In OpenBSD 5.9 and later, thanks yo Stuart Henderson @sthen, you can install mlvpn like any other OpenBSD package:
pkg_add mlvpn
/etc/rc.d/mlvpn start
pkg_add git autoconf automake libev libsodium
.. note: For OpenBSD 5.6 and older, you need to build libsodium from source, because the version provided is too old.
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include $CPPFLAGS"
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib $LDFLAGS"
git clone mlvpn
cd mlvpn
doas make install
doas make install
doas mkdir /etc/mlvpn
doas cp /usr/local/share/doc/mlvpn/mlvpn.rc /etc/rc.d/mlvpn
doas cp /usr/local/share/doc/mlvpn/mlvpn.conf /etc/mlvpn/
doas cp /usr/local/share/doc/mlvpn/ /etc/mlvpn/
doas chown -R root:wheel /etc/mlvpn
doas chmod 660 /etc/mlvpn/mlvpn.conf
doas chmod 700 /etc/mlvpn/ /etc/rc.d/mlvpn
# Create a system user for mlvpn
doas groupadd _mlvpn
doas useradd -c "mlvpn Daemon" -d /var/empty -s /sbin/nologin -L daemon -g _mlvpn _mlvpn
Edit /etc/mlvpn/mlvpn.conf for your needs.
doas mlvpn -c /etc/mlvpn/mlvpn.conf --user _mlvpn
# or using rc.d:
doas /etc/rc.d/mlvpn start
Don't forget you get the super easy way to configure source-routing with mlvpn on OpenBSD. Just create your routing tables with route(8) -T then use bindfib in mlvpn.conf.