf {:input-col :words :output-col :features}))
(def logistic-reg
(ml/logistic-regression {:max-iter 10}))
(def pipeline
(ml/tokeniser {:input-col :text :output-col :words})
(def param-grid
{hashing-tf {:num-features (mapv int [10 100 1000])}
logistic-reg {:reg-param [0.1 0.01]}}))
(def cross-validator
(ml/cross-validator {:estimator pipeline
:evaluator (ml/binary-classification-evaluator {})
:estimator-param-maps param-grid
:num-folds 2
:parallelism 2}))
(def cv-model (ml/fit training cross-validator))
(def testing
[[4 "spark i j k"]
[5 "l m n"]
[6 "mapreduce spark"]
[7 "apache hadoop"]]
[:id :text]))
(-> testing
(ml/transform cv-model)
(g/select :id :text :probability :prediction)
; => ({:id 4,
; :text "spark i j k",
; :probability (0.12566260711357555 0.8743373928864244),
; :prediction 1.0}
; {:id 5,
; :text "l m n",
; :probability (0.995215441016286 0.004784558983713945),
; :prediction 0.0}
; {:id 6,
; :text "mapreduce spark",
; :probability (0.3069689523262689 0.693031047673731),
; :prediction 1.0}
; {:id 7,
; :text "apache hadoop",
; :probability (0.8040279442401511 0.19597205575984883),
; :prediction 0.0})
(def dataset
(-> (g/table->dataset
[['("1" "2" "5")]
['("1" "2" "3" "5")]
['("1" "2")]]
(def model
(ml/fp-growth {:items-col :items
:min-confidence 0.6
:min-support 0.5})))
(g/show (ml/frequent-item-sets model))
; +---------|----+
; |items |freq|
; +---------|----+
; |[1] |3 |
; |[2] |3 |
; |[2, 1] |3 |
; |[5] |2 |
; |[5, 2] |2 |
; |[5, 2, 1]|2 |
; |[5, 1] |2 |
; +---------|----+
(g/show (ml/association-rules model))
; +----------|----------|------------------|----+
; |antecedent|consequent|confidence |lift|
; +----------|----------|------------------|----+
; |[2, 1] |[5] |0.6666666666666666|1.0 |
; |[5, 1] |[2] |1.0 |1.0 |
; |[2] |[1] |1.0 |1.0 |
; |[2] |[5] |0.6666666666666666|1.0 |
; |[5] |[2] |1.0 |1.0 |
; |[5] |[1] |1.0 |1.0 |
; |[1] |[2] |1.0 |1.0 |
; |[1] |[5] |0.6666666666666666|1.0 |
; |[5, 2] |[1] |1.0 |1.0 |
; +----------|----------|------------------|----+