OpenZeppelin SDK is not being actively developed. We recommend using Upgrades Plugins instead.
For more information, see Building for interoperability: why we’re focusing on Upgrades Plugins.
JavaScript library for the OpenZeppelin smart contract platform.
OpenZeppelin SDK is a platform to develop, deploy and operate smart contract projects on Ethereum and every other EVM and eWASM-powered blockchain.
This is the repository for the OpenZeppelin SDK JavaScript library. It is mainly used
by the
command-line interface,
which is the recommended way to use the OpenZeppelin SDK; but this library can also be
used directly to operate projects when a programmatic interface is
preferred or more flexibility and lower-level access is required.
First, install Node.js and npm. Then, install the OpenZeppelin SDK JavaScript Library running:
npm install @openzeppelin/upgrades
Suppose there is a contract called MyContractV0
in the file
, already compiled to
, and that there is a development blockchain
network running locally in port 8545.
Open a Node.js console:
const Web3 = require('web3');
const { Contracts, ProxyAdminProject, ZWeb3 } = require('@openzeppelin/upgrades')
async function main() {
// Create web3 provider and initialize OpenZeppelin upgrades
const web3 = new Web3('http://localhost:8545');
// Create an OpenZeppelin project
const [from] = await ZWeb3.eth.getAccounts();
const project = new ProxyAdminProject('MyProject', null, null, { from, gas: 1e6, gasPrice: 1e9 });
// Deploy an instance of MyContractV0
console.log('Creating an upgradeable instance of v0...');
const MyContractV0 = Contracts.getFromLocal('MyContractV0');
const instance = await project.createProxy(MyContractV0, { initArgs: [42] });
const address = instance.options.address;
console.log(`Contract created at ${address}`);
// And check its initial value
const initialValue = await instance.methods.value().call();
console.log(`Initial value is ${initialValue.toString()}\n`);
// Upgrade it to V1
console.log('Upgrading to v1...');
const MyContractV1 = Contracts.getFromLocal('MyContractV1');
const instanceV1 = await project.upgradeProxy(instance.options.address, MyContractV1);
console.log(`Contract upgraded at ${instanceV1.options.address}`);
// And check its new `add` method, note that we use instanceV1 since V0 has no `add` in its ABI
await instanceV1.methods.add(10).send({ from, gas: 1e5, gasPrice: 1e9 });
const newValue = await instance.methods.value().call();
console.log(`Updated value is ${newValue.toString()}\n`);
If you find a security issue, please contact us at [email protected]. We give rewards for reported issues, according to impact and severity.
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